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Lonely Soldier Boy

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Everything posted by Lonely Soldier Boy

  1. Would you buy a DYRL SDF-1 in TV colors? You're weird.
  2. Damn Shin! I'm having enough trouble keeping up with the toys I'm already collecting. I don't need this. What's the matter with you?
  3. Yeah, the Ravens is more interesting than these. Besides, it's from a known franchise to Macross fans, so I don't see why these new scheme would sell better than the Ravens one. IMHO, the VFX repaint didn't sell well because the 1/72 was a crappy toy to begin with and we all already owned the "hero" mecha. I any case I'd love to see Yamato going wild and offering some really new schemes and not just trim variants.
  4. Graham, could you please ask Yamato to clarify on the whole Photoshop matter? Thanks chap. I keed, I keed.
  5. Hahaha, One of the 19s is just a Photoshopped pic of the other, I'm guessing it's the blue one since that was the one Yamato wasn't certain about. Way to go, Yamato, cutting costs on prototypes. The customizing base idea makes it kind of appealing, but I need a real improvement over the Mac+ version to make me buy another 19. I'm more into the VF-22 right now.
  6. If Bandai ever produces a Köenig Monster, I hope it's a whole new one and better than Yamato's. I specially dislike the gaps at the wing roots in Bomber mode and the sagging arms.
  7. Nice find. I'll check it out for sure. Loved the production design. It's either a homage to Alien or Ron Cobb is behind the pencils on this one also.
  8. Hey M¡riya, I was thinking that you could sand down the head and putty it up changing the basic shape to your taste and keeping the openning cockpit gimmick. Just make sure to make sketches of the new head from all sides till you're satisfied with the design.
  9. I haven't took a photo in ages (since photography switched to digital at least), so this picture wasn't taken by me but a MW fellow member (I can't remember his name right now). What got me into making this composition was the lighting of the original picture. It's hard to find good toy pictures with natural lighting that you can use to set the toy in a natural environment. Enjoy
  10. Wow, you must really dislike the Tomo's head! Sounds like a fun idea tho'. I'd like to see the results.
  11. Thanks Jenius. Ok, now you all know. I don't own a VF-11. Are you happy?
  12. The little beotch. She looks all worked up about the toys, but I can tell she's just pretending. She don't give a fawk about PT heatshields, VF-22 repaints or franchise issues. All girls are the same.
  13. Sorry if this has been addressed before, but I can't seem to identify the Isamu figure on top. It seems a resculpt, shunken to the right scale and with feet Isamu figure. Anybody knows which release this figure came with?
  14. I'm on the same boat. I like the Drone because it's a rare mecha, but the price and overall engineering makes it a ridiculously expensive item to buy. If the whole transforming aircraft line were priced according to the toy design, I would've bought them all by now. I'm waiting for reviews on the Legioss/TREAD combo re-release, but not holding my breath about it. Knowing CM's, they'll probably charge another 30 bucks for the extra gun alone.
  15. Wow, Hikaru colors. I didn't see that one coming C'mon, Yamato, loosen up a bit.
  16. Agreed. Yamato will use this limited release to gauge interest in the fan racer. Be patient and eventually you'll get the real thing with retractable landing gear and Hikaru and Minmay figures. We already got the standalone Ghost, so why not the fan racer?
  17. I don't think Yamato needs those schemes to milk the molds. Stealth and Woodland schemes comes to mind. I think Graham went too cryptic this time around.
  18. If I ever get a 25, it'll be the 1/100 Ozma... But I doubt it. What I'm really looking forward to (at least for now), is the VF-19.
  19. About Hikaru piloting the Spartan in the TV series, Yamato could just pack the toy with a Hikaru pilot figure and label the box as "Destroid Spartan Hikaru Type" or something like that to spark more interest in potential buyers. I know squat about marketing, so if anyone feels like bashing my idea with smart marketing theories, save it: I'm merely wishful thinking.
  20. I'm not much of a gamer, but I love the mecha designs on ZOE. Is there any toys available or in the works? In any case I hope this new sequel sparks some interest in toy makers.
  21. Not that I can't wait for it to come out (very little money these days), but is there any word on the release date of the OD Defender yet?
  22. Hey, Raven. I hope this helps. I also grabbed some more images from the official site, with more views of the Bike and Slave Maneuver modes, but I'm not sure I can post them here. Also if this image infringes any copyright law, Mods please remove it. I should say that, tho' it's definitely inspired on the first Garland and the transformation is the same, it has a lot of diferences, which means Yamato (or you) would have to rework almost all of the visible pieces. I'd love to see it made tho'. I really dig this design.
  23. If the linkup has been improved (as the pic above seems to suggest), then I might get a combo. 200 is a lot better than 300. Still a bit steep for this particular toy, but a lot better.
  24. Hey, Raven! Hahaha, Yep! That's me! Whenever there's a new variable bike thread you can be sure I'll show up sooner than later. About Yamato making a Blue G, well, maybe we won't be seeing one in the next few years, but I wonder what's keeping them from releasing the EX-Garland.
  25. Yamato should make the blue Garland as well. It's a nice redesign and not that different from the original ones engineering-wise. Too bad the game itself don't seem to be a hit, so I doubt we'll see a toy of the blue G anytime soon.
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