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Lonely Soldier Boy

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Everything posted by Lonely Soldier Boy

  1. Where's the boobs thread, BTW? I can't find it with the search function. Ah, screw that! My bookmarks will do. Thanks for the tutorial, akt. Loved the hair. Very realistic looking. At first I thought it was 3D too. So you used the smudge tool? Hmmm. Gotta try that myself.
  2. Yeah, I misread. My bad. Thanks Jenius.
  3. Hey, Gilermo. What went wrong with your previous Beta? I'm thinking on getting one, but I need some convincing.
  4. Nice! Which series is that from?
  5. Poo. What about the Obi One and R2 and 3PO figures? Thanks, Shin.
  6. Does anybody know if that's the same Luke figure of the "Training on the Millennium Falcon" Battle Pack? I'm about to get that one.
  7. Anybody up for recasts of those saddlebags? I'd get two sets for sure.
  8. Toynami is too much of a small fry, I don't think they have the resources to pick up the Beagle ridearmor and finish the line, even if Aoshima were to do the dirty work. If some big japanese company were interested in completing the line, then that's another story, but we wouldd probably have to wait a couple of years and buy the Stig and Rey versions all over again.
  9. I dig the bike, tho' it looks more like a concept bike than an actual light cycle. Light cycles should look ethereal, like they belong to the virtual realm IMO. Anyway, a revival of the Tron license is good news. Maybe some 1/6 manufacturer like Hot Toys picks up the license and gives us classic figures and bikes in that scale. And following that line of thought, maybe I'll find an abandoned suitcase filled with money from a dead drug dealer and buy the whole line.
  10. Cool. Finally new MZ merchandise. That's one sexy Garland even if it doesn't transform. Volks, huh? Aren't they the über expensive dolls guys? Edit: Do those pistons work? Looks like it.
  11. I don't know about you guys, but I feel like all these toy news from the Comic-Con, as exciting as they might be, are overshadowed by this single bad new. I hope the news in the next couple of days help me wash off the bad taste off my mouth.
  12. Well, obviously this is not meant to be a toy, rather a luxury, status item for the average japanese yuppie.
  13. Comic-Con exclusive? Aw, man! I was waiting for a new, more poseable dewback, but this is not it. Aside from the ball joints at the ankles this doesn't seem any more poseable than my old khaki dewback, and I like my dewbacks in khaki better. Thanks for the links, Shin.
  14. Why, you little...! I had the news from a trusted source too, but I was hoping it wasn't true. Ah, Houquet, We were so close... So close! Maybe once the economic situation improves they pick up the line again. I don't see these molds rotting away in some warehouse in China, they're just too damn good.
  15. Oh, no. I'm aware of that, I'm a comics artist. I still think the proportions are a bit different, but I don't mind: the toy looks good anyway. As I said in my previous post my main concerns are design wise.
  16. Compared to the lineart, the flight deck and main gun are definitely bigger and the legs are a bit short, even if there's an extension at the knees. All my worries got to do with engineering tho': Those hinged toes are a nice touch but could be a problem. If they can't hold the weight of the toy, the whole thing will topple over or looks odd like in the pic above. No to mention the sad shoulders.
  17. True, but it seems that every time Yamato skips the CAD stage and go straight to showing off resin sculpts of upcoming toys, somehow they end up in the island of vaporware toys. It happened with the 1/60 Monster, and now it's happening with the SDF-1 and the Phalanx.
  18. Yeah, Birdman and Birdman and The Galaxy Trio. I mean Birdman. I'm also after the Clue Club ending theme. Thanks in advance and bear in mind I'm exposing my age here.
  19. Great thread. I have a small collection of old cartoon themes myself. BTW, I realize it's a bit older but does anyone know of a place where I can get a decent recording of the Birdman theme? Thanks.
  20. I hope the knee caps go all the way up in Gerwalk mode this time, so they cover those ugly blocks that hold the upper legs like in the lineart. It's a tricky part, because they have to travel all the way up to the hips, but I hope Bandai makes the effort.
  21. Also the shoulder assembly swings out. That'd be an unnecessary extra hinge if there wasn't a Battroid mode.
  22. It could have no parts swapping at all (except for the landing gear, of course). I'm also glad they fixed the carve on the upper leg, but that raises a question: that's where the elbow goes in F mode, how they solved that? Anyway, I hope they announce the Blazer soon, or I'll be forced to get the Kai just in case.
  23. I have my Köenig next to me and proportion-wise, the Yamato seems to be better (I'd like to see some side shots to be sure because for what we've seen, the RD could be longer than the pics show). Yamato's is a floppy mess and has those HUGE gaps at the wing roots, but lets bear in mind that it was taken from a garage model kit and turned into a toy. My biggest hope is that the Bandai version turns out more sturdy and locks together properly since it was conceived as a toy in the first place.
  24. Oh yeah, the Superduke has the profile, hands down. If I was filthy rich , I'd get one just to mod it into a Ridearmor. I'd get two, WTF. So I guess a review is too much to ask. Too bad. Since I never got any of the CM's combos I was hoping for a real improvement on these.
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