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Everything posted by yui1107

  1. I'm miss you such a Troublesome that URL Diary is Japanese language. <A HREF="http://wildcats.pupui.jp/mt/archives/2010/08/post_272.html">Yacolog Macross DYRL</A> The film of theirs of "DYRL" screen-played in "Roppongi in Tokyo" was the film quality that did not endure watching full of scratches. Mr.Yoshimasa Onishi, the president of "Bigwest advertisement" is negligent in international sales of Japan origin "other Macross series" and that revised or re-making verision "Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross" though it becomes a very irritating topic. Moreover, they do not try to set an ex-aggerated area to cross-over after it negotiates with "Harmony gold USA.",and the difference each other is admitted, and to attempt the customer expansion. Their attitude is like "a Japanese bigotry SAMURAI in previous 200 years or more" at the time of period "SAKOKU" (locked country). <A HREF="http://blog.livedoor.jp/yui1107/">Yuina's ROBOTECH trademark and Mergers and Acquisitions debete blog in the livedoor account</A> Thus I've established "The Robotech Chronicles" <A HREF="http://w.livedoor.jp/harmony-gold_japan/">Robotech Chronicles</A> I used the domain name and the title of "harmony-gold_japan,more "Robotech Chronicles" to dare to warning of their correspondence to a negligentMacross trademark rights.
  2. Now I 've been writting Japanese livedoor Wiki "List_of_companies_in_Macross" with logomark images. Any one who you know"Shinsei-Industries" and "General-Galaxy" Aero-spacecorporation's logomark design? <A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_companies_in_Macross">List of companies in Macross</A> <A HREF="http://wiki.livedoor.jp/ebatan3/d/%A5%ED%A5%DC%A5%C6%A5%C3%A5%AF%A1%A6%A5%B7%A5%EA%A1%BC%A5%BA%A4%CB%C5%D0%BE%EC%A4%B9%A4%EB%B4%EB%B6%C8%B0%EC%CD%F7>List of companies in Macross"(Japanese livedoor Wiki)</A>
  3. Yahoo! JAPAN Auction The Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross releted ! If you can write Japanese language , bid for them!
  4. Yahoo! JAPAN Auction The Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross releted ! If you can write Japanese language , bid for them!
  5. Okay,I updated VARIABLE SPACE PATROL CRAFT- 07 Odonata related article to the same URL. That craft has three-mode, but usually 2-configuration is standard usage! (Craft-mode /Drifand-mode ). The VEHICLE mode is useless...
  6. Enjoy City Police Variable Craft / Patrol-roid ! VAPC-07 (VARIABLE AIR PATROL CRAFT- 07) Odonata] VGPV-07 (VARIABLE GROUND PATROL VEHICLE - 07) Cheiron
  7. Komila maria has forgotten??
  8. HASEGAWA 1/48 VF-1J Vermilion Squadron
  9. TAMAKI’s Little Treasure YAMATO Tomahawk picture page
  10. Hasegawa A.D 2009 SDF-1 launch-special Roll-Out colors VF-1A
  11. yui1107

    VF Girls

    A funny konig monster girl LANKA!
  12. Attachments two images!
  13. VF-32 vespa
  14. Dilect big image link if you have pixiv ID and password... VF-36 Astorle
  15. Palladium Books INC.「Robotech®: The Masters Saga Sourcebook」 VFH-10B ?
  16. yui1107

    VF Girls

    Macross/Robotech china fan-art. Misa's VF-1S
  17. Jonathan Wolf 's head and rist option parts set for CMS Mospeada CVR-3M Ride-Armor. CVR-3M / CVR-3F series are VR-Cyclone's Platform! Jonath-Wolf
  18. VF-22S SVF-124 "ムーン・シューターズ" 最初に6機のVF-22Sが配属され、当時のパイロットは全員マイクロン化したメルトランディであったことが確認されている。 また全機のコクピット後方にそれぞれ異なった女性のノーズアートが描かれているという未確認情報があるほか、作戦ごとにモデックスナンバーを変えて構成機数などを隠蔽しているという情報もある。 VF-22S SVF-124 "Moon Shooters" Six VF-22S is assigned, and it was on the micronized-Meltraedi pilots in first. In addition, there is the unconfirmed information that the nose art of different women is pictured in each in the body pit rear of all opportunities, and there is the information I change Modex-number every-sortie , and to conceal constitution numbers of planes. New-sculptd VF-22 (Female-)Pirots figure image is here!
  19. Dana's dialy -12 pages booklet- ANL-1035 VICTOR Southern Cross BGM Vol III MEMORE
  20. YAMATO Destroid-Defender Photo-Zoom page The double-size ammo-magazine has bonus-options!
  21. CM'S Corplation 120mm mini-scale VR-038L #CMS652403 (Option tundem-riding parts, Funky-childish-girl:Mint-Rubble) RL-6 Beam-Bazooka (ot rocket-launcer byt ROBOTECH ver.) Price:7,350yen Rook-Bartley I revised Japanese Wiki article Mospeada
  22. Bonus-parts: " M312SC Military recording camera" CM'S Corplation 120mm mini-scale VR-038L #CMS652434 Price:7,350yen [ Sue-Graham
  23. MOD NOTE: dont link to 2chan or 4 chan. When they go 404 it becomes porn sometimes!
  24. I upload the image of VB-6 that image does not break off by folding of the paper!
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