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Everything posted by yui1107

  1. VF-4A/B ”Siren” Atmosphere pack & super pack
  2. Allison to Lilia (Allison & Lilia) This series takes place in a time roughly equivalent to the 1930s in our world. The world is divided into two cultures by a towering mountain range and huge river, and at the time of the story, the two cultures have been at war for hundreds of years. Allison, an air force pilot, and her childhood friend Will (pronounced Vill), who has a photographic memory, end up stealing an airplane and chasing some kidnappers across the river into the other country. Fortunately, they speak both languages... "Allison & Lillia" is based on the light novels "Allison" and "Lillia and Treize", by Keiichi Sigsawa. The first cours will cover the "Allison" novels, while the second cours will cover the "Lillia and Treize" novels. "Lillia and Treize" occurs about 15 years after "Allison". [source: Wikipedia"Allison & Lillia" ] "DeHavilland Tiger Moth(DH60 or DH82)" , "Heinkel He 51" , " Dewoitine D.500(-501/503/510/511)", "Grumman G-21 Goose" , "Kawanishi E7K1 (code name "ALF") sea plane" and more great aircraft in it, ... Official anime site: http://allison-web.net/ New sky-adventure show in JAPAN. Promotion video (youtube)Pronmotion trailer Opening"Tameiki no Hashi (溜め息の橋)" Ending "Sayonara no Omajinai (サヨナラのおまじない)" #1 Part 1 Subbed ("Allison and Will" 1/3) #1 Part 2 Subbed ("Allison and Will" 2/3) #1 Part 3 Subbed ("Allison and Will" 3/3) #2 Part 1 RAW "To the enemy nation !" 1/3 #2 Part 2 RAW "To the enemy nation !" 2/3 #2 Part 3 RAW "To the enemy nation !" 2/3
  3. Yacolog's report
  4.  HASEGAWA new and renewal package release announcemant at April 2008 ps.My avater "Emilia jenius" image picture
  5. Beagle ltd. will release 1/10 ride-armor whose distributer is YAMATO Inc.??
  6. Yak Deculture Club The "stratos" four-female instructor at the stratos Aviation Physiology Laboratory #723 Nanshin-Suzaku 「南神・朱雀」 1/72 VF-1D Valkyrie "Max/Virgin Road" (Wedding Episode with:Standard quality Decal , no Etchings) Macross World Forum VF-1D Virjin Road Topic Macross World Forum VF-1D Virjin Road Taiwanese model Builder's VF-1D "Trainer" OLD package used by model's photo(with:The Cartograf's Decal & Etchings) New Box Art by Tenjin (with :The Cartograf's Decal & Etchings)
  7. 2channel Modeler's contest post "1/72 VF-4A Minmay Guard " We could watch the VF-4 type A ( first block) exist in Vf-1S squad. in 2014..... http://www.stalin-news.com/2mc/gallery/8th/047/
  8. SMS's captain Klein Klan who is micronized Meltrandi ( female Zentradi), her character-design in micronized has revealed at Wonder Festival Macross- F anime series P.V. movie.(#2-#4 edited) She wear Queadlunn series female power armor.....but we don't know whether she wear (get on ??) orijinal size or mironized size.
  9. I hope to renewal episode series "Southern Cross" by Blue-Ray disc madia. Macross continue to new series " Macross F". Orgusss issueed "Orguss02" in 1994. ROBOTECH(=Mospeada) has released Shaodw Chronicles in 2007 by HG. Toynami ,CM'S, MEGA-HOUSE. BEEGLE release VFA-6(LEGIOSS), VR-052F and more 2007-2008. But Southern Cross has no media and Model or toy release untill now.
  10. I'm resident of Okinawa JAPAN

    I want VF-8 LOGAN BRUE PRINT....but oversea payment is diffccult

  11. MW ORGUSS TOY I've already post Mega-House parm action Orguss & Nikick,and more Takatoku-Toys variable toys...
  12. please refer to Takatoku-toys 1/40 MBG-24 A/C " Nikick"... A-type:Standard C-type :Commander or special force I anticipate YAMATO release 1/48 or 1/32 big transformable(Variable) toy in the future! Orguss toy collections
  13. F-toys Confect released 1/144 VF-1 complete collection model(Now Part-1 part-II scheduled winter). Have you collect or repaint these models? GA NEWS 1/144 Valkyrie COLLECTION article part-1 GA NEWS Valkyrie COLLECTION article part-2
  14. Mega-house Perm Action "Nikick " see the other image is Hobby Search Nikick release info
  15. I remenber the YELLOW SUBMALINE's Minmay doll,skelton by Super Action Jenny... (These image's doll which is skelton changed "VOLKS NEO-EB body".)
  16. Beta fighter (Tread )is awesome!
  17. No, this image is Laser-Disc liner sheet ,that size is 12in×12 in (30cm).
  18. VF-2/SS "Silen" in atmosphere, no super-pack . See the orijinal page VF2/SS custum model exhibition page See the URL Aoshima 1/350 Fire-flash strat-jet-liner
  19. Queadluun_Quilqua That doll (Now Incomplete)'s Scale is approximately 1/48. Skelton" BBI perfect body" and "OBITSU Inc. 's anime style head", two total is 28.00cm (11in.) tall. Thus Meltraedi Emilia , her Orijinal tall is 1344 cm???. (13.44m=44ft.) I don't know "Studio Nue" how imagined Zentraedi or Meltlraedi 's orijinal tall. Some of peple said that human size "Multiple value" is 5-6 but other people estimate "Multiple value" is 7-8. But I watch the DVD related Macross7 movie, that "Multiple value" looks like 7-8 on screen. Espacially Emilia is big Stocky woman, and I estimate her tall is 44ft. class.
  20. Now I open "Emilia Jenus" Customized doll page Sawing cloth by JUKI Inc. KM-504(BL-57EX) Overlock sawing machine... Customized doll "Emilia Jenius" Main body frame useed "BBI" perfect body, now continue to building & customizeing.... Any one who knows another design pictire or drawings?
  21. You can get Magic Engine 1.0...or "Visual boy" emulater... Maia Sterling and Marcus rush...
  22. Tankan's Fan Art ....You can seek "Takatan's Waffen-SS" page. by Google serch engine....
  23. I add Macross Nexus review page and back logo to my URL index page link! Macross Nexuas " 2036" review page Macross Nexuas "Eternal Love Song " review page
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