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Lonely Soldier Boy

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Everything posted by Lonely Soldier Boy

  1. Tengo mis propias razones para esperar que a Pacific Rim le vaya bien
  2. Como se discutió durante la creación de la sección de habla hispana, el objetivo es atraer a los miles de usuarios de comunidades relacionadas con Macross, desperdigados principalmente por América Latina, para ampliar la base de fans y el mercado potencial para productos relacionados con Macross, ya que muchos no tienen acceso a estos productos o no saben que existen a causa de la barrera idiomática. (Para los que no lo saben, Macrossworld tiene el privilegio de contar con contactos dentro de Yamato, así como usuarios en Japón que nos ayudan a obtener productos exclusivos para el mercado japonés). Si somos más quién sabe, tal vez la próxima edición del VF-4 ya no sea exclusiva! Los miembros de habla hispana que ya forman parte de la comunidad de Macrossworld dominan el inglés, así que aquellos que tengan contactos con otros foros de habla hispana relacionados con Macross, corran la voz. Entre más crezca nuestra comunidad, mejor para todos.
  3. Mucho Macross fue idea de >EXO< (que no habla una palabra de español). A mi me gusta. Le dice a los miembros de habla inglesa de qué se trata y sigue estando en elspañol! Pero podemos revisarlo. Supongo que podríamos hacer encuestas para los nombres de las diversas secciones, una vez que tengamos bastantes sugerencias.
  4. Es todo un proyecto? Pensé que era un "fan-trailer" nada más. El póster está genial.
  5. El ruso me recuerda mucho al Jet Alone de Evangelion.
  6. Conozco al diseñador en persona. Se llama Francisco Ruiz. Es un viejo amigo y colaborador de Guillermo del Toro y tiene mucha experiencia en cómics y diseño conceptual, pero nunca fui muy fan de sus diseños.
  7. My Proto is ok. It's on display and holding on. My Classic Garland is ok too since I installed the replacement parts. The chest section is another story: The hinges are hold solely by those tiny rear view mirrors glued to the bike, so no wonder they detached under the pressure of transformation. To just glue it back on won't do. I'm thinking on something more radical like rivets or something. I really love my Garlands. Too bad about all those poor design choices.
  8. That was probably just a mock up for the show. Maybe that particular Beta had no head under the chest cover to begin with and they never got around to make it work. It was a common Toynami practice to tweak the toys for the photo back then.
  9. I missed on the original ED-209 and it has been eluding me since, so all my toy efforts will be put on getting this release. Also it looks vastly improved upon the original release: working "knee" locks, hinge and elevators, moving rocket release, poseable toes. This is a sign
  10. Gotta save for the 30th anniversary. If someone makes something more than just über rare garage kits, I wanna be there. I'm so Mospeada thirsty.
  11. The book went on sale today and there are reviews already. I gotta agree with this guy: it could have been better. Everything can always be better. He still liked it tho':http://thecomixverse.com/?p=37110
  12. Hello, ppl. Back from the dead. Since I last posted here, we published two more issues. Then I had to make a pause for some Clone Wars and the Metalocalypse miniseries before finishing the book. The bad news is that Dark Horse decided to skip the last issue ad go straight to the TPB. The good news is that the TPB is on preorder now and features over 100 pages of original art: 90 pages of story and the rest of covers and unpublished stuff.
  13. Hmm, the idea (and the title) reminds me of the series written by my pal Mike Kennedy and my late countryman Carlos Meglia for Dark Horse. Mike and Carlos' Uderworld also dealt with Solo, Lando, the Hutts and of course the Bounty Hunters. It wouldn't surprise me if the script for this new series were taken directly from that awsome book, but being all that property of George Lucas anyway, he can do whatever he wants with it.
  14. That railgun lighting effect looks amazing, although it defies one of the main purposes of railgun technology which is the ability of firing without a flash.
  15. Unless a miracle happens, this is going to the "some day" list. To think I was outraged by the 1/60 Regult price tag.
  16. I was just thinking the very same thing: "Who do we do we know that can play hero and ride a bike?" "The Tron guy!" "Let's pray he's available or this movie is good as dead again!"
  17. Yeah, unless the studio decides to make it a "Power-Harley" instead of a "Power-Honda" to appeal to the American bike loving audience. We could end up with a blonde fella sitting on top of a huge monster bike with chromed pistons and hoses everywhere a la Transformers. I'll start saving in case the design remains intact and these guys decide to produce it: http://www.hammacher.com/Product/Default.aspx?sku=11862&refsku=11894&xsp=1
  18. Pfft! I knew that! I was just being sarcastic! Geez, who do you take me for?
  19. Wow! Otomo is on the boat! Now I'm a little excited. What I really want to see is a good steet fight with those amazing bikes from the manga. I just hope the main characters are kids, otherwise I don't see the point to the whole thing.
  20. Damn you, >EXO< you're too good.
  21. Cool thread! I should post something myself. Nice work, Sorley. You're really nailing those markers. I'm envious, never had the chance/patience to master markers.
  22. I was thinking the very same thing.
  23. Same here. Besides that's how I always imagined the Legoss to be "in real life". Toynami's was very close, reason why I'm so disappointed at the poor quality of those. Could've been my all time favorite toy.
  24. Love the sculpt, detailing and proportions. Probably the best Legioss Armo Soldier yet. Too bad it's not a toy, but being this a snap fit kit, I'll give it try. I hope it comes molded in color, just add some panel lining and off you go.
  25. Can't wait for pics. I wonder how much detail they'll be able to cram in such a tiny scale tho', and I hope that means a mean looking Beta is underway too.
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