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Lonely Soldier Boy

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Everything posted by Lonely Soldier Boy

  1. Where should we look for the Köenig Monster news?
  2. How much are they going for? Are they in the 50/60 U$D price range? Will they drop if T-Rex offers them again in future shows?
  3. Good to know the Kai is overall a good toy, but the gunpod not fitting in fighter mode is a deal braker for me. Good thing I'm not such a Kai fan, I hope they fix this in the Blazer Valk and the YF-19 eventually.
  4. I don't care for most exclusives, but I'd really like to get this one. Anyone knows how a common man like me can score one of these?
  5. I bought mine from him. He's ok. Great price and fast shipment. He even dropped the price a few bucks since I bought my set. I wonder where he gets them from.
  6. Tempting, but being this a V1.0, I think I'll wait for reviews.
  7. Toynami has officially cheapened out. George Sohn is obviously out for money now and I don't see him attempting another Masterpiece (or whatever worth buying) ever again.
  8. Hi Max, My family lives in Mendoza, Argentina, at the other side of the Andes (I know you know, but there are members here who does not) and they felt it as a 6. Six is very strong and unusual for them and a six killed many people there back in 1985. I was there when it happened so I can't even imagine what an 8.8 should feel like . Just so people here who (fortunately) had never been in an earthquake have a slight idea, the one that almost wiped out Mexico City (where I live now) in 1985, was also a six something. I know the clay-like soil here doesn't help, but it's still a miracle that the disaster wasn't ever bigger. I hope that Concepción gets back to normal soon.
  9. If it turns out with better proportions and fitting than Bandai's, then I don't mind the waiting. I realize it's a very tricky VF to make. My biggest hope is that battroid mode looks squatter, closer to the lineart this time like the old Bandai 1/100 kit of the Yamato GNU YF-19
  10. Ah! No wonder I couldn't find her. I like the HT figure and the arsenal it comes with, but as >EXO< said I'm getting only Arnie anyway. Now if they only made Miles Dyson with the detonator and the chip model, then that's another story
  11. Agreed. Once Yamato and Bandai run out of Valks, they will have to turn to the VF-2ss, the VF-4 and VF-17 at the very least, and then we'll see whose version is better <rubs hands>
  12. My guess is HT will issue a "Battle Damaged" version with the minigun, grenade launcher, busted head and torn clothes but sans Winchester and flowers so you might as well get this "Out of the Dealer" version too. Then again the Battle Damaged Iron Man is the only Mk3 figure you will ever need, so I guess I'll just wait a while to see what happens. By the way, I just saw the new HT Sarah Connor figure at Toyarc. I could've sworn HT already released a Terminator 2 Sarah Connor figure (tho' I can't find it anywhere now). Maybe it's a good sign for those of us who missed on the old Battle Damaged Terminator figure?
  13. Holy! My favorite Valk in 1/100 and it looks beautiful! All three modes look great. I hope the legs are stowable. It looks almost too good to be true. I like the proportions way better than the Yamato version. Source.
  14. Sorry if I'm late to the party. Has the YF-21 been announced already?
  15. WHOA! The hands are retractable! This makes it practically Perfect Transformation even if the landing gears are removable. I'd love to get all the 1/100 VF-1's for play and the Yamato 1/60's for display.
  16. That's why is Science Fiction: we don't know yet As for the "Tears in rain" line, Rutger Hauer claims it was his idea and that he wrote it in his trailer at dawn moments before shooting that scene and that Ridley Scott said: "Sure, go for it". It's interesting that the line that wraps up the whole idea so nicely was actually an actor's afterthought.
  17. Too bad. I was hoping to get one eventually, specially since my Shadow Alpha is the sturdier of the whole bunch. Then again, I don't feel like spending more money on those Alphas, it frustrates me not being able to pick them up to play anymore (the very reason why I'm not a models guy).
  18. I hope you're right, eriku. I do dig the color scheme and the sculpt so far.
  19. Damn. I felt so excited for a minute there, but 3PO looks a tad too "wide" and R2 looks too small. Besides 3PO's paintjob is too dull. The AT-AT is growing on me tho'.
  20. I'm with eugimon on this one. I own the Yamato version and I don't see Bandai's being any different. I was expecting to see Bandai tackling the Yamato problems with a slightly different engineering approach like ratcheted joints in the arms, but as it is I don't see how this Köenig Monster would behave different than the Yamato one. My guess is that Bandai's Monster will be a floppy mess JUST like Yamato's which is sad. Moreover I bet it will even have those nasty gaps at the wingroots that the Yamato Monster has in Bomber mode.
  21. The cast and crew of The Fifth Element must've had a blast working on it, because it's such a fun movie to watch. It also had JC Mezieres ahead of the art department, which is one of my favorite Sci-Fi authors of all time.
  22. For me, the purpose of Science Fiction is to make a projection into the future to explore how technology can affect us as individuals, society or civilization. In that spirit I'd say that SW has more to do with the Heroic Fantasy than Science Fiction genres IMHO (same reason why Battle Beyond the Stars is just Seven Samurais in space as Keith cleverly put it). Same for the Alien franchise that in my book is closer to the Horror genre. I think what defines the genre of a piece is not what you see in the piece but what the piece is about. For me Blade Runner is the quintessential Sci-Fi film (although there are many other movies that fit the bill quite nicely, but I'm such a BR fan). It not only takes elements from the Noir genre, it takes the whole structure of it, and yet it's a movie about fictional technology and how it affects our society and ourselves. Besides it's such a beautifully crafted movie, which adds to the "Best Science Fiction Movie" part Good call.
  23. A, got it. Thanks Shin. I'll concentrate in the Biggs X-Wing in the meantime then.
  24. Oooh, Blazer and VF-17 at last. Can't wait for pics!
  25. I think I'll wait for EXO's articulated version.
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