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Everything posted by yui1107

  1. I worry about my handicapped husband and young only daughter ,more my aged parents in oversea island Okinawa / Ryukyu ,resemble to United states' oversea state "Hawaii", their life is depend on my income Tokyo entirely now. They will be troubled with life if I'm gone because of aftershock. Koshigaya city in Saitama pref. is safe now... Google map to Koshigaya City Main street (English) Live Earthquake at Koshigaya Lake-town powered by Aeon Co., Ltd . in March 11 (Fri.) in A.D.2011. My comments; 37 inch-size Televison system fell down to my bed at the dormitory room of the company. I would become a serious injury or the funeral when not avoided. sigh...but now I safe. In our area, electricity is cut off from today of 15th. Daily cut off schedule is ; the first is a.m 9:20 to 13:00, and more, the second is 18:20 to 22:00. Google map to Koshigaya Lake-Town. The image is 1. Kosigaya station 2. Heiwa-bashi(peace bridge)in Koshigaya city 3. Koshigaya-City buildig in the view of Moto-arakawa river.
  2. Robocop Reboot ! FAKE IMAI 1/12 ED-209 prastic model in 1980's style!
  3. (Y)VF-29_Durendal_3D-CAD-5view Shoji-Kawamori said "VF-X9 number are swept-wings more atmosphic Variable-Fighter(VF-9,VF-19,and NOW! (Y)VF-29) variants than VF-X7 number variants(VF-7,VF-17/171,VF-27... etc.)" (Y)VF-29_Durendal 3D-CAD " Plus 1,LOW view " (6view) ,but small size! Attatchments file type is .bmp (big-size data), but 3D-CAD 5view image from 163 page "Dengeki Hobby March 2011"! YF-29.bmp
  4. Proto MOSPEADA project "Vol.24;Front Wheel Cover" toward "The Tokyo Moter-Cycle Festival 2011"!
  5. Nice Body is Japanese-English ''attractive body''. Usually men threw words to femaIe as glamorous breast or hip. Never women use to cool-guys.
  6. Hasegawa model 1/48 scale color etching detail up parts VF-1 Valkylie (Block 4) and YF-19 Excalibur! YF-21 is elsewhere!
  7. I agree with them. I think the Invid are pretty much the Inbit with only the modifications necessary to agree with Robotech dialogue,too. ''Even though most of it will be the fanfic that typically passes for Robotech canon, it's the best you can do with Harmony Gold running it.'' Ah(sigh),Harmony Gold is lazy. Yacolog said at Twitter; While Fanfic Live Action short film Argentina: Film an cortometraje basado en Robotech,but Robotech.com sells only SDF-3 mugcup,cap with only logomark simple characters"SDF-3"!
  8. I contribute the article at "Wikipeia Japanse language" INVID (Trans.)! Inbit as Japanese term, "Invid" as ROBOTECH Source: Free encyclopedia; " Wikipedia " in Japanese version. Movement: Guide, Retrieval Inbit (Invid / The name in the Genesis Climber Mospeada works are " Inbit " in which the voiced sound doesn't adhere. ) Non-humanoid type fictitious aliens (Initially "Creature")of that appears in ”Genesis Climber Mospeada” and the Robotech(main and secondary continuity) series. It was unusual alien creature that it is not very different from the humanoid or just "the human race" appeared in the SF anime works of the greater part of Japan, and appeared as an intellectual different star living thing of non-humanoid type. About reading The eminence of the work named Genesis Climber Mospeada is low, and there is popularity of "all of" the Robotech series described later, too and eminence is high in South American countries (sphere of Spanish) that became the beginnings of the sphere in English of foreign countries and the story though it is hardly recollected probably because of in Japan as one pattern of the alien creature of fictitious. The Harmony Gold USA corporated in the Robotech series that was adapted and composed again as a roman-fleuve in the age when the same world is different with "The Super Dimesion Fortress Macross" and "Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross", it is introduced as "The Invid" (not inbit Japanese spelling) in which the voiced sound starts the ending of a words pronunciation. 1 About spelling Invid / Inbit ? The article name was assumed to be an Invid in worldwide acknowledgment considering the fact which many people became the pronunciation and the above-mentioned "alphabetic character marks" of "The Invid". 1-2 The definision to the Genesis Climber Mospeada It leaves originally as a protoplasmic living creature, and it initial crustacean has evolved to the Mock-Humanoids form and the distinction do not take side while doing the adjustment repeatedly from the appearance to think to the environment of the conger and the occupation planet through "the ultimate evolution form "(In themselves definitions) on the way the slug after the earth is invaded of The existence that is called A queen so that it is shown in The Eusociality insect etc. decides all the wills, and it doesn't have the one "Piece" and, in a word, queen will becomes the will of the entire the group in a word. It was assumed that the Homeworld planet was only one of the colonies (camp ground) by which it stopped to look for the attainment point of better evolution from which it was not clarified, and an unknown planet and the earth that had appeared in the first story were led to "The aware of Cosmos and Cosmos will" (Refer to the paragraph of the legend transmitted to the "Inbit") that the queen said, too in the work. Boiling evaporation acquired by the toxicity of the osmotic pressure and oxygen by the body fluid when it was not possible to live by the atmospheric composition of the earth, and it touched oxygen especially and always acquired a kind of Environment_suit and more funtions powered suit named to "The battle wormer " and the human race side by the code name outside nest (Hive) that was their living spaces until the individual that provided with the body similar to the human race appeared because it did, and it was not able to live without "Battle wormer". While being tempered with the side as SF version "Invasion of Normandy" or " The Road Movie(travel story)" though it was scheduled to draw only as "Unknown existence not to be able to understand" based on an original setting of the work that the first contact SF work and the earth have already been occupied as an original work concept, the production of the compulsory delivery of the residence teacher thing by the Human subject research human experimentation etc. etc. as indicated in the episode of "Rainy Boy(Dusty Ayles)" that appears in man type "Inbit" "[battler](Corg in Robotech)" that shows the belligerence and the 20th war histories(Nazism is hinted) comes to stand out. It is divided and comes doing to confuse the appearing colony in this work that does queen "[Refles](Regis)" that occupies the earth as length by the intention and feelings of "Piece" though it had same earthling "Body" to adjust to the environment. The Queen deleted with the supernatural power to "the Weapons of mass destruction",she despaired to human race's act and stupidity , and it went out to the Odyssey road again when pulling it "The Third Reinforcement Force"( "第三次地球奪還軍" as " The Third Earth recapture Force" in literally; Japanese Language) with the conception of expelling "Inbit" even if this situation and the earth were destroyed. 2.1 The Legend or myth of Invid If the Shadow ("Shadau" as their term) spread over our world, and that turns into the dark and doomed. If the Light ("Raytou" as their term) spread over our world, and we expanded "The wings of light". The scattering our children into this Universe, you must voyage to " The Promised Land " which the light [Reitou] invites. Thus, doing so becomes your own evolution. 3 At the Robotech series In the definition in the Robotech series, the Invid left "planet Optera" orbital revolution to "Tzuptum star system" as a character of ..infinite form of time of surroundings Optera. And a living thing, did not have the belligerence originally, and fixed star " lived as a comparatively peaceful protist about the stellar system G-type main sequence star. The first story of a Japanese version Correspond to 'Prelude to the Offensive', that is, "61. The Invid Invasion" To assume an unknown planet that appears in opening to be a mother star, and to attempt the correspondence with the thing to set the planet of this image as the mother star, the setting "It is not possible to live by the atmospheric composition of the earth type" that exists in a Japanese version is disregarded. There will not have been side as environmental clothes of the battle warmer, and it is made to the meaning of a powered suit that only compensates for their poor physical capabilities. Though it suddenly became their famous in history, the Tiresian scientist "Zor Derelda" of the main cultural rule race "Tiresian" in various races in the satellite Tirol of the Gas-Planet Fantoma in "The Valivarre star system" stopping by the back, and having extracted "The prototoculture(Resource term)" from "The flower of life", the anger of Invid queen "Regis" (Regiss) is, and an equal collection operation to the robbery of the resource using bodyguard barrel giant soldier Zentraedi who manufactured it by making good use of the defoliant and the genetic engineering is called generically over a long history there after even though it was ordered on the other hand by the Tiresias rulers. Protoculture Addicts / PA It is a digit with planting as for intense enmity that confronts. In the Invid without "Military forces" till then, it doesn't depend on the scientific knowledge by this act, and arms named to "the battle wormer" Solgi-Invid(human Invid) side by the code name by the ability (It is " "The aware of Cosmos and Cosmos will" according to the Invid queen calls herself) like alchemy that is queen supernatural power are produced. Western original sin principle thought, and the relation to the chain of the hatred of the human race side and the Inn bid is ranges, and one big Robotech series subject theme it is. Afterwards, Expanded Universe the stories are attempted by hard-handed villain "Regent" that calls "Consort of the queen" as the regency "Regent". New works Robotech series of the complete original United States based on the philosophy of the queen who looked like the Zoroastrianism that replaced the legend or myth of the Invid of [shadau] and [reitou] of a Japanese version. With " The Shadow [shadaw]" and "The Light [Reitou]" as it were, too "Roboteh: The Shadow chronicles" was produced. You may think the description in which the reference doesn't exist in this item about the difference to be the same to Japanese version setting. 4.The Reference and Footnote (1).^ source [invid -Robotech chronicles-] (2).^ [Robotech]:The Haydonites, what is another arch-enemy of Invid that appears in "The shadow chronicles" comes in contact with "Protoculture" by term used by mechanization different star race Haydonites, comes in contact with this strong energy source, compares all races who use it to dependency of drug addiction patient, and ridicules.
  9. I correct spell "Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040".
  10. I united and grade up my posted article to MW,or revised sentence to my idea and project in Japanese language. >I want you powered enterprise for the negotiation! That's meanings are I want you who is bilingual contributers ,stuff(Bilingual Lawyer for the settlement and @Smart Interpreter.),powered enterprise for the negotiation(Warner Bros.in USA etc,TOHO Co.,Ltd.in japan,and )and more intend to cosponsorship by "Carter Aviation Technologes","Northrop Grumman Corporation/NYSE:NOC " etc. in the future.
  11.   その通りだと思います。ハーモニーゴールドUSA社の主張には確かに根拠がありません。 でも私は、もっと、ずっと先の大きな目的のことを話題にしています。 翻案された作品であっても、それを、少女時代、少年時代に観て育ったファンの人達にとって、それは大事な思い出でしょう。  どの作品が優れているか劣っているとかを論じるのはナンセンスです。  フィルム、ショウ・ビジネスは顧客の為に存在するのであって、ハーモニーゴールドの為にあるわけでも、ビッグ・ウエストの為に存在するわけでもありません。 ハーモニーゴールドの主張が泥棒の論理であるとしも、今のままでいれば、双方のファン、両国のファンにとって、何も良いことはありません。 自分の領域だけで相互交流のない作品世界は、これまでの例をみるに、10年から20年先には衰退していってしまうことは、歴史が証明しています。 私がもし「ビッグ・ウエスト」のプレジデントであったら、双方の国家の 「ロボテック」 と 「マクロス」のファン層が、いずれも「既に完成してしまっている事情」を考えて、「顧客の為に」、相手に対して、もっと大人の論理で動き、和平提案をするでしょう。 「それを”今”、実現出来る立場に居ない」ことに、私の悔しさがあります。 Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Robotech VS Macross in Robotech and License debate blog 三国志演義とマクロスとロボテックと at the Livedoor blog
  12. 私、つまり yui11107 は、全く戦略的な勝ち目が無いのに、情熱だけで東京に出てきたように、皆さんは想像されるかもしれません。 確かに情熱だけで行動することは馬鹿げています。 それは、目的と手段を見誤って風車に突進する"Don Quixote"のようなものです。 女性の例で例えるなら、"Dulcinea del Toboso" (real name Aldonza Lorenzo) " でしょうか? 確かに今は public officer を辞職し、年間の収入が全盛期の40%になり、資本金 ten million yen 程度の、private shuttle-bus company's officer and junior director に過ぎない私が、Bigwest と Harmony Gold の仲裁役を務めるのは無理だと、皆さんが考えるのも、もっともなことでしょう。 一般に、”争いのある2つの当事者間の和解調停に介入する第三者” は、これらの当事者よりも組織的にも資金的にもかなりの leadership が必要になります。 しかし、その金額は、"Howard Robard Hughes, Jr." のような、莫大な資産である必要はないです。 (needless to saying) The List of companies in MACROSS at en wikipedia.org 私は「スタジオぬえ」の河森正治氏も、宮武一貴氏も、現実に存在する企業との揉め事や、訴訟を避ける為に、異なる架空の企業の名前を使うのを知っています。 for example:Stonewell (Rockwell International), Glamore(Grumman - Absorbed by Northrop as Northrop Grumman in 1994.) 一方で、Robotech Refferlese guide 2066 edition は、彼らが避けてきた現実の企業の名前を定義します。 例えば Carter RC-4E Light Recon and Transport Shuttle は developed by Carter Aviation Technologies であると説明されます。 確かに Thomas Riley (T.R.) Edwards の 反乱軍や、" Macross Galaxy fleets " using "General Dynamics " や "McDonnell Douglas " の製品を使ったなどと書けば、私は彼らに訴訟を起こされるか、或いは製造工場の従業員から the SPAM E-mail which got more like a threat を送信されるかもしれません。 ですから、これらの場合の企業名は完全に架空の設定である必要があります。 私は、もっと具体的に言えば、実在する企業から協賛を得る方法で資金を集めようと考えています。その詳細は、この公開の場では記載することは、賢明ではないので、差し控えます。And more, Bilingual Lawyer for the settlement and Smart Interpreter has required enough rewards! My own ROBOTECH CHRONICLES page RC-4E ”Rabbit” article powered by The Carter Aviation Technologies Robotech:Shadow Chronicles article in my (Our, now contributor three) Robotech Chronicles P.S. Gunbuster や その他のGainax's films では、大抵「絶望的な状況で、少数の劣る者が、大きく多量な敵に対して打ち勝つ逆転劇」が好まれます。 However the real world is different. 私は今の地位に落ち着くまでに、200社以上の面接を受けて、結局採用されたのは、「労務管理の執行役 兼任 取締役」の、今勤めているこの会社1社だけでした。10ヶ月の無職期間で退職金も家族への仕送りで、再就職する頃までには、使い果たしてしまいました。 その苦しい経験で、日本の「東京の」企業も、やはり Minority には平等ではないと、実感しました。 Q 貴方は年齢が 「40歳を超えて」 いますね? 若くて美しい女性以外は必要ないです。人に雇われるのは無理です。 自分で会社でも作ったらどうですか? A ("My real heart says" ) My ages has been determined by the HEAVEN, not be able to reflesh by myself, I'm not heroine syndrome game characters of the Final fantasy. Q  貴方の夫は難聴だそうですね。私の企業は、障害者の主夫の男性への扶養手当や、貴方の娘さんの為に、余分なお金を払うくらいなら、独身の女性や、結婚して収入のある男性に養ってもらって、軽い仕事で、安い賃金で満足する女性を必要としています。 離婚して、資産家の男性と再婚するのを提案します。 A ("My real heart says" ) It's a my own business. Your suggestion is no concern to my abilities. 結局、代わりは幾らでもある仕事では、いつかは、私は、道具として消耗され、廃棄されてしまいます。 私は、Something else my own Unique point で 闘わないといけないのです。(Quote Sakura Wars V ?)
  13. I take it in ultimate from ”Macross M3” Zentradi Final Weapon (2030), Which is a combiner. I look for the picrure which is in a complete state of this image. Please give information!
  14. 確かにCarl Macek のSlaughter はひどいです。 でも、「ロボテック」に全く「観るべき点」ない駄作だと言えるのでしょうか? どのような酷い作品にされていたとしても、その中に「パンドラの箱」から「災い」や「不幸」が飛び出した後に残った「希望」という名前の宝石が残っていたはずです。 そうでなければ Tobey Maguire 氏が彼の少年時代に「ロボテック」を通してであれ、このような不幸な出会いであっても、原作のマクロスに「興味を持つことすら」なかったでしょう。 米国ではHG社の妨害があるとはいえ、マクロスもロボテックも一応は観ることが出来ます。 マクロス・フロティアについても、熱心なファンは「ファン・サブ」で観ることが出来るでしょう。 それは河森正治氏とサテライトの著作権には不幸な出来事ですが、 [1] 広大な大陸でDVDやBlu-Layの流通に不都合があること [2] 米国の「商標権」を持つ誰かにの為に、Distributer が法外な「お金」か「小切手」を出さないといけないので、英語を理解する国の人々は、ファンサブという形でしか、マクロス・フロンティアを視聴できない。 この不幸な状況は理解します。 これを変更するには、日本のロボテックの物語の内容や Secondary continuity titles を全く知らない日本の人々に紹介して、その内容を「フェアな視点」で判断してもらうことが必要となると、私は考えます。 日本の彼等の意見の中には、もちろん「ロボテック」を否定する人々もいます、でも考えてみてください、非公開な作品は評価も出来ません、これは「アン・フェア」ではないのでしょうか? 日本のファンの意見も多く集まれば、「ハーモニー・ゴールド」と「ビッグ・ウエスト」(彼等の会社の登記「ビック・ウエスト」は正しくない和製英語です)」も和解に動かないわけにはいかないでしょう。 日本のファンはTobey Maguire の Live 映画が「実はマクロスではない」、「Robotech Macross SAGA」であることすら知らない人々が大半です。 これには日本の報道関係者の意図もあるようで、この状況は更なる誤解の起源です。 それは、Just Invid と 地球人類の「憎しみの連鎖」(Chain of the hatred)のようです。 そろそろ、この状態を解決して、米国で最新作の日本のマクロスを気兼ねなく観ることが出来るようになりたいとは思いませんか? 私個人だって、ひどい作品かもしれませんが「シャドウ・クロニクル」について、日本人のファンと感想を話し合いたい、でも沖縄はともかく、この東京にすら「シャドウ・クロニクル」 の内容を、「過去の作品の連続性を理解した上」で語り合えるファンの人々は殆どいません。 私はもうすぐ41歳になります。 カール・メイセックは死亡しましたが、「河森正治」氏も今年51歳のはずです。 最初のマクロスを少女時代、少年時代に体験した人々は、10年もしないうちに、お墓に入るかもしれません。 関係者が皆「逝去」(has gone)したならば、この法律問題は、永遠に解決しないでしょう。 ですから、私は「問題提起」をしました。 私に間違った情報を与えた男によって、幾分マクロス・ファンに攻撃的な言い方があったことは認めます。 でもRopponngi の DYRL の上映のフィルムは確かに酷かった、それで私が感じたことは理解してください。 長くなるので、今回はこれまでにします。  
  15. 0kay I write in Japanese! 貴方の発言は理解できます。 ハーモニー・ゴールド社の新作「シャドウ・クロニクル」は確かに「マクロス・フロンティア」に較べて劣っています。 私は、この "ロボテック Blu-lay 劇場版 The Shadow Chronicles Collector's Edition " を、沖縄の米軍基地の友人の家で観ました 。 また、私は、私に幾らかの嘘の情報を与えた男を追及しました。 彼は追求を逃れるために、その場から立ち去りました。 けれども、彼の情報が嘘であったとしても、私は、今の状況を改善したいと思って東京に出てきたのは、私自身の意思です。 私は、Harmony Gold社が、不動産の売上の利益に熱心で、これに較べる"Robotech"には熱意がないのは、わかりました。 不動産業に較べて、熱意のない、HG社に代わって、私は、自分自身の努力で会社を起業し、この状況をなんとかすることを考えています。 この複雑な legal Trademark Conflicts が、私個人の努力ではどうんにもならないことは、わかっています。 私は、マクロス世界と、マクロスシリーズを否定しているのではありません。 私はマクロスもロボテックも同様に評価しています。 何度も言いますが「互いの違い」を理解した上で、2つの企業が「和解」することは、第三者の仲介がない限り無理だと考えてます。 確かに私の熱意は「超時空騎兵(団) サザンクロス」にあり、これを動機として私は問題提起をしています。 日本のファンは「ロボテックの内容が何であるか」理解していません。 それはその争いや、日本の国のアニメを米国の「カール・メイセックが」、怪しげな韓国(「テッコンV」やVF-1Jの稚拙なデザインがメカではなく、ヒーローとして登場する「ガンダムV」)や、中国の「Astro Plan」のように、全く中身のない「まがい物」にしたと「のみ」考えているので、その内容を知ることもありません。
  16. As for his guess, the great portion is equal to my internal conditions I sent E-mail or the Real paper letters which was not electronic to Big West several times, but, from them, there was not mere one answer. I thought that they did not have no little thought to negotiate " Harmony Gold U.S.A." at all. I wonder if the " Harmony Gold U.S.A." has some change after Carl MaceK died ? I will not take seat to a negotiating table from themself when I do not increase power from the outside because BigWest President is very unsociable as had just quoted. I was for this purpose and resigned as the officer of the law and yearly income prepared for pains to become half and came out of the country to the neighbor prefecture of Tokyo. I left the husband of the housekeeping and aged parents and A daughter in Okinawa. Though I am only a person who is 40 ages working woman, I think about break this unsociable situation seriously! I cannot be able to choose the action that is such a riskey optinn of my life as the joke.
  17. I made a design specifications document about a "Robotech Chronicle". I believe that this interactive forum, attached Wiki page of the contribution function of the fan art set a settlement between Harmony Gold U.S.A and Big west in the near future. When I was too unpleasant to accept, by the reason of a complicated, logical document, my English composition ability, neither of the machine translation were able to translate this design specifications documents. Therefore I describe the following in Japanese. Wiki document design specifications about "The Robotech Chronicle"
  18. Nakajima_Aircraft_Engine Co.Ltd. ,since 2014 Nakajima_Aerospace_Engine Co.Ltd. In the world of that place, the Nakashima airplane is not dismantled, and it is it in the company which I pull the body from body development by an order of GHQ and specialized in an engine! He will be surely pleased with RAIZO-NAKAJIMA of Macross Zero in the shadow of the blade of grass. Because I can obtain PNG DATA without the image deterioration in a connection of a certain person, I write an article by the end of this evening.
  19. Now I wrote List of companies in Robotech/Macross World by using MY exclusive livedoor ID. Anyone who you know "Sinsei indutries" or "General Galaxy", "Shinakasu Heavy Industry"'s logomark design images ?
  20. 私は、働く女性で、沖縄から、主夫の夫を残して、仕事の為に埼玉県に単身赴任しています。 埼玉は東京の隣の県ですから、もちろん行きました。 でも、ヤコログさんが日記で書いた、サンライズの「イデオンの夜」には行っていません。 イデオンの作品自体の高い作家性は評価していますが、2つのうち、どちらか1つを選ぶならDYRLでした。 それなのに高い観覧料金と交通費を払って、傷のあるフィルムを与えられては、失望します。 I'm working women, and I leave "my husband who is housekeeping in house" from Okinawa and take up corporate officer job in Saitama leaving my family behind for work. Because Saitama was a prefecture next to Tokyo, of course I went. But I do not go at "the night of the Ideon" of the sunrise which Yacolog wrote with a diary. The high writer characteristics of work in itself of the Ideon evaluated it, but, among two, it was DYRL if it chose one either. However, I am disappointed when I pay high view rate and transportation expenses and am given the film with the wound. Now I wrote List of companies in Robotech/Macross World by using MY exclusive livedoor ID. Anyone who you know "Sinsei indutries" or "General Galaxy' company's logomark design images ?
  21. I agree with to Seto Kaiba. I surely recognize that the adaptation of the Robotech has "the part which is not good". I understand the meaning of the slaughter of "Carl F. Macek" ,too. But, across such an insufficient adaptation, there is their works has value in the expanse of "The expansion of the view of the world" at the Robotech world. You should make the stage "the colonization planet" according to the original "not south america in the earth " if you remake "the Super Dimention Calvary Southern Cross".
  22. I've alrady reoly post to Legioss at the RDF HQ communicatiion board's "Robotech Fan Projects" category! ビッグウエストは自分のところでリマスターする能力を持っていませんが、バンダイビジュアルが製作したリマスターDVDのデータを使って、高密度の、傷のないDYRLの上映を観客に提供することが出来るのは、常識のある人々なら思いつくところでした。 それなのに、彼らは怠慢で、傷だらけのフィルムを、東京の六本木のファンの為の上映会で使いました。 If it was people who had common sense, it was hit on to be able to offer the spectator screening DYRL without a high density wound by using "the data of remastered DVD whom "the Bandai visual had produced" though the BIG-WEST, they have "No-Remastering Ability" for ourself. They used a film that was negligent, full of scratches in the screening association for the fan of Roppongi in Tokyo yet. 私は、ビッグウエストが、彼等の商標権保持作品に対する態度を改善してもらいたくて、また、ハーモニーゴールドとビッグウエストが、和解調停の為に何もしないのを嘆いて、敢えてハーモニー・ゴールド・ジャパンという挑戦的なブログタイトルと、「ロボテック・クロニクル」という「マクロス・クロニクル」と「シャドウ・クロニクル」をクロス・オーバーさせた名前のウィキペデイアを、非商業用途で創刊しました。 As for me, The Big West wanted the attitude toward their trademark rights anime film's maintenance work to improve, and Harmony Gold and Big West grieved over what nothing did for The Settlement Mediation again, and I launched weekly renewal Wikipedia and your own fanart contributation URL page,the name that let I crossed and exceed a defiant blog title called "The Harmony Gold Japan" and the cross-over title "The Robotech Chronicle" named after "Macross Chronicle" and "The Shadow Chronicle"called daringly by the non-commerce use.
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