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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. *Ba-doom TSH!*
  2. OOOOoOOoOooOooooo...... thats one nifty looking tank! Cool!
  3. Is Chris Crocker a chick or a dude? Damn, what kinda of an upringing do one endure to turn out like these ppl? And that german kid - man he needs a good smack across the face, and maybe no computer games for a long while. I used to work in the toys dept of a major department store, and maaaaaan - some kids are just plain, spoilt little sh#ts.
  4. Hmm. I would have to say my faves are; Jurassic 5 Chali-2na Ozomatli Del tha Funkee Homosapien/Deltron 3030 Gorillaz Cypress Hill (Black Sunday, Los Grandes Exitos En Espanol & Temples of Boom would have to rate the highest) Beastie Boys Samurai Champloo OST Control Machete Tiro De Gracia Molotov (It's very hit and miss with me) M.I.A Tenacious D Foo Fighters Buena Vista Social Club Celso PiƱa Prince Bob Marley Gondwana Daddy Yankee (Also hit and miss with me) Tego Calderon It's mostly old skool hip hop/new hip hop with old skool flavour or latin stuff. Love it.
  5. So i guess nobody has a pic (or a clue) of the 'spider-tank' from Dominion Tank Police OVA?!?!? Bummer... BTW - looking at that AT-TE walker from AOTC (above), did anyone catch the same tank - only with 6 AT-AT legs on felucia in ROTS>? It was pretty cool!
  6. I just don't get the attraction to hentai - i mean, there is PLENTY of real world naughty-ness all over the net. What would anyone find appealing about cute faced, even child like features - huge boobed - tentacled/monsterous wang/whatever sorta stuff? I don't get it. But whatever floats ur boat i guess.
  7. I remember the awful thing that was that game. I think it was released under that title in different countries. Man, they should do something again in that universe - it was so good, and simple controls. Just a jem of a game.
  8. I'm bringing it back - old skool yo, boyee! Ahem... Call me old fashioned, but i loved Space Quest 1, 2 & 3, Syndicate, Flash Back & Another World, Ghost & Goblins, Ghouls & Ghosts, St.Dragon, Flood, Black Throne, Venus The Flytrap, Impossamole, Rick Dangerous, the ORIGINAL Duke Nukem, Halloween Harry damn... and about 200 other games on my beloved (R.I.P) Amiga 500. BTW the last 2 games were on my old PC - which, I used to (still do, now that i think of it) LOVE Monkey Island 1 and 2, FULL THROTTLE!! Sam and Max... *Sigh* Fast forward a few decades and well, Halo, Street Fighter Alpha 3, SNK vs CAPCOM 2, God of War, Dawn of War rate pretty high on my list of fun games to play, over and over again.
  9. DAMN IT MAN - you've doomed us ALL!!! *runs for the hills*
  10. Hmmmmnnn.... In no particular Order; - All Katsuhiro Otomo Films - All Miyazaki Films - Wings of Honneamise - Patlabour 1 - GiTS movies 1 & 2 - Samurai Champloo - Evangelion - Eureka 7 Bit more than 5, but what'cha gunna do?
  11. O-HO-HO-HO-HOOOOOO!!!!!! Hot diggiddy dawg! We have a weiner! This looks SWEEEEET. *Nyah* :-P to all tha haters! Can't wait!
  12. Nope, thats not the one at all. It was a dark green one, about the size of the bonaparte. And i vaguely remember some dude with a suitcase controlling it. Its from the OVA - if that helps. I remember there was line art of it on the inside cover on one of the VHS cases.
  13. Masamune's Tanks ROCK! I always loved the Bonaparte from tank police, and the Fuchikomas - and the think tank... Anyone know why it and the tank from metal slug are almost the same if not identical? Anyone have pics of the other tank in the first ep of tank police that gets destroyed? that was sweet!!! Or the spider tank thing in tank police that is like the grand daddy of the think tank in GiTS?
  14. Well - there are a few VERY Macross inspired shots of Starscream in Bayformers. As soon as i saw them - i wondered how long it'd be until a Macross movie would hit the big screen.
  15. Damn - that VF-1S would look hella sweet with a YF-21 colour scheme!
  16. Well, you know - It's what I Do.
  17. Maybe all the humans getting pwnd is because they're all infected with aliens? So the Pred is pre-emptively killin' 'em?
  18. Oh come on - the first Predator is a classic and one of Arnie's BEST movies with some of his most memorable line, heck 1/2 half the lines in it are classics! "Kah maaan, keeel me, aym raite he-a... doo eet - keel meee... what a you weyten fooh-aaa? KEEEEL MEEE!!!" "I'll bleed you - right here, real quiet like..." "Ya'll a bunch of slack-jawed f#ggots 'round here, this stuff'll make you a god-damned sexual tyranosaurus - like me." "I'm gunna have me some fun...I'm gunna have me some fun...I'm gunna have me some fun..." Oh yeah, de memories.
  19. Do these help? The best i've got on these i'm afraid...
  20. LOL! I can just imagine that! HAhahahahahaaa!!! Trailer Guy voice: "Rob Schneider / Adam Sandler is; The Predator" *Trailer then proceeds to play Avril Lavine's "Girlfriend" or some other craptacular pop crap* Classic. *disc scratch noise again* Predator #1 to Predator #2; "Hey dude, thats not a bong... thats for my schlong!"
  21. These pics are most likely set photos of the day. Not actual film. Or they are film and not yet colour balanced. Take this photo for example; U can still see the safety rope on Mr.Batman.
  22. Just downloaded the HD version - this looks soooo yummy! I also noticed that the pred has 2 shoulder cannons?!!? KEWL!
  23. Really? only one? Is it gunna start off with a few? i'd assume so - or maybe they all (bar 1) cark it when the ship crash lands? I'd still like to see a hunting 'party' in action, working co-op. BTW that pred-whip looks cool!
  24. Oh - come ON! This looks SWEEEEEEET!!!! I'm so there - it looks so old skool! I for one, can't wait! Whens this get released?
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