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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. Yes, me too. Super parts, here we go!
  2. Watch this space in a few months for enemy mecha...
  3. Woooo! Just got my payment alert from HLJ!
  4. Ah found it, my bad tho - I only potatoshopped VF-0 and VF-11 feet...
  5. Tokyo Hunter still idle on the super parts...
  6. I agree, Archer - now where is that photoshop I did of the VF-4 with diff style feet? I'm sure I did one with VF-1 style feet, just to see what it may look like...
  7. Not only will it be more stable, I think VF-1 thrusters suit the VF-4 far more than its usual paddles. Hope they continue with them.
  8. Couldn't resist another '11. Now thats 2x 11Bs and 1 11C
  9. Just thicker bell-bottom shins and a more detailed gunpod + a slightly extended neck for better articulation would suffice for me.
  10. Same here - looks elegant enough as a science vessel funded to the wazoo - but still utilitarian enough to do its job. Also I really don't see how you guys see it as front heavy - if anything, it looks back-heavy. But I like my ships with a fat ass.
  11. Best of luck to you if u manage to score the 19F (or 2!) - painting that much of the valkyrie in such a contrast to the original plastic - makes me break into a cold sweat. But yeah, that colour scheme is sexaaaaay.
  12. I'm totes going to skull squadron my VF-19P.
  13. It'll go nicely with my other Skull Squadron-esque valkyries
  14. I'm gonna get some hate for this, but i'm considering painting the red stripes yellow on my second 171...
  15. DYRL Kakizaki is amongst my fave schemes
  16. I completely agree with you - the other option for me is to do a possible CF paint scheme or low-viz or Skull squadron. With the spare...
  17. Yeah man, +1. It's not fair - we all want one, some of even in the position to buy one - but as a bonafide buyer, you miss out due to other parties getting glutinous amounts. But i guess it then depends if they're going to resell to his 'bros' - i.e., Macross Freaks like us just so we all then get a craxk at landing one - or they intend to do that at ridiculous prices just to squeeze our robo-lust, and not in a good way. On the other hand; the early birds get the worm, I guess. In breaking news; I have one (paid for @ A.E...) ordered and another at HLJ. But personally, if I do get both - I will more than likely sell the 2nd (you'd cover original purchase price + postage) to someone here unless of course I fall madly in-love with it. Also if the EX Armour comes... well... u know... maybe me keeps the precioussSSsss,,,
  18. But then you can't pew-pew like Isamu do.
  19. Shame on me, shame on me... Got excited about bagging this and reposted where it is available, didn't read previous posts. Apologies. Hmm, can't edit my posts when using my 'droid... Also, seems although subscribed to this thread, I do not get updates of new posts?
  20. Preorders up at HLJ, Amiami and Anime Export. Got my order in, how about you?! Finally, a VF-1D!
  21. True on all points, but I still have a good chance - I think, of getting monies paid back, even if takes months with all parties involved. You're also right about us - and a few other forum members here, I'm sure - that we are lucky or work hard enough to have this sort of disposable income. Off topic - starship troopers, the 1997 film is on tv; my god, whoever did the M.Zero OST, completely ripped off, tune-for-tune, the movie's main action theme... Knew I'd heard it before! Back on topic... BRING ON THE CF!
  22. So many negative nellys... I have faith. I've done worse things with $200 anyways
  23. I paid via PayPal rather than visa, that way should have quicker turnaround time if there is any issue or fraud, PayPal would deal with that sorta stuff often. Not that I think ishop2go is dodgy, but just an extra layer of protection.
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