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Lonely Soldier Boy

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Everything posted by Lonely Soldier Boy

  1. Wow! My two Mospeadas look so lame all of a sudden.
  2. Personally, I'm more worried about the prices this items are reaching lately. It was always clear to me that as the license gets older, the merchandising would be more scarce and more expensive, but I never thought this would happen so soon. Macross seems to be turning more and more a niche license very rapidly due to the high prices, dividing the collectors between the rich people that can afford these items and the middle class folks that will have to give up on them sooner or later. And Yamato seems to be contributing greatly to it. As you can guess I'm way behind in Macross toy collecting right now, but I'm cool about it. I am. Seriously.
  3. Just for the record, >EXO< gave me the heads up after laughing at me for a while and told me to act mad about it, so I did. I'd never lecture people on how to spend their money
  4. Ok. This is ridiculous. Seriously ppl, this is what we get for buying EVERY overpriced piece of crap Yamato throws at us! Stop preordering this sort of nonsense or next thing we'll be paying a thousand dollars for unpainted and disassembled HDP VF's from now on!
  5. I've heard they tried to do the very same with Harry Potter (making him an American boy living in Manhattan and so on) and J.K. Rowling stood very firmly against it. The studios will always try to stick to the formulas they think work best, such as having EVERY fantasy/adventure/science fiction blockbuster take place in New York (why they think that way is beyond me), so I guess keeping the integrity of the original piece depends in part on whether the owner is willing to play hard ball with the studio or just take the money and run.
  6. If Yamato decides to do this for 2012, I hope they don't rush it up and give us a toy with the same standards of their VF-1's
  7. Be patient my friends. We'll arise from the shadows again one day. In the meantime, let's save our hard earned money, because I suspect that the next wave of Mospeada collectibles will be even more limited and expensive.
  8. I underestimated the power of the Star Wars prequels and they almost ruin the Original Trilogy for me. I'm not risking BR to some mediocre product just because the license issues were finally sorted out.
  9. Thank you, taksraven. I was hoping to see the Prisoner some day, but now I won't have to because now I know who the f#ck was Number 1 all along!
  10. Well, there IS a new Thundertank on preorder, so I guess there will be some tech involved at some point. The new show looks like fun! I'll have to give it a try for old times sake.
  11. I was joking, of course. As much as I love the Monster, a vinyl 1/60 would totally kill it for me. Besides, knowing Yamato it'd probably still be ridiculously overpriced and exclusive.
  12. I was this close to order the 27 when I realized I wasn't collecting Mac F stuff. It looked beautiful and well balanced unlike the 25's. Those were an instant pass for me. Too bad since I really dig the Ozma 25. If Bandai makes a V2, and it ends up looking anywhere as good as the anime, I'll have to get it.
  13. Hmmm, a Softbi Monster.
  14. Yeah, sorry. I meant "EF"
  15. The VF-19 E is growing on me. I think I'd get one if Yamato were to go all the way with it and make it just like the line art and not half assed like the conversion kit photos we've seen. Kawamori's version has shorter wings, verniers in lieu of the hybrid sensors, etc. Overall I think it's a very original and interesting redesign intended specifically for space operations which is cool.
  16. See? I'm not crazy
  17. I stand corrected. Thanks for the clarification. Still not getting these, but I understand model makers biting the bullet.
  18. Ok, this is where I draw my line. I'm as anal as the next guy here, but those intake "blinds" aren't even lineart accurate! The intake covers are supposed to swing up and down to open and close. I'm all about detail, but I'm a toy person not a models guy and it seems like these are meant for Fighter mode only, so I'm out.
  19. Ah, thanks, dude. I appreciate it Right now I'm based in Mexico City. I hope to pay >EXO< a visit right after the Comic-Con this year if I can make it. Luckily for me I'm a patient guy
  20. So what's the general consensus on the Maia Alpha reissue? Collection DX says it's an important improvement over the previous releases, but it says nothing about the hands. Not much of a SC fan, but I'd like to have at least one sturdy MPC to fiddle with and not just for display.
  21. I'll pick up mine next time I visit the US, so I'll have to be patient. I can't wait for pics tho'.
  22. Look at it this way: we have a line now and not just a one off toy. Maybe this is Kaiyodo's way to test the waters on these.
  23. Who cares? I'll just leave the mouthpiece on and NEVER take it off again.
  24. If I can afford it, I'll get all the new classic figures. That Lion-O figure sold me. Seven inches is a tad too tall for me, tho'.
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