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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. Beep beep; https://www.shapeways.com/product/7MVZLKHLF/vf-1x-head-unit
  2. Yep, uni = university. Studying industrial design.
  3. Hey man. I had intended to have the head unit finished weeks ago (only a tiny tweak here and there) but uni has been pretty full on. I'm not entirely sure when I can get it done and available - but should be relatively soon. On the plus side I am learning a program called Creo for rapid prototyping. Thanks everyone for their patience.
  4. Nearly $400 AUD? Get f**ked! Haha, do they really think that's a good business model? Arcadia won't be around for long it they continue their price points like this, IMHO.
  5. If it's the octos, I know a few things about it EDIT - what I mean is, I can give a few pointers.
  6. Yep, that's it. One with and one without hard points. Hold off buying it for a few days, I want to upload a new version that eliminates the built-in pins (weak and could break) - making all the male plugs into female, in the interest that the person buying it will use 2mm metal rods. Kelsain, I'll look into tucking them in when I review it, haven't touched the file since last posting of the image. Not much time to myself these days.
  7. I've always wondered what scale she was at. I guess comparing the super boosters will give a good sense. I'm so glad I've got a few '11s, it may be my most fave design - love to get another, but that's steep. I'd love to see a renewal version or variants tho!
  8. Thank you very much! Yeah, it really pops now, compared to the old sculpt. Image isn't loading for me! Same! Ask, and ye shall receive; I dunno - not a fan of the design and also - how can you overhaul what is *to me* THE iconic valkyrie - first ever on-screen battroid reveal ?? <3 Yeah, that's how I envision it resting. Absoloutely! Just let me tweak some small tolerances here and there and a better cap-lock on internal parts and I'll upload - make it available separately to what else I have planned for this. Awesome! That'd be great, when u're ready - let me know and i'll draw what I need for you - is it possible to detach the arm or part of it to lay it on a scanner and scan it? Seems dumd - but I've used this technique on difficult pieces before to great effect. BTW - has anyone go good, hi-rez, multi-angle pics of the arm and leg FAST pack style attachments?
  9. OK! Tweaks done - looks waaaaay better now Will most definitely NOT sit flush (visor visible) in fighter mode - will fit, but it'll need to be deployed further out. Chin may need some work.
  10. Oh, of course... I hadn't had my morning coffee yet!
  11. Good god man, where were these images when I asked days ago!?!! Thanks man! Much better angles. I'll elongate the face and cap when I get to working on this tonight. I'll also tweak the lasers. I'll try tweaking as best I can ?huh? Did I missing something? What about the VF-19? Thanks for the feedback everyone!
  12. Pretty much done with the head sculpt - some details aren't spot on due to my rusty-ness and the material's minimum tolerances. But I think it's pretty close;
  13. Does anyone have images of the back of the head of battroid? I had a bit more time today for the last details to everything but the main 'cap' - going to attempt it now.
  14. So wings / landing gear / missile bays? Any other moving parts?
  15. I'm not sure - as far as I can tell, it was pre-production art for Frontier - I gather that some of the Vajra could've looked like this, they mention in the OVA that the Zentran (or was it Protoculture?) fought and were inspired by the Vajra? My memory is a little foggy on that. Still, great concept. Kinda like how our modern planes somewhat resemble birds.
  16. Same here! More Zentran! More power suits! More bio-mechanical! I hope they include the biochemical/organic version of the regult that was shown years ago... That was ace. Love the idea that the regults were inspired by these creatures - in universe. I'd post a pic, but gotta trawl through the old hdd.
  17. "This deal is getting worse all the time." LOL How are you going to load rounds with a measuring tool - or am I missing something? I'm curious! Just my HMMs? Hell yes HR scans please! I just now pulled apart my TV CF 1A, fiddly in the leg assembly - and couldn't pull apart the backpack without damaging the plastic... not sure people would want to hack away at their yammies/arcadias - I have a very small amount of people now that barely want to paint their custom pieces let alone what would be required to make a VF-1X++. Feet could be done, but it'd need to be done in WSF polished, even then would require more sanding and prep than the FUD. Wings too coould easily be done - just thinking about the WSF material and prep to get a smooth finish. A lot of this would be possible if I had access to resin/molds of my pieces. But yes, I'd be glad to borrow and return those items! As above. The long and short of it is that the head, nose verniers & main wings are very doable with a quick turn around I think. The other parts are a maybe - only because of how fiddly they'd be to sit flush on the valk / strength / material prep / valk disassembly & price. I shall start the head unit tonight methinks - I'll use the same neck piece as the MtF VF-1J for starters.
  18. OMG yes! That would be amazing! That or have the new singer/band be basically BabyMetal :3
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