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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. Still holding out for a VF-191 or 19 variant! Caliburn anyone?
  2. Dat Caliburn :3 Also noticed the tail fins on the VF-1x++ - this is getting out of hand!
  3. I'll need very specific arm measurements - do you have a vernier caliper? Hmm, looks like I'll have to google some pics and collect - unless someone has a neat little collection at high rez? Is there official art>? Leg armour would be a pain - to get it to sit flush... The head unit will be the easiest and straight forward thing to make for sure, then the nose verniers - the other if, I decided to would be a lot trickier. Um, yes? I could make ones to hold the gunpod - but my existing hands all work with the armour too - simple remove the grey piece with plug that sits in front of the wrist - and plug the hands in the valk's wrist as usual! PS - anyone know a close-to-exact tamiya spray can colour that matches the TV VF-1A CF? Or the DYRL VF-1 off-white? Must be off-the-shelf Tamiya sprays.
  4. Ah OK, yes - also saw your post a bit above Jasonc about the nose parts - that might be a bit tricky to get flush with the nose - don't have a Valk in hand right this minute - any way to remove the nose easily? It just make the parts and people can glue them?
  5. You mean for the VF-1? I can't image people wanting to mess with any other 1/60 valk other than the abundant VF-1? From my Google-Fu (don't know a lot about MtR), is it just the head unit and leg armor for the VF-1X++?
  6. And a MASSIVE thanks to Tochiro!!! Thank you dude The closer pics are great, nice to see some of the details. I agree with some of the poster's comments about proportions etc, but i'm giving these guys some slack - Macross fans are a hard bunch to please sometimes - but still a billion times better than TF fans :- / Personally, I would have implemented some things here and there differently and altered the proportions/details/sharpness - but this is what we have, I like it more than I hate it - so I'm going to get it. I for one am supporting Evolution toys by preordering/buying one of these guys over a Bandai or Arcadia release (they've both gotten my fair share of money) - I'm short on funds atm, and I'd rather see the continuation and encouragement of new challengers to the Macross toy arena. Hopefully the the success of this VF-2SS will see the SAP (+ Nexx!?) come out. Then by that time when Evolution Toys are a success - they'll hire me to design their VF-2JA
  7. Oh, apologies! The modeling looks top notch BTW That is some impressive dimensions at 1/60 that's for sure! Can you post some photos?
  8. You do realize that the wings rotate on the z-axis where it meets the fuselage, not just rotate on the X-axis, which your peg implies?
  9. Regarding the head-lasers (anti-missile lasers); They're (old 1:60) Yamato, 1:60 Hasegawa & Masterfile accurate - anime accurate? Depends on the scene;
  10. The 1/72 Hasegawa kit has them on the shoulders like the 1/60 GBP Armour, the Master File version has it attached to what looks like the torso. I'd think the former would allow more range of movement and what not?
  11. No one said anything about making the missile-leg variant.
  12. I scanned the image from the book and quickly cleaned it up; No other colour schemes done - but don't let that stop you
  13. Reactive Armour only came in one colour, as in the anime - it only appeared once. There is an additional appearance in the Master File book - but it is a slightly different version, with missile launchers on the sides of the shins. I can't recall if the same book had alternate colours for it - I don't think so.
  14. Yes, me too
  15. What have they done in the past? Crappy plastic? Build quality?
  16. I think we'll see some improvements in the final piece - the coloured images floating about are nothing more than Potato-shopped images of the prototype. Prototypes are loose, floppy and saggy. The exposure is high in the images. I have faith. Worst case scenario is that it's a floppy and broken mess when it arrives - more of an excuse to pull it apart and customize it. Personally - I'll go with the blue stripe PS. Release is still at the end of the year, right? Any info on Evolution toys or how to contact them?
  17. It'll be very interesting to see (once in hand) if a little magnet will stick on it at certain points...
  18. So I did a quick PS job to see what was bothering me; So on the left is the official toy, with what looks like PS colours, then the line art - and finally my edits. More or less I tweaked; Head size and proportion, angled lasers and brightened/coloured the optics. Bicep split to double jointed elbow. Clip the chest vane tabs. Added read shoulder thrusters. Reshaped thighs, shins, stabilizers + feet. Tweaked the red stripes. Lightly made panel lines more obvious. I think this is a closer representation to the original art - and doable. Still - this toy looks primed for custom paint work + decals!!!
  19. Ahhh frak it, preordered too Lets see what improvements can be done!
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