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Lonely Soldier Boy

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Everything posted by Lonely Soldier Boy

  1. That's good news. Thanks Save. Edit: BTW, Ravenhawk. The Ridearmor is definitely a streetfighter:
  2. I'm waiting for that myself. I own all four Masterpiece Alphas and I don't feel like spending another fortune on their respective Betas. Too much dead weight for my tastes. An all plastic combo only makes sense from all points of view, and then there's the chance of seeing some improvement over the MPC's (Yeah, I know it's Toynami we're talking about). BTW, whatever happened with CM's fixed and spiced up Legioss/TREAD combo? I'm curious to see how that turns out.
  3. They're probably just separate pieces glued in place to make 'em look functional.
  4. 125 milimeters? Damn, that's tiny. I was hoping for a GI joe sized Klan figure, not Q-Rea figure.
  5. The scale on the Q-Rea would make Klan roughly a 3 3/4 action figure, so I'm getting it just to have a Q-series mecha in that scale. Alto I don't care about. As I said in the GNU-DOU thread, I'm not into non transforming toys of transformable mecha.
  6. Thank you, boys. Tempted to get two Rays instead of one for that tighter feel on both versions, but I'm having trouble keeping up with this line as it is.
  7. Thank you, boys. Tempted to get two Rays instead of one for that tighter feel on both my riders, but I'm having trouble keeping up with this babies as it is.
  8. What's Bandai's record on small hinges and massive limbs?
  9. I've a question for those of you who already own a Rand/Rey: What part of the set is tighter (than the previous release, I mean), the bike, the rider or both?
  10. Opening cockpit with figure inside? Deal! Tho' the figure is probably just a torso glued inside. Is there any confirmation on the cannon fodder version?
  11. Those saddlebags are a must. I hope Beagle takes note and include their own in future releases.
  12. Fawk! I REALLY dislike the Toynami head version this time around. Last time I was willing to overlook the head thing because of the asking price and because neither head looked quite like Stig/Scott anyway, but this time Toynami dropped the ball big time. Agreed.
  13. Look on the bright side: that Cross Line Garland toy would've never being able to stand on it's own in Slave Maneuver mode anyway. What's moe, BTW?
  14. Ooooh! "Lost Possibility"! Now I get it
  15. Maybe they're just pushing it back. If that's the case, I hope they revise the main mecha, AND the character design. Me, I'd wish some other team took over and start it all over from scratch.
  16. The Cross Line reminds me this bike.
  17. Never seen those designs before. Thanks a lot for posting them. I have my gripes with some of the designs but I feel sad this series was never produced. I like how they tweaked the "intakes" detail in the redesigned Garland, but the overall bike looks pretty boring: the illo on page 26 gives me the feeling that the main character just stole his gandpa's brand new Goldwing. It lacks the aggressiveness of the original IMO. The wheeled feet aren't a big improvement either. Nevertheless I hope a new series gets done eventually. I just noticed something funny: The illustration on page 11 (is it mikimoto's?) shows all the things I thought Yamato got wrong on its toy: The flat shape of the front tires, the arms sticking out too much to the sides and the rear too high up. You'd say that the artist used the Yamato Garland as reference.
  18. Hey, Ginrai. Since you're the Megazone guru now, can you recomend me a good MZ artbook? I'm not interested in tracking back all the rare MZ printed stuff, I'd rather get a good, not too hard to find, volume that gathers all the essential graphic material, such as characters, mecha, backgrounds, etc. Thanks, dood.
  19. There's a second edition Ivanov with fixes, right? If so, how can you tell the first from the second edition? Is there any indication on the box?
  20. Way to go, Ginrai. I'll bookmark it as soon as the site is done. So, the only way to have the alternate ending for Robotech the Movie in DVD is getting the International Edition of the Blue Garland Game?
  21. Shouldn't be that hard to make a revised 1/60 YF-19, after all the CADs are already made. I don't think Yamato would need to redo the whole toy form scratch but rather modify a few parts. It'd still be expensive, of course, but c'mon, I mean, we're Macross whores, we'll buy it all over again as we did with the VF-1 2.0's. I know I would.
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