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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. I'm about to place an order to get these printed - once I do a final check on the physical pieces, you can buy them on Shapeways.com - just click on the link in my signature for the online shop - you can go there now, but nothing is available for purchase just yet.
  2. Same here - got mine this morning - in regards to the wings. Mine had a slight tampo-defect, the worker obviously handled mine while it was still drying - so on the intake where there are 2 little triangles, there is a the same markings in finger-print stencil offset a few mm to the side. Also my valk's left intake joint to the thigh is so loose and jiggly - even when tightening the screw at the back. Otherwise, sexy as valkyrie! I like it, a lot.
  3. Awesome work Mr.Cheng! Are they pretty much as -is in the final version? As in, did the final physical/CG conn-pod retain all your design? Some times the final product is in some ways different from the final concept piece.
  4. Same here with ishop2go... I emailed them and got the same response. I wonder if they'd have been happy to hold onto my money if I hadn't done anything. At least I have one coming in from else where.u
  5. Nope! But I took inspiration fron Holland's Devilfish from Eureka 7 and I also some sprite art of (maybe) a Macross game that had an enemy mech with a similar config - just can't seem to find it! Super easy dude, I'll throw up how-to pics, or at least how i did - of the disassembly of the Rau.
  6. The impact cannon? It'll utilized a modified shoulder missile hub; an attachment piece on a ball joint will plug into the impact cannon and boom!
  7. Thanks Benson - Pretty exciting for me opening up the parcel this morning - so weird to see something you've made with 1's and 0's basically - turn out, fleshed out - in the palm of your hand! There is no rush dude, they'll be up on shapeways for a while.
  8. The day has arrived - the Shapeways parts are here! Had some issues - but all in all, not too shabby Good news is that some of the parts require some tweaking or exaggeration of details before updating the Shapeways models - then they'll be available FOR EVERYONE - DEKARUCHAAAAAAA!!! First up, the shield attachments; The initial fit test; Wing swing tests; Issues with the White Strong & Flexible (WSF); And issues with the White Detail (WD) material and it's inability to hold the weight of the attachments; WSF and WD side by side; The WSF overal has a better shape retetntion but the layering and roughness of the surface is evident. Sanding may fix and some primer - will do some tests soon. The WD on the other hand has a near paintable surface but the small fins have warped - will try heating in hot water and straigtening - but I think I will go back and exagerate some details and upscale it slightly by a mm or so - but yeah, cool! Size comparisons and lolz; Oh and of course the Skull Fokker special fit;
  9. BOOM! Got the test pieces for the head today from Shapeways; White Detail (WD); White Strong and Flexible (WSF); Visor size; Overall - not too bad! The fine panel line I have running down the sides of the face a nearly non-existant. The WSF is powdery and misses the fine double recessed eye lid and is grainy - I think this may turn out ok with some sanding, priming and etching back some definition. The WD on the other hand looks much nicer and feels a lot like a finished product. I may make the scale slightly bigger - just a few mm, I think it would look good. Thoughts? Next up - send thru everything else in this thread! I think I may choose WSF for the larger pieces and WD for the delicate detailed and smaller pieces. Updates in a few weeks I suppose on the final product, i guess? Last thing left to model is some sort of waist extension/articulation/swivel - but I'm kinda over this project at the moment!
  10. Made clip-on/over pauldrons in TV style. Again, should work in theory - I think I got all the tolerances/clearances right... I noticed my Rau's original pauldrons are a different shade of red, and are irregular of shape - so these should be a good replacement, also just settled on this design for the antennae. I also decided not to do the cowl - it's getting too pricey. I can live with the one it has now. I guess the parts are down now? Just waiting on my VF-11 add-on parts (hopefully tomorrow) to gauge quality and then I ship for every Q.Rau piece in here! Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  11. Can anyone tell me what the diameter for the wrist plugs on a YF-19 are? If they're the same as the VF-11, then theses same action hands will work on it as well.
  12. This is inspiring! Would you mind terribly if I applied a similar scheme to a spare CF-1A I have?
  13. Poot poot. Foot finished, Added those 4 nubs to stop the smooth curve from scratching the inside of the leg armour - should work in theory... Added a little bit of super simple foot articulation - about a 30 degree lean forward. That little peg it 5mm long and 4mm in diameter - so we'll see how the test goes... Enjoy! EDIT: Added a shot of a possible antennae for the TV Rau conversion. Trying to mix it with some DYRL style.
  14. Poot. Update.
  15. Apart from the antennae - the TV cowl has more rectangular inlets (14?) that dot the contours, also has a few greebly panels that are on the sides and overal more 'basic' shape than the slicker DYRL version - it's nothing a skilled modeller couldn't do - but alas, I can't. But I can model one in CG I am envious u can use putty and epoxy or whatever! Sexcellenté. I've made the cannon as per the proportions and measurements of the Robot Spirits version of the Rhea - and a few screen caps from M.Frontier and some embellishment on the finer details by myself. Once it was done, I used the one screen shot of the cannon with the grip exposed from when Alto used it to kill the Vajra - and that is the same size as on the regular '25 gunpod - and there u go! Closest best guess to scale. Turns out to be about 10mm longer than the '25 gunpod at full extension. Yeah. Big and chunky! At first I though u meant 2 on EACH Rau - which is what I was playing with the idea - as this hub replacement is only for the Rau's left-hand-side hub. So I updated the shapeways file to include the 2 pieces for each side, so even if u get 1 of the cannon/hub set, u can decide on what side u want it on. Or buy two and make you Rau look boss. As above Wurd. I started on the foot today; Should have articulation to curl front and back foot pieces for flying mode action.
  16. D'oh, I was just checking your site for the armour but found (and preordered) them on Nipponyasan just then ~ !!
  17. Same here! Payment sent to Amiami and iShop2go says 'order processing'... Also, heads up - I cancelled my order from HLJ, so there's one more to add back onto the HLJ pile. I feel bad for cancelling on them tho.
  18. Cowl piece : If i could get the codpiece to come off the torso - I'd make a new one too, but I can't seem to separate it. Thanks for positive comments guys! I do also appreciate constructive feedback, don't be shy! Just curious, are you guys more leaning more towards individual components (either only specific bits or bits to build up the entire set gradually) or the whole set in one go?
  19. Impact Cannon w/pylon & grip attachments; $25 Impact Cannon w/Rau hub attachments; $35 It's official, I'm making the cowl piece. So that only leaves that and the boots (and perhaps a hip-twist piece?) to go! I'm not going to make the legs I've decided - I can live with the skinny legs. For now. Once these are done, I can concentrate on the other projects for the 1/60 line - but I will come back to this; the next step would be to make a head unit, back pack engine array, antennae and cowl for a Queadluun Nona. You know u want it.
  20. Yes you do. Unfortunately I am waiting on iShop2go and HLJ and Amiami...
  21. Ok - so the pylon and grip attachments are done, enjoy;
  22. Boom! Impact cannon for the 1/60 Q.Rau - ready to go!
  23. Cannon = 95% complete. Will be making 3 attachment points; one for the swivel to mount on the Rau, one to attach a grip; for use with Alto's '25 and one to attach to a wing hard point, just for shits and giggles. EDIT: Just noticed my image attachments are being resized and compressed.. hmm. Here is a link to the orignal rez; http://i47.tinypic.com/a4vak8.jpg
  24. Shapeways advised that my order is a week delayed.
  25. NOOOOOOOOO! Shapeways advised that my order is a week delayed. Now I play the waiting game. Again.
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