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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. Hey dude!! Thanks so much How awesome of you!! I spent today fixing the old VF-4 model, some nasty and yucky geo there, but it's good now. I ended up breaking open my 1/60 VF-4 and checked to see if I could get more chin/jaw in there, looks like I can. I also started to make the other heads; Top left is the original/old/shapeways head - the one to it's immediate right is the slightly tweaked chin/jawline and small details. Bottom left and right are the others from the book. The S-type is going to be very tricky to keep within the confines of the recess on the fuselage. You can see my progress so far, just trying to re-jig everything into place.
  2. Anyone care to translate each head type for me? The S-type is obvious, and I can guess some of the others - but I'd like to know what they actually say
  3. Awesome!! Yeah, I'm ok. Went through a kinda rough period, on the mend tho - a few more weeks and I have a few months free to just 3D model and art it up. Would love to see an update on this, honestly. Thanks buddy I appreciate the sentiments, most people here on the boards are really awesome dudes - that's why i can't stay away! You are most welcome, and I'll get around to it - eventually. Thank you Kelsain!! See? You guys are top dudes High five, man! You chose the right one!! I actualy had been sitting on this MF book for a while now, only decided to ship it a few days ago, I'd assumed there was some new stuff in there - but not unitl now had anyone posted anything!! That S-type head LOOKS frakkIN' COOOOL. You can bet your ass I'll be making that. Now, to start a charity so i can afford another VF-4...
  4. Hey guys, long time no show. Truth is, I've been super-dimensionally-depressed for a while. I don't have the urge or motivation to even open up the 3D program. I do however want to stress that the support from you guys are the shards of light puncturing the darkness of the gollum-type cave I've frequented for some time over the years. I feel I've let a lot of people down, and it is easier to just ignore this thread & others and just dive into the shadows. Occasionally I come up for air, and sometimes it's nicer than I think. I know it'll get better. Thanks amigos.
  5. Thank you! I tried something new, and relatively easy (DIY cel-shading) with that robot model this afternoon; https://sketchfab.com/models/a10bb15a573f4c6a94ab019d4bd6f5af
  6. I've been absent from art for a while, decided to dust off this model and do a texture pass; https://www.artstation.com/artwork/A25km I think you'll notice the Macross influence
  7. Man... for the longest time I've had no money. Today I find myself with enough saved to get at least one VF-0S - but I just can't seem to pull the trigger. Am I growing up?!?
  8. I have mention a few time FUD is the way to go for head sculpts - sorry to hear that!
  9. !!!!! DUDE! I'm sorry I haven't responded before - not sure how I missed this! Looks pretty cool, if i don't say so myself. Please update with more pics!! And also, thank you for buying the kit!! I know right? I'd love a slew of custom, hot-rodded valks! I love that head sculpt too!!! I concur! Whats the frameout version? Would love to see. Thank you for your kind words I will get to them one day, but I'm busy and tired these days! This is a very viable possibility. I have the VF-4 within arms reach here OMG, the shamozzle that was the VF-2SS... I almost pulled the trigger on this, but then I became poor - luckily, it seems. That is an AWESOME gif, very clever - I wonder what other improvements could be made to that............. I like the idea tho - verrrrrry much. That's how it'd have to be - I don't own one. If this did happen, I'd need someone to send it to me, which would of course be sent back. I'm in the start of semester at uni again, however - so pretty busy for a while, but I often find I work best when I'm not supposed to be working on whatever 'it' may be. Take from that what you will.
  10. What shield?! The later valks (VF-11, VF-19, VF-25) had shields... Not the Zero or VF-1.
  11. Looks awesome - yes, definitely - I really dig it. But lets not jump the gun until we see the actual prototype. This looks largely unfinished and not final at all, the 3D rendering is stock standard, lots of detail and sculoting to go! Good ideas in there, lets just see if they can be executed to a high degree.
  12. Yeah! Especially that sexy arm-cannon...
  13. The only concern is the material strength. If you like I can upload the turrets in metal or wsf? Whether they sit flush or not, not 100% sure, but it should be pretty close.
  14. Thank you~! I fixed the impacto cannons (rebuilt the main section actually) but you didn't re-order? Oh well. Goddamn, my Custom Rau is standing there looking at me me, unfinished... for nearly 4 years?! Thank you VERY much! Eh, could be better - but projects are there, un-touched, making me feel bad for no finishing them - I need some inspiration. Awesome - please post pics of it - I haven't been able to order one as yet. Hey man, the HMMs are still there; https://www.shapeways.com/product/63JKEBZDA/4x-hmm-missiles?li=shop-results&optionId=43644284 https://www.shapeways.com/product/VY2NK5FGH/6x-hmm-missiles?li=shop-results&optionId=43811101
  15. Dude, you did an amazing job! Really. Well done
  16. OMG, post of the decade right there! LOL.
  17. True that - It's how I roll.
  18. I disagree, CoreyD Perhaps they were limited in imagination or know-how, but I strongly feel given a few revisions - they could've been more faithful to the lineart and give it more life/energy in style and posture.
  19. I've changed my mind... yeeeesh. Dat underbelly for one.
  20. Guess I'm the only one (apart from the Takara execs) who like this Hotrod.
  21. Looking real good
  22. Sorry !!! I haven't even been able to order it - I am beyond penny-less. Being a student sucks.
  23. Thanks! TBH, I felt very guilty I had neglected this so long, with only the miniscule of tweaking before being a viable print.
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