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Everything posted by yui1107

  1. Super AGACS , VFH-12 Super Auroran , the Ventral View revised line drawings image ! (800 x 482 pixels , image file type : PNG ) " Fixed winged Aerospace Fighter " to " Gyrodyne " (some of people miss-understanding Helicopter or Chopper , and more important fact, the mode is Atmosphere only using , substitute for GERWALK / Guardian mode) and " Battloid ", three configuration.
  2. The White and Black line , and point color art for your own original color scheme plan, Ofcourse I correct "Coaxial roter" miss-used jet blast nozzle directions (Brian Manning misunderstood the aero dynamics theory ) .
  3. ( Gyrodyne mode , and Fighter mode) TASC Marine Division VFH-12 "Super Auroran" https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150638780154944.1073741845.23958284943&type=1&l=804a2bb688 ( Gyrodyne mode ) TASC Marine Division VFH-12 Super Auroran http://www.deviantart.com/art/Gyrodyne-TASC-Marine-Division-VFH-12-Super-Auroran-614112426 AH-1 SeaCobra / SuperCobra and AH-1Z Viper that was developed for the United States Marine Corps (USMC). AGACS will develop for the United Earth Marine Corps (UEMC),also.
  4. Music Video 01 : The Robotech Masters (Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross) episode 53. "The Hunters" , the AGACS (VERITECH Gyrodyne copter VFH-10A "Auroran" ) music video with ★ ” Le Chevalier D'Eon” OST Track 09 "Gargoyle " . Original Japanese Air Date:August 5, 1984 (Sunday). Originally schedules episode number 39. Southern Cross Episode 16 "Hunter Killer " , ( Robotech: The Masters Saga Episode 53. The Hunters) . ▼ The successer of VF-1 Valkylie VFH-10 " Auroran " (AGACS) , VERITECH Fighter Master File sourcebook DAILYMOTION MUSIC VIDEO about VERITECH Fighter-Helicopter (Gyrodyne) VFH-10A " Auroran " (AGACS) DAILYMOTION MUSIC VIDEO about VERITECH Fighter VF-7 " sylpheed " The Collection of mecha and aircraft action scenes which edited a film to a music video until Episode 8 "metal fire" ( Robotech Masters l Episode 45 "Metal Fire " ) which was 1/5 (by break shortening story number 24 episodes conversion 1/3) by "the Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross" that I followed, and (the second) scheduled all 39 episodes, approximately 40 episodes conversion again. ▼ The successer of VF-1 Valkylie VERITECH Fighter Master File Sourcebook "VF-7 sylpheed"
  5. VERITECH Fighter Master File series Extra Issue : Space Vessels Master File Neuparszietsch 01 "Azashar" (Progress) class Robotech Masters (Tirolian) Triumvirate City Mother Ship
  6. Robotech Masters Bioroids No.1 ( 1of 6 ) VERITECH Fighter Master File Extra Nous'dohl (Blue) T'siendral (Green) Gister'dohl (Carmine Red ) The Primary stage Variants , ASC code name : Bioroid Early Type I Bioroid Early Type II Bioroid Early Type II - bis
  7. VERITECH Fighter Master File series Extra Issue : Space Vessels Master File SDF-1 class Super Dimention Fortress 01 " Macross " Space Defence Fortress 01 " Atlas "
  8. SDF-01 Mospeada by Kodai-Okuda
  9. Please ask Mr. Brian Denmeade via Facebook or Twitter sincerely ! VERITECH Fighter Helicopter (Gyrodyne) VFH-10B "Auroran" AGACs (ajax) 3DCG sample by Brian Denmeade on The ROBOTECH Chronicles.
  10. VERITECH Fighter - Attacker MASTER FILE   SFA-5 Conbat VF -6 Genia VFA-6 Legioss
  11. I'm plannning to publish VERITECH MASTER-FILE source book privately my own account as like Aviation Book Series "Aero Detail " ! My own Fanmade VF masterfile sourcebook ( VF, not " Variable Fighter " but " VERITECH Fighter " , and Japanese Kanji character imprint said the same vocabulary "可変戦闘機" )  yui1107's DeviantArt gallery TAF-01-SCF is F-206 Falcon II http://worldofjaymz.wikia.com/wiki/F-206_Falcon_II Atmospheric Medium Weight VERITECH Fighter VF-7 sylpheed ( ASC code : TAF-02-SCF ) Light Weight & Low cost Fighter VF-8 Logan ASC code : TASC-01-SCF (English) The coverart of VERITECH Fighter / Helicopter MASTER FILE  VFH-10 Auroran , VFH-12 Super Auroran ASC code : TASC-02-SCF a.k.a : AGACS / Super AGACS Published by : Yui Entertainment Inc. 日本語 超時空騎団サザンクロス ロボテックに登場する 可変戦闘機攻撃ヘリコプター「VFH-10 オーロラン」、「VFH-12 スーパーオーロラン」の VFマスターファイルがもし実現したらとの想定で制作した自費出版の表紙。 部 隊内識別記号 TASC・01-SCF 宇宙機甲隊略号TASC,Tactical Armored Space Corps, 直訳は「戦術宇宙機甲・飛行航宙軍団」が第13話以降、激化する戦局に対応して使用した可変戦闘機。全長全高12 m 強、戦闘機形態でのローター除く胴体長 9 m と本作品の可変戦闘機としては最も大型の部類に入る。
  12. Satoshi_Tsujimura_(The professional figure/doll sculpter),his new Jeanne Francaix fanart in October 14 2014: 600 x 894 pixels image The professional figure/doll sculpter_"Satoshi_Tsujimura"'s blog
  13. The Red and Blue BIOROIDs'_Anti- compressive "jpg" deterioration 2775 x 1952 pixels image
  14. Fall of the Southern Cross:Marie Angel Crystal The latest recruiting campaign featuring heroines of the United Earth Forces was very successful and popular...
  15. No.08 ARII 1/12 "Lana Isavia" ( Nova Satori ) sculptured by Mr.Gendai Saeki in "SAKAMOCHI MODEL COMPETITION"
  16. Robotech Nova Satori by LeElf on deviantART Robotech Marie Crystal by LeElf on Windows One dirve (2nd revised drawing). Robotech Marie Crystal by LeElf on Windows One dirve (The First abort drawing Marie “Angel” Crystal by LeElf because of the resemblance about Miss Saya Otonashi in Blood+ ).
  17. Krauss-Maffei Technologies GmbH VHT-04 [A2] " SPARTUS-II " * Orijinal size 1254 x 1349 pixels URL is below ! Orijinal size 1254 x 1349 pixels image URL
  18. www. Web adress Facebook for PC www.ROBOTECH Visions The fanarts of Robotech Dana Stering (S.D.C. SOUTHERN-CROSS "Jeanne Francaix" ) by various fanartists
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