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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. So I'm making the back-pack missile hubs - would people prefer the DYRL or TV version? Or make both available? Missiles will be the same on both versions, just at slightly different scales. Missiles will come on a sprue for ease of painting. Thoughts? I'm also having delusions of grandeur here - can I gauge interest at the thought of making a hub-replacement that enables the Rau to wield a Rhea style cannon (on one or both sides), with a pivot for 360degree swivel and another pivot for up/down movement? If so - it'll be last on the list, but I do love me some Zentran-Frontier style cannons... Would give a cool silhouette - a feminine mecha angle of death ^___^
  2. Its not visible in the image u posted. These pieces are in the thrusters of the 1/144 kit, which aren't there in the 1/60 kit. See attached pic;
  3. Hey hey muchachos Getting back on the 'Rau, sent off 2 orders (2 different materials) to Shapeways for the head unit - awaiting the delivery to see which material works best. Once I know I'll ship off the rest of the orders/pieces! Here is a preview of what is complete so far: By the time the order comes through (along with my 1/60 VF-11 add-ons!) I'll have the manipulators done. back-pack missile hubs done (flipping between the opening gimmick or a solid piece), forearm pieces done, shins done and finally feet done also. That is, after I finish marking these 50+ assignments... EL OH EL. The link to my shop is here; http://www.shapeways.com/shops/RPG I'm not making them for sale just yet, not until I have them in hand and am happy with the results. Cheers! EDIT: Added another part. the inner nozzle parts; These should slot right in and be glued into the original nozzle part.
  4. In keeping with the mythological imagery - Daedalus (and by extension Icarus) could work
  5. Thanks fellas! Just a heads-up; http://www.shapeways.com/shops/RPG Opened up a shop, put an order for everything in White, Strong & Flexible - and also White Detail, see which one turns out best. When and if I'm happy with the results - I'll make 'em available to everyone Later!
  6. Personally I love the original 1D head - it was the first ever valkyrie transform - so it holds a special place in my heart, so not sure if I'd ever make one - and for the SDF, I'd need one on hand for measurements, scaling, attachment points and what not, and I aint going to spend that much on a kit!
  7. I was paraphrasing the Cranston version Either way works really!
  8. Like Isamu says, 'How do you know if you don't try yourself?'
  9. I'll just leave this here : http://cavalorn.livejournal.com/584135.html#cutid1 I did leave the cinema thinking along the same lines as thus guy and I agree with the motifs, but where he finishes his entry with increasing sentiments of 'meh' - I enjoyed it and enjoy it more the more I think about it. Can't wait to see it again. I can't believe how many ppl keep harping on about how it's the same planet and same ship. It isn't. Repeat: it is not. Even before the film came out (nevermind a cinema screen sized map at the start of the film clearly says it is not LV-426) it was posted all over the net that it was a different planet.
  10. But that's just it - its a small scale model, only indicative of the final product. A MTF 1/60 Valk would JUST be a new head sculpt and new paint job. And of course they'd base the sculpt of the like art NOT the model, which is limited in detail only due to scale. You know what, I may just make a new head via shapeways. Boom, problem solved. Who's up for that?
  11. Kurisama

    SCOOP thread!

    +1 (x7,000,000)
  12. I would get one for sure
  13. That is some of the finest cell shaded CG I've ever seen - u know, as cell shaded CG usually comes off rather meh. AND THE CONDOR!
  14. Not sure of the pricing yet - although it did occur to me that if i hollow it out it will be a lot cheaper - but then I have to go to the (relatively easy) trouble of doing as such. Benson13 - good luck on getting one! By far my most fave yammie/valkyrie - a superb toy.
  15. Wow. I'm walking out of the cinema... I'm on a natural high. That was amazing. Excuse the pun, but its a different beast. And all the better for it. It was beautiful and tickled all the right spots for me.
  16. I am literally walking into the cinema to see this. SO EXCITED.
  17. High manoeuvre missiles is my guess. Once I have a set in my hands and it all fits and works properly, I'll not only make this set available - but I will also make the missile and pylon available separately so peeps can purchase and add to their VF-1's and any other valk with attachment points.
  18. I have an idea or two for the 21/22, but no luck on the 19... I don't own one sorry! So I can't do any accurate measurements or test fittings...
  19. Almost ready to send off to shapeways! Soon my VF-11 will have HMM's!!
  20. Kurisama

    DX VF-25G

    Me too - great minds, etc etc - as they say
  21. Update time~! Got a spare few hours to spend finishing the HMM for the VF-11. Enjoy
  22. Jeebus - relax fellas. Such a bunch of negative Nellys. An excerpt from the HLJ news letter (bits in bold added for clarification): To celebrate HobbyLink Japan's 15th anniversary, we'll be presenting an exciting series of sales during the month of June. First up is a big sale featuring a bunch of great items from Kaiyodo...
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