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Everything posted by len_d69

  1. Not sure if it was highlighted before but his visors work for both Hot Rod and Rodimus :thumb He's fun to pose
  2. So far so good (Cross fingers) Love the articulation on this guy!
  3. Finally got my Hit Metal VF-1S
  4. Yep it's off. It actually think looks flat as if Metroplex stepped on it. But still nice though
  5. Yes that's Hot Rod's face And it's taller in Rodimus Prime mode Other pics More pics here Rodimus Pics
  6. Finally found the new voyager Prime
  7. Yup the backpack is not floppy any more. Just a silly mistake But I agree that the leg swivels could have been tighter.
  8. Thanks for your comment about the back pack. I tried pressing it down and it suddenly locked I tried it last night but couldn't. I must have been very sleepy Definitely one of my faves together with Yamato's 1/48 and 1/60 VF-1s. Always wanted a small VF-1 that has great sculpt. I liked the Toynami but hated those exploding polycapped knees and elbows
  9. Just got mine, anyone else having a floppy back pack
  10. My KO Supreme Movie Prime is still the biggest
  11. Here's my son enjoying Battle Ops Bee and a supreme movie Prime
  12. You're welcome Just got this Hasbro MP Grimlock tonight at the local TRU (Malaysia)
  13. Nope, the cannons and parts of his arms are in the way
  14. 3 inch Mutt Williams with Battle Ops Bee
  15. Sorry for the confusion bro The pic I posted was actually Battle Ops Bumblebee with an Indiana Jones Mutt Williams 3 inch fig
  16. Nope, I'm a fan of the designs. Not all, but they sort of grows on you
  17. I'll try to take some tonight
  18. 1. The right arm can swivel out due to the transformation but it does leave a weird gap doing so 2. As for Articulation - There is no waist articulation - The head cannot move up and down - Can't seem to make it turn left as well (too tight) - Human Alliance wins in this department 3. Yes it alwasy straightens. Its like auto-morph. Haven't dared try bending yet
  19. Un-finished custom removable armour for ROTF Prime
  20. Can someone pose the battroid mode without replacing the heat shield?
  21. Quick notes on this fig: - Details are great - Very good representation of movie Bee - The battle mask sculpt is the best among all the Bee releases (Battle blades, Human Alliance etc) - Not easy to pose him standing straight (It's either he's leaning forward or leaning back) - Very minimal paint apps - Limited right arm articulation (Although I knew this before buying) - Bad QC, I was choosing from around 15 boxes all of which have issues with paint or scratched plastic (car hood) - Maybe I'm just picky - The knees are extra tight (scary tight) I remember Frenzy Rumble's review and his unit had loose knees
  22. Battle Ops Bee
  23. OOpppss Sorry haven't been browsing the forum. Anyway, Anime52k8 is right just plain old mini tripod
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