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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. SWEET! Can't wait for this - Production I.G can do no wrong!
  2. They have 'De Culture' t-shirts for sale at HLJ in the Macross section! Yep...
  3. Wow - now thats a REALLY nice model - haven't seen modelling this nice in a while - well done mate! Are there plans to chop it up and start making Battroid or GERWALK versions of it? If so, good luck to u man - I know how long this can take! Look forward to seeing it completed!
  4. YF-19 FTW! VF-9 Gerwalk is gorgeous too me thinks - The Zero and VF-1 are also beautiful. Thats my 2 cents - which i'm sure everyone wants to know...
  5. LOL - years ago, when i bought the TPB of this (I like TPB's), I instantly thought 'rip-off' when i saw the pred ship - surely the artist could've drawn inspiration from the original design - not just rip it off completely. Still - nice try i suppose. The concept art in the back of the TPB of the pred looks far better than the actual preds in the story, ah well - such is life.
  6. Disclaimer; *** Now I just caught this last night at 2am, slightly intoxicated - but i saw it none the less. I haven't read any of the other posts - so i apologize if i repeat a few things that may have already been posted - it's the festive season and i am too full of delicious food to read. *** Well pretty fricken sweet I reckon. Love the battroid-trainer/pilot suit thingies - very Eureka 7 flavoured. The Enemies are kinda cool too - i like the EVA-02 head thing going on - it also reminded me of the Ragna-rok from FF8 - also the design of the whole Macross fleet was just gorgeous! Will have to watch it again to soak it all in - but I did very much enjoy it - the new Valkyrie (especially in the VF-1 homage gerwalk scenes) looked especially sweet - and the kinda feeling of the Max vs Miria battle inside the SDF-1 in the original during the end battle was also sweet. Can't wait to see more!!!
  7. I haven't seen the 5 mins yet, but I just saw the trailer - AWWWWWW YEAH!!! I wanna see some sweet batarang action tho - i love the gadgets :-D Anyone else think 'Akira' when Bats swerves to miss Joker and slides out?
  8. Yep, IDW are sure doing great things! Been over at their forums for a while there and every now and then the artists/writer chat to the members which is cool. And the fanart thing is fricken sweet - some really good stuff there. Also what IDW have done for fans is just awesome, with the last 2 issues of Transformers; Devastation, fan art has been printed that was produced on those boards and subsequent DeviantART pages. Good time to be a Transformers fan indeed! Transformers Mosaic Project on DeviantART Careful tho, alotta fan boys post their 'art' up there too... so watch out!
  9. I wiki'd it yesterday - didn't know that he did nibbler all along!
  10. Mu-hahahahaaaa! Ah well, back onto the topic at hand - I cannot wait to see some more line art - although I'm guessing it wont be as refined as say the VF-1 or Yf-19 - or as numerous, cause it's a CG model? We didn't get too much line art at all from M; Zero - as it was also mostly CG valk action. I'm guessing there would be more concept art floating around eh?
  11. *Checks Credits*... Mark Hamill and Frank Welker did voices in it. And by checking the credits, I implied I got someone else to check for me...
  12. LOL! Sweet bongo of the congo! It was a good movie, very touching in the end - 010010001010100010000100001000001111000110001000010010000110001110100!!! (lol!!!)
  13. *GAK* Where have I been?!?!? The new VF looks SWEET!!!!! GAH! Can't wait for the line art! So pretty - love the feet and legs and the V-stabilizers in gerwalk! God I love that shot - So awesome. Not enough of those in Macross. THANKS!!!
  14. MMM MMM MMMmmm... Yummy! Look! No more oval shadows! Accurate shadows galore baby!
  15. Thanks Mr March - you're the best!
  16. Here's a question; I never got how in Aliens, when the marines had to surrender their ammo - why does the smart gun have what looks like a cylinder with a big headphone plug on the end for ammo? How does that work?
  17. Nope - thats it. But didn't u see the aliens in the 2 trailers?
  18. I - for one, welcome our new robot-god-overlords.
  19. Some new pics up at www.USATODAY.com, found it from a link at www.comingsoon.net. Kewl.
  20. Would Roy's armoured VF-0 do?
  21. Probably, yeah. Given alot of time and a beasty PC.
  22. Yeah the animated movies were pretty terrile. It's like producers said; "Hey, Hellboy is all about heavy visual contrast and things in shadows - lets NOT do that... I think it'll really work - oh, oh, ho - AND lets just take snippets of the TPB's and mash them into a crappy cartoon, it'll be ok tho - 'cause we'll use Ron Pearlman for his voice."
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