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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. Looks like they're all 'copy cat' batmans - i remember reading somewhere that its a ploy from the joker to bring batmans image down or something - so gotham starts to not like 'ol bats, or something along those lines. Also, look at the pic... who is sitting second in, on the left.... looks like our old friend Mr.Scarecrow.... Cool!
  2. WHOA! LOL! Never thought of it like that before! Hmm... i can just see a Jawa running into a crowded space port and detonating a load of explosives strapped to his chest... Ahem. I'd side with the Empire, why? Because they've got a fricken huge planet killing laser. Thats why.
  3. Personally - i think the series and designs look great - good to see the 'bots going in another direction - we've had the boxy original (simple) G1 designs, the beast wars era and the other CG stuff, the crazy busy (crap) movie versions, the Dreamwave incarnations, the cool contemporary designs of the IDW comics (E.J. Su & Co. Rock) - and now these. Plus the toys look awesome!
  4. Whoops! My bad! And here i was, for years thinking it was called a renegade power armour. My line art is mostly semi-high res. I can rumage thru it for stuff u don't have maybe? I'll have to wait till i get to my home pc to see how big they are.
  5. Mr March - you're missing the renegade power armour from the M.Plus section - do u need a few pics? I can supply them! I have a MASSIVE library of almost every mech and ship From Macross, DYRL, Plus and Zero, if u need any - just gimmie a shout! (Years of scouring the 'net!) BTW Site is AWESOME! I Really dig the colours on the line art - simple yet effective! It's Nice to see the VF-11 in colour! LOL!
  6. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.... the TF;Game was utter crap. For shame!!! The camera was crap, the controls were crap, and ur 'bot has to have their feet on the ground plane for them to transform - so no jumping off a building or jumping into the air and trying to transform - oh no. Which is a real shame, especially when u play starscream. You can smash thru brick walls, cars, metal fences, destroy anything almost - BUT DON"T HIT A STATIC 2-PLANE MISC TREE! OH NO - cause that'll stop u right in ur tracks. Repetitive missions, crappy controls, restrictive and linear play thru. So let down by what could've been an awesome game. On the whole, a HUGE waste of money - so ultimately i took the game back and got my money back! But Barricade, Jazz and Blackout were kinda fun to play, for a while. Sigh...
  7. LOL! I was in Buenos Aires for a fews day while on the way to visit family in Chile, and i almost dies 4 or 5 times the first few hours i was there, near the obelisk and surrounding area! The traffic was wild! Then in Chile, well damn - i almost had a heart attack everytime i got in a car or a taxi! Still, gorgeous city - gorgeous women! (Y la carne, no se olvidads de la carne! *En el restorante o en la calle?*) Jejejejeje, good times.
  8. I got my MP3 Soundwave today, and - damn... what a fine transformer it is!!! I'm as giddy as a school girl!!! Very cool, and nice proportions, articulation is a tad on the loose side, but he looks kick ass next to my classics. One satisfied customer. Thanks Takara Tomy - what will they think of next?
  9. Wow wow WOW!!! That's all sorts'a cool! The music - the homages to G1 - even starscreams voice was in the same vein! I think this looks great - from what is available! I don't know what all the bashing is for - this looks really cool! Can't wait!
  10. All i'm going to say is that i'm close to the source. :-D But in regards to the ISD rip off thingie, i heard that it (the intro cutscene) was done by a seperate company than the game developer, but i'm not 100% sure as i'm not involved with that project.
  11. Well, the tumbler (so far) is still the same tumbler... but still, it is a cool batmobile! Saw some videos over at www.comingsoon.net, shows the joker too.
  12. Kurisama


    Ummm... i don't know where u got the idea for setting the layer to 'overlay', but what u should really be doing is setting the line art layer to 'multiply' and putting it at the top of the layer stack. This way u can block in colours on the lower layers and the line art will look good. Try fidling witht the levels (Ctrl+L) to clean up the lines a bit.
  13. Although i can't say too much - as dumb (i think) as it looks, the ISD getting force-crashed has been completely OK'd by Mr.Lucas. On an up note - in game looks cool, and the concept art is top notch. It plays much like a God of War, but in the SW universe.
  14. Oh - cheers! Jee... haven't touched the old '21 or octoss, in like.... a year.... holy crap.... Well, should really go back and have another go. And Kuri, well - that comes from Kurisu, which is of course, a japanese pronunciation of Chris.
  15. Didn't Kawamori-sama design most of the G1 toys?
  16. Anyone else think Megatron's alt mode looked, somewhat... SV-51-ish? Hmm? Anybody? *Puts shield up*
  17. Well, whatever it is - it's got me hook line and sinker, for now.... i spent the better part of my working day today googling this and trying to solve the (3rd stage) puzzle.... Cthulu or Voltron - bring it on baby - woo hooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Well, as a child of the 80's - I'll give it a go. But cobbled together "junk-lions"? C'mon...... Here's hoping they 'uncover' the already built lions. But early days yet, could even be all crap, who knows?
  19. Hey Stratagos, not bad at all! Whats the poly count on this thing?
  20. Talking of which... can't wait to see what the batmobile will look like, the 'evolution' so to speak or what the new gadgets will be. Personally, i loved the 'tumbler' as much as i do the 'keaton-mobile'. Hope they do a mish-mash of an inbetween stage of these two... a man can dream can't he?
  21. WTF!?!?!? LOL!
  22. Hey Guys, a mate of mine just got back from japan last week, and while looking thru his photos, came across this little gem...
  23. please excuse the crudeness of this sketch - as i am at work, but... here is my theory for the arms, close quater combat....
  24. Hmmm... what ever happened to those small manipulator (x2 or x3???) arms from the VF-1's fore arms? Y'know when Roy helps Hikaru out in ep.2??? Where they ever used in any other Vf's????
  25. LOL! I even knew a spanish guy who drove one, didn't seem to phase him tho, je je je.
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