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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. Thats.... actually a really good question. In all my years of being a Mac-freak, I've never pondered this or heard anything about it...
  2. A model you say? Hmm....
  3. There is a damn-load of clipping going on all thru Frontier - especially with the Q-Rea's. Usually, tho - it's way too fast for the viewer to notice at all, unless ur a super-mac-freak and cg-freak, like most of us here...
  4. I've assumed it similar to YF-19. The seat swivels 90 degrees forward, the line art for the cockpit area (in fighter mode) shows the 'monitors' that appear behind and to the sides of the pilot in battroid mode - U can use that to imagine the seat swiveling forward 90 degrees. Not sure about the hatch tho - must be similar to the YF-19 too, that or the hatch is located in a rather suspect area...
  5. I think the more pressing question is - when the freaking hell are we going to get a 1/72 Q-Rea? I'd get at least 2, one in a Klan paint scheme and another for the Eye-patch-Zent-dude's paint scheme!
  6. Is this old news or not: http://www.autoblog.com/photos/tomy-gt-r-transformer/961137/ A friend of mine sent me the link this morning. Kewl!
  7. Thanks Sumdumgai, Azrael and RedWolf - that clears that up for me, would've been nice to show Planet Eden also or instead of, but ah well
  8. Ok, having seen the last ep of frontier... what was the reason for showing the Macross 11? I haven't seen (or care for) Macross 7, does it have to do with that? Fair enough showing the SDF-1 in that montage, but i don't get why the Macross 11 was so important - and also, why did it have crazy pipe/wing things either side of it?
  9. QFT - Thats the exact moment for me too
  10. I can so totally see that - that'd be AWESOME!
  11. That nice. At the end of the day it's an anime - and the artist in question who did the image did what would look cool. So in the end it doesn't matter one way or the other if u think it's more than 'superficial paint damage', or what i think it is. But good on you for putting so much thought into it. Also, I in no way mean to be mean or nasty. In anycase, I'm sure the extreme speed cause the superficial damage to the hull. Heh.
  12. ChronoReverse, Morpheus said: I was just saying that it did't look to me that there was any structural damage to the aircraft other than the paint - when in extrme speed. The 21 being junked in space, well I assume its from slaming into the X-9. But then again, thats just IMO.
  13. Looks to me more like the paint stripping off rather than the actual armour.
  14. I have an Octos, YF-21, YF-19 and a VF-0 (the latter 2 are so old that i don't even know where they are anymore) that never made it to 100% complete.
  15. I came across this internet cafe about 2 years ago while in Vina del mar, Chile. I think it was Vina.... meh.
  16. *High Fives* Right on man. Looks sweet.
  17. Gerwalk looks promising also
  18. Ignore the shameless self promotion - but, one thing when I found while modeling a YF-21 a few years ago, is that the legs certainly have a hard time fitting inside the cavity - while still retaining the anime look. With this model, I used the Hasegawa colour guide for the 1/72 as a template - so I'd imagine it'd be pretty accurate to SK's vision. So I went with going about making a working model without compromising the look in it's final battroid mode. It's not going to happen unless there is some anime magic. I was also wondering how the VF-25 can propel itself so fast forward without a really visible rear facing engine... EDIT; The 50% and 100% in the pic indicates that the bottom bits of the plane that form the hip-wings on the '21 needed to be scaled by 50% to look more accurate and less cumbersome.
  19. Meh... I've seen better.... I kid, I kid!! This f##king fantastic!!! I really dig the silhouette of it and design of it all! You know i love you stuff! Sheer kick-ass-ery.
  20. Not surprising really, as Kawamori did the designs for Armored Core.
  21. Ahhh.... thank you! Missed that one
  22. Wha? What prototype, have u got any pics???
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