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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. Look on the bright side - its not all that visible in any mode.
  2. I think I'm going to have to make the new calves... poop. It doesn't however mean new feet or gear - just the 2 halves really - and it might be worth it too, especially with what I want to do next... O___o The intakes with the canards will require you to pull apart the thighs and the wing swap also requires you to take out 3 screws that hold the back plate together - shins would be much the same, but u have to remove a couple of screw covers. In any case - please enjoy the update I had some time to do today - this is quickly becoming a game of when I get a spare few hours each day!
  3. C'mon Dan - being from the games industry, you know how concept artists can just slap down some designs and let the modeller worry about the functionality! I used to always wonder as a kid how the VF-1's battroid cockpit was soooo massive - but it never really bothered me - UNTIL NOW. But yeah - the only way to have the seat swivel and into position with minimum fuss would be to (much like teknos' image) swivel the chair back and slide down slightly - so the back rests ontop of the landing gear - the greeble behind the chair in fighter mode has to transform a little to produce the flat screen TVs too. But in regards to leaving the cockpit in battroid - not sure if possible without it spewing its internals (like a shark does, eww) out of the neck first?
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong - but I'm pretty sure that in the master file there is a diagram showing the config of the cockpit when transforming which shows the landing gear moving out of the bay.
  5. Y'know... They look awfully similar if not exactly the same! And thanks for the compliment Chrono - please enjoy these too;
  6. Awesome! Will upload a few more photos of the upgrade parts in gerwalk mode when I get the chance.
  7. Nothing to 'dial back down'? - course there is, ppl are over reacting - but its to be expected here I guess. Just grows tiresome reading over and over again about all the bitching. Difficult to deal with? Obviously they put in an 'order stop' because they're playing the waiting game until they confirm stock. A no-brainer there. You must be new here. Good for you buddy that you have that kind of disposable income. But honestly - thank you for giving me much lols at what must have been a frantic reply to my post.
  8. Thanks Valhary! What I was talking about was the armaments carried in these screen caps; But thanks all the same for the screen caps Slow progress - got the old folks here with me for a week!
  9. Christ - dial it back down a notch. In any case, I'm pretty sure they had that building way before the site upgrade (didn't they have a video of the warehouse when the earth quake hit?). They're over hauling a massive database of items and they're having some teething troubles and people are acting like its the end of the world, bloody chillax. You should thank Enki that here is a site and place like HLJ for all of us gaijin who have the mecha fever and need out plastic crack fix. They've been nothing but awesome to me in more than a decade since Ive been a customer. You gotsta be like Mikhail with the sniper rifle to get these preorders, yes - but chill out if u don't get one now - there is always other places, other avenues - and if u don't like the price, wait. Be patient. OR DON'T BUY IT! I waited until last year to get my first 1/60, and have gotten all of my 20+ 1/60s at pretty sweet prices since. PS. Gotten my hands on a VF-1D + option parts, VF-25F, VF-25S, VF-171 and have preorders on the the YF-29 Skull Fokker, VF-25G and VF-171 Armour parts - u know, just to rub it in LOLZ. * NINJA VANISH *
  10. Are u talking about the hip or knee joint above the knee ratchet joint? Just remove the screw covers ok the inner thigh (hurr) and slowly tighten them in small increments until they're toight, loike a toiger. Yes I have and have a rough idea. I will implement after the VF-0C/D conversion parts. Before my 2 big projects...
  11. What's the matter, UN Spacey gotcha pushin' too many pencils?
  12. Thank you Valhary! They'll come in handy for sure! I'll just use the payload that come with the Ghost for the C and make new parts later down the track for the D, which will require screen capping from the anime. Basically it will only require parts swapping and painting of said parts - so colour matching will need to be tackled. I am planning on giving my C custom a 2-tone dark grey scheme. So yeah - u could potentially switch it back and forth! Anyways, didn't get any time to work on this the last 2 and a bit days, but I got a few hours in today and the wings have been bulked out and fine details to be added soon. Stay tuned!
  13. Thanks Reivaj Mustn't let these little hiccups tick me off. Yeah they have been - but they don't seem to double check until they're just about ready to print. They run an automated program to check the models overall, then they go for a second (by person) pass over to check for possible faults. They advised that the reason I got the models the first time is that the person checking them missed those potential errors but no the second time - and if they go bad they can loose the entire print run. SO - I checked and triple checked the components and checked thru their suggested thrid party software for errors and everything checked out - they're now up and available again. If they get rejected this time - I will just make a replacement wing with hard points for the VF-11 and just get rid of the finer details and fill-in the HMMs. Again, I apologize and thank you for your patience. Next time I will avoid super tiny/fragile parts wherever possible.
  14. Until I get a VF-19 (pre-ordered a 19F!!!) I can't say if and when I can make the new wings/wing gloves. But if the VF-11 wing-clips are rejected for the 3rd time (keeping in mind I already had them printed and IN-HAND) I'll go about making replacement wings for the VF-11. But that will have to wait in after the VF-0C/D conversion parts and then 2 major projects I have planned for the VF-11 and VF-0. Thanks for everyone's patience!
  15. Boom. Got and paid for at Anime Export. My bank account is in cardiac arrest.
  16. I can help u out there, or at least my 2 cents - but it'll have wait until later once I put my kid to sleep and settle into another night if late night work! Delicious work btw, but u already know that
  17. Nice! Lovely to see this get a second life - good work!
  18. Sweet Jesus Billy. I want one!
  19. Sorry Mommar! If it makes u feel better, there isn't a limited production run on these! I for one am going to use some of the hard-point parts I made for the VF-4 (if I can get one... or two) to slap some missiles on that baby... Talking of missiles - any one know what kind of missiles the VF-0D has in the anime? They look vaguely sidewinder-ish, but I know nothing of official or technical specs on missiles - can provide screen shots if need be - and also the 6-sided tube that magically has holes and then not in every scene. Can anyone shed any light or art on them?
  20. Update: Issues with wall thickness on the small indents on the wing-clips, which I now removed and thickness of air-intake on the HMM which is now fixed, again. SIGH. Making unavailable for a few hours to make sure the model on their servers is replaced by this new one. Last time I make such fiddly small pieces. Next time an entire wing replacement instead of clip-ons. What a nightmare. Will advise once it's ok. In other news - making DAMN SURE nothing on the VF-0C/D conversion parts are less than 1mm in detail.
  21. Un-F##KING-believeable. HMMs and Wing-clips rejected again. This time it's another area that is too thin. We're talking about 0.1mm of a difference. It's infuriating as A) they could've told me when they initially did the checks and advised of the previous errors and B) all you guys are probably losing heart that that I can deliver a good product. I can't believe it. I ALREADY HAVE THE PIECES IN HAND. I KNOW THEY CAN BE PRINTED. FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. I am about ready to give up on these pieces. I have fixed and uploaded AGAIN. Will make sure a few hours pass before I make them available again. I will ask if they can advise everyone who ordered them to get a notice they're available... again. I'm going to bed.
  22. Just had to share the wing span (in mm) - and damn, this is going to be BIG!
  23. Update! Intake is 85% complete - the insert (closed vent panel bits?) are just a quick proxy - I'll see how I go with it. Working on the mechanics of the canard folding both ways (down flush for gerwalk and behind the intake in battroid) as seen in the anime. Will be interesting to see how well it fits on the VF-0A, all the little greebly tabs and slots are so intricate and fiddly - I wont be surprised if I have tweak the model once I get the pieces in-hand. Not a lot of margin for error here Any ways, enjoy.
  24. There are only 2 words you need to know in Zentran... YAK DEKARU-CHAAAA!
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