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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. Thank you JBO!
  2. I have a couple of questions; 1. Does the GU-11 Gunpod have a reload option, like spare 'clips' - or is the only way a VF can have a full load is to get a pre-loaded gunpod - like the one in M.Zero that is on the re-fueling plane? 2. Did the VF-0 ever get updated engines? Like an early generation VF-1 engine?
  3. Thanks for that! Pretty cool stuff there !!! True!
  4. Well I hadn't seen the Gerwalk scene where it stops suddenly toward the camera and the scene where that girl is falling. I have only seen the episode.
  5. OOooOooooo...... New footage! Awesome! Thank you!
  6. Vrlitwhai Kridanik = ブリタイ・クリダニク = Buritai Kuridaniku.... ...Britai is as good as Buritai for me,
  7. I sure do like giant-transforming-flying-robots-in space, discuss...
  8. Isamu would be a great addition! Guess he could be a trainer with the SMS - maybe have a 'relic' for keep-sake in a hanger somewhere, hey?
  9. No I haven't done TV work, but what I mean by time constraints is the time between milestones/due dates for certain builds of any given game - we have to work not only to our own schedule - but the schedule of the companies that own the licences to the games we are making. We have several people here who have worked in the film and TV industry - they assure me although there are similarities, they are quite different things. And in regards to render time = money, that is incorrect (for games) - as TV shows have a much higher budget for polygons as the output is to film and for post processing effects and compositing etc etc, so ofcourse they need to work within a limited time and make sure everything is good to go before they render - games on the other hand need to stick to a limited budget of polygons depending on what platform u use, so time is dedicated to building, texturing, optimizing and play testing. Render time for nice spiffy models only come into it for FMV's, which are usually done by another comapny entirely. I'd say say games production and TV production are quite different. SK would have done final concept art -handed it to the modelers, checked in every so often during constructions, as certian milestones were reached, eventually a final model would be produced, scoured over and scrutenized and finally approved. This is not to mention countless meeting with other departments (animators for example) to make sure it was all coming together and would work.
  10. I would totally bring back Roy! He'd totally have like, cybernetic legs, and like lazors shooting from his eyes and stuff. And he'd be Zentradi size. And have like, FAST packs, and yeah...
  11. Oh c'mon - they didn't get totally pwned!
  12. Oh oh - don't forget the 'inexperienced' hero of the series will always climb into a Valkyrie for the first time and kick ass, while clumsily hobbling around! - Hikaru - Shin - That dude from M.Frontier
  13. Mu-hahahaha!!! If he does indeed get the job - it'll rock so hard! He'll make it nicely dark and a bit creepy, at least in the whole under the mountain bit and going to get the treasure from smaug! Woot!
  14. I highly doubt it. I work in the games industry, and when I get given any approved concept art - the design is followed as CLOSELY and ACCURATELY as possible, the only changes that occur are the ones where certain parts or pieces are not logical or possible to make - which is almost never, OR where machine limitations come in - which would not be an issue in a TV program. And SK would not just give the design to some grunt and say 'Make it', I'm confident he'd do many check ups along the way, go thru several viewings of the model in progress. Plus SK is a stickler for detail and accuracy. And making changes in CG model is a piece of pi$$, would only really hurt the schedule if a lengthy sequence wold need to be rendered out and all other effects composited etc etc, but again i doubt that'd take long as they'd have very top end machines.
  15. God/Allah/Buddah/Hory Froating Head bless you, Graham.
  16. The Q.Rau does indeed look kick ass - and the N.Ger cannon really fits it nicely! I'm also a bit iffy about those 'tanks' on the back - ah well i can just not stick them on when i get a model of this... I wonder if the N.Ger will make a come back? I really love the cannon in the chest.
  17. Hmm.. now that'd be interesting... The IDW story line is so completely rockin'. I love that shot of Sunstreaker (well, just his head) all strung up and torn apart muttering 'Kiiiiill meeeeee.....' Awesome! Plus the designs are super cool. EJ Su is a god.
  18. Word, homie. LOL.
  19. Well for me, Mac Plus is my all time fave. Then Mac Zero, then DYRL, then SDF at the very end. Never saw Mac 7, don't really wanna either. Frontier is looking particularly tasty too. I think think that SDF is waaaaaay out dated and kinda boring to watch - but i speak as a mecha enthusiast/fanatic. I don't like the amount of anime magic that went on in SDF, Mac Plus kept it together pretty well and Mac Zero, well - woah, thems was the goods baby, and frontier is just making me all giddy with all the accurate and detailed mecha flying about. So in conclusion - bring on more Macross franchises! As long Kawamori has something (if not all, Miyatake Kazutaka would also be good) to do with it, I'll be a happy camper. I'll admit story isn't my number 1 priority for Macross, although i do love Macross for that. The more new Valkyries, the better.
  20. Q-Rau? Monster? Oh baby - oh baby - oh baby!!! :lol:
  21. From that purple fighter screen shot, looks like they're using Maya... now if i can somehow get my hands on those Maya files....
  22. It definately has a STRONG SV-51 flavour. Which is all types of win, as far as i'm concerned.
  23. *BA-DUM TISH*....
  24. WHAT?!?! Awwwwwwwww maaaaaaaaaaan....
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