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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. Well, that was quick... The riddler ey?
  2. I think it's more like: Vajra = Zerg = Tyrannids
  3. Holy-ba-jeesus! I've never seen that pic before! Naice.
  4. Now just to clear things up in my head - The first ever transforming airplane, chronologically was the SV-51, right? Invented by (or developed with) the creepy doctor dude in the wheel chair M.Zero - right? Then some how UN Spacey got the info & details and developed the VF-0? Or at some point the ANTI-UN was part of the UN and splintered off somewhere in the developmental stages of the transforming fighter? Can someone clear this up for me? On another note - was a shame we didn't see - or even glimpse either the Karyovin, Dragon II or VF-1 at any point during M.Zero...
  5. Apart from the SV-51, Octos, Cool submarine and the Karyovin Fighter - what other mecha / vehicles did the Anti UN forces have access to?
  6. Eeeeeeeeee.......... okay.........
  7. I agree with u there Jenius, the close up on the moving eye seems very Macross Zero-ish...
  8. I've had my coffee now!
  9. "I am Jack's vernier thruster... I am Jack's thermo-nuclear reactor... I am... ...there's a whole bunch of these?!!?" Lulz...
  10. Oh c'mon!!! I don't give a rats about Hikaru or Misa, Isamu is in a different league!
  11. Man I just wanna see Isamu, as an old-skool instructor - or private military employee, or something! Wonder what happened to Myung? Or maybe see an old face - like Yang?
  12. Hey - It's what I do.
  13. Mao's Blood? Why not Sara's? She flew off at the end of Zero - who knows what happened to her?
  14. Took the liberty of tweaking the pic in PS to bring the details out a bit. Could be Mao.... Background look sorta like Galia 4...
  15. I like to think of Valkyries as having J.C.S, or 'Jackie Chan Syndrome' - as in the mechs will save the day, but the can/will get damaged or hurt
  16. I totally, totally agree with u there.. I love the feeling of rank and file mecha in the Macross universe, of course there are the CF VF-1A's - but the 'hero' mechs were really hero mechs because of the pilots, not the mech. Although the 'Skull Fokker Special' paint job is one of the best in the Macross universe, next to Hikaru's VF-1J
  17. The eps were a little short - but damn - where they sweet! Really dug most of them - I liked the various glimpses of the batmobile too - even brief shot of the old keaton mobile My fave is probably the 4 skater kids story for sure - mecha-batman lol. Bit of a Miyazaki Laputa robot vibe there - which is just all sorts of win
  18. As I posted in the other thread - this isn't Hidetaka Tenjin's art at all. It's nice fan art, but definately not Tenjin's. Could be a WIP tho, before he paints over it?
  19. Hmm.. I disagree there - doesn't look like Tenjin's art style at all - sure maybe at passing glance - but it definately isn't. Maybe it's a draft version, or a half way stage to the final image. Still it's nice art.
  20. Y'know the longer u stare at that gif, the more fluid it gets - like a perfect rhythm... lol
  21. ...Geek-gasm at the thought of CG N-Gers...
  22. I love that big 'ol red button - something very Voltron about it.
  23. Yeah, but shields are really cool - and logical.
  24. I agree also - thanks alot for ur efforts Mr.March!
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