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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. "12 Big Sales - Covering ALL genres" Bound to be some Macross stuff in there.
  2. No one else thinking "VF-25A repaint!"
  3. What? Where? Lies I say!
  4. I mean this one: http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrossga/vf-14-m3.htm
  5. Personally, I prefer the other VF-14.
  6. Kurisama

    YF-21 WIP

  7. Same here, Graham. Wonder if we were the lucky recipients of 2 of the 5? Or just possibly further down on the list of cancellations?
  8. I agree with you absolutely. The new m7 valks prices are a joke. No valk is worth that. Not by a long shot. I waited years for a reasonable price for the v2 VF-1's. Got my first 1/60s this time last year, and on sale. Glad I did.
  9. What about the tiny blisters on the top of the VF-1? They'd be on the shoulder blades in battroid - which the VF-0 had huge ones due to different tech. Aren't they also the fuel tanks?
  10. Yes, probably. Like I said - nothing personal. Just a blanket statement for the masses. I understand people are excited, but they should really do as sensible ppl do and research and read and that will answer 99% of questions. Surely I'm not the only one? Maybe I am and I'm just a grumpy scrooge.
  11. Have you tried a little thing called google? Or hey, I dunno - looking back through this thread? Honestly the amount of repeated questions or easily found bits of information which are constantly posted are astounding. Nothing personal lechuck, but I'm getting tired of my inbox filling with the same questions. Maybe if there is no answer, it isn't known yet. But getting on the band wagon; ZOMG IS THE FB2012 SCHEME COMING OUT?!?!?
  12. Awesome! Thanks MechTech! They will definitely come in handy for some things I have planned :-) cheers!
  13. Yeah - using the ridge on the aileron. Should be able to hold the weight on the largish surface area. Just me, the yammie and some digital vernier callipers I also looked into using the wing root - but that'd put stress on the root itself - can't rely on friction to keep it in. My design should allow for almost full sweeping back of the wing - I've already changes the design from the pic above. Good luck to you on the '19!
  14. Oh my god! Why have I not seen this thread before!?!? Amazing work man! Amazing!
  15. It will clip on over the wing flap thingy.
  16. Update on the planned add-on; Pylons and HMM's are obviously still WIPs - and you can see how I intend to attach them to the original wing.
  17. Destroid Master File Almanac... Drooooool. Would have to have an entry and info on the Octos too. As much as I like the more obscure valks, I'd be happy with a chapter dedicated to each one and having them all in 1 book. A fanboy can dream. I'm looking forward to inevitable 3/4 ortho of the VF-0 reactive armour. And close ups of the different head units.
  18. Anyone else hoping for stand alone VF-11 and VF-4 books? Or *gasp* a book with both in there?
  19. Kurisama

    SCOOP thread!

    And just like John Snow, the VF-2SS is a fan favourite. I'd love a VF-2JA Icarus too. I love the contrast in design for both of them,. I too would love to see these from Yamato.
  20. Fatalist - I'm afraid I've only panel lined the super parts and put U.N. Spacey decals on the leg FAST packs + matte clear coats. O will have to take photos when I get home. Scream Man - If u can afford it, do it! The price tag alone makes you be so careful when painting it. Kelsain - I like the Isamu suit! Grey would look killer tho.... David & Zinjo - I agree, what better place to put your squad markings/decals and number? Shields are awesome!
  21. Nah dude, I'm waiting for them too. I want one for Alto's VF. Or for the 25G, u know, for the full heavy weapons feel.
  22. I admit - it does look good. Would look even better if the blue was grey...
  23. Mmmm, nah - they're attachments that allow wing missile attachment points and another that allows the shield to be positioned in different configurations. One of the factors holding this project back is if I make AIM-225 high-maneuver missiles or not. I have to say, the UUM-7 Micro Missile Pods from the VF-1s look pretty slick.
  24. Just don't rub soothing oils on your valk as you fiddle with it. This thread is going downhill, fast. Back on topic - it's a real shame Yamato has not revisited this Valk. Another colour variant or model type would be good. Not sure about the one from M7, the one that was a robo-girl... But if the sculpt looked kick ass, who knows? Without derailing this thread too much - I'm waiting for the uni semester to end so I can polish the 'upgrade parts' for the 1/60 VF-11's, which include a number of small add-ons to make your VF-11 a touch more awesome than it already is. Keep your eyes peeled in the coming months for pics or the sculpts.
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