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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. You really need to warm water + soap clean the pieces at least twice before a light sand and paint.
  2. Yeah,,they're far more fragile than I thought they'd be. I've since made just the lasers available in metal too, as well as the polished strong and flexible material for those on a budget. On a side note Lancelot, did you find the assembly straightforward and easy to paint & mask?
  3. Hrrrng. Very nice! PS. Thanks for the tip about the side vents, noted. I should add that I left a bit of snugness in the neck joint to allow for printing tolerances. Better to file away than adding something to tighten it.
  4. We'd also better have VF-191s or else....
  5. Very cool DarrinG!
  6. Amazing! Love it
  7. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/11411-macross-f-dx-chogokin-vf-27-lucifer-valkyrie-grace-o-connor-custom-limited-edition.html
  8. No problem If you're interested some art i did for the game can be found in my portfolio here; https://chrisvera.artstation.com/ Just weapons and vehicles.
  9. Heads up; 20% off Satellite Reign on Steam - http://store.steampowered.com/app/268870/ - It's early access but still very fleshed out. Have a go!
  10. I don't know if it'll interest any of you - but I decided to make some jewellery that is a bit niche; https://www.shapeways.com/shops/RPG?section=Jewellery Please have a look around and share with interested parties or people - am open to suggestions on what to make next
  11. Indeed - the only to get better is to do it. I was a novice a few years ago, scared to mess up - but I said screw it and started customizing. After a few attempts you learn how to handle the models and paint - then it gets easier exponetially. Not saying I'm a pro, but I'm not afraid to paint something up anymore and/or work on customs. Try it. You might like it.
  12. I cannot wait for this. Tron Legacy just pressed so many buttons for me, all in a good way. The whole legacy theme and what you'd do for your children (had my first a few months before it came out at the cinemas) as well as a Sumerian-ish mythology to it - not to mention the visuals and music... Urrrrgh so good.
  13. Dude, once I get over this apathy/depression and whatnot, I'll get around to them. Maybe. Lol.
  14. Cool! Let me know how it goes.
  15. WHAT THE WHAT?!?! Thats a genius technique!!! So simple. Looks great I assume you'd lightly wet the surface and use a coarse salt/grinder?
  16. Oh yeah - that's totally doable.
  17. It is done.
  18. Thank you Mr March You've never seen Laputa?! This is a Miyazaki design. In my fantasy nerd world, Nausicaa, Laputa & Porco Rosso exist in the same universe - just separated by a few thousand years!
  19. Hello all again! Here's another model I completed; I wont post the other images, due to the terrible compression it uploads here, but u can find more images/angles here; https://www.artstation.com/artwork/flapter-air-skiff (scroll down the page to see a interactive 3D turnaround of the model) Enjoy!
  20. Holy hell-yeah! Someone made a custom 1/60 YF-0C using my custom parts for the conversion!! I haven't seen too many painted up and finished like this. Colour me impressed; http://ratatarse.jimdo.com/mes-customs/customs-termin%C3%A9s/yf-0c-un-marines/ And of course, thanks to Ratatarse!!!
  21. Holy Hell that looks amazing! I never knew about this - so thanks for the link!!! Well that just put my frown upside down - time to crack out my own spray cans and equipment again Sorry to derail - back on topic - hot damn the 0S looks killer - much mantis-y akin to the animé. I always found the VF-1 and VF-0 (especially the J and S respectively) to be insect like, and feminine. Can't wait for this release! Fingers crossed the armour comes out too.
  22. Lowered the prices on all the items in my store as much as is possible. Hope that convinces some of you that were on the fence before.
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