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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. Thank you! And a preview of the battroid mode config of the wings; Ah, ok - it'll be a male/female plug held by friction - will find out how well this works when I get the samples in. I don't think it'll be floppy - the opposite I think... But in regards to cutting into the back of the leg - the back of the leg on the C/D variants are slightly different to the A/S; it has a bit of extra bulk to allow the v-stab to anchor to and articulate from as well as holding the leg in place with support from the delta wing. I was originally going to leave the gap and make the v-stab come from the inner part of the delta wing - but we all know how ppl are with regards to 'line-art accuracy'
  2. Kurisama approves!
  3. Cool cool, no worries - good to get feedback and what not from other CG sculptors. I wouldn't wanna step on ur toes, by making something that us already available - although I've always wanted to make the open vents version... BTW, what native 3D program do u use?
  4. Ah, they look cool, I'd seen them before tho; I was thinking of making them for the VF-1 actually - not in the immediate future, but sometime before I cark it. But any ways - I need more pics of the VF-4! That photo of it unassembled and painted is giving me the wiggles.
  5. Veef designed fast packs?! Would like to see them - or do u mean the ones Kawamori-san drew way back when - to be fitted to an arm-less VF-4?
  6. I'm working on them right now. As Reivaj mentioned - plug-in pylons is probably the way to go for these. EDIT; Going to have to take some measurements and what not that'd be very difficult without at least what I've done here; Printed them out at the 1:1 size and glued them to cardboard just to see how I'm going to do the leg attachment pieces - I think I can get away with NOT making an entire new shin. Here's hoping...
  7. This is very true
  8. Just map the bottom button on the stylus to the middle mouse button and the top on to right - works great for me! Regarding the description - u haven't got one before? they've always sent me a pic or two or three detailing and circling the parts in question.
  9. That part is barely 2mm wide - so a plug for it at best would be 1mm wide for strength... and the way shapeways is going with tolerances... but its not a bad idea - let me look into it. Thanks Reivaj!
  10. I meant no offence dude - just reading back my post - could have been taken that way, but either way, I'm glad thats ur attitude But no, I haven't ordered in UFD yet, may do with the Rau cannon - will see sometime next week!
  11. * Pokes head through hobo cardboard-fort roof * WHO?! WHAT?! WHAT YEAR IS IT?!!!?! SOMEONE SUMMON ME!?!
  12. I voted 2 - depending on the price, 3. U know, for each mode I voted 2 so I can have an 'untouched one' and one for a custom - new minor paint scheme and a custom head sculpt - the one with the 21 style laser!
  13. Something just occurred to me - you're not planning on recasting/making molds of my HMMs... are you Jasonc?
  14. So I have a dilemma. What would ppl want for the end/wing tip hard point? First pic is for use with existing missiles (will look good with reaction war head from the VF-1's super pack muhaha). Middle pic is 1/72 kit accurate, more or less - but no geometry for any missile attachment. Last pic nekkid - no pylon. Only reason is that with the hardpoint attachment or plain pylon it may look a bit eh in battroid. Thoughts?
  15. Ok Jasonc, will do - I've uploaded the amended ones and giving it a while to repopulate the servers - will re-upload the 'old' HMMs later tonight (almost midday here) - want to work on the VF-0C/D stuff today as I'll be out of town for a week by wednesday. Thanks for your patience.
  16. No updates until I receive it sometime next week. All my Queadluun stuff went thru so far with no issues first time around, so fingers crossed, hey?
  17. What do u mean? The canards fold down for gerwalk and then the opposite way and around for battroid. Working on this later today after I fixx issues with the HMMs I'm making for the VF-11. Tricky thing will be making the joints small enough to make it not bulky and toy like. The normal wings are held by friction - and small indents for specific angles (of which none work on the 3 VF-0's I have) The material is light - but will be further supported by the back of the shins - which is next up after the canard joints. Woot! Awesome! High five! thank you!
  18. Jasonc - I feel like falling on my sword. This is really starting to crap me off. Not only is this the 3rd (or 4th) time this model has been rejected - with fixes to those 'errors' every time, each subsequent new 'error' is something new, not brought up before. Right now - it's the thin part of the pylon that sharpens on one end that hold the missile. WHY did they not flag it the last 3 times!?!? I am fixing it now - by basically merging the pylon to the missile as one piece. I don't want to mess with the small detail any more. Sorry to you for all this - and to everyone that has been stuffed around. And sorry if you wanted the missile to be detachable. I'll post here when they're done. Then I will have a little cry. Glane21 - not obvious enough for you? Yes, I will eventually make the VF-11's APS-11 Armour. And the VF-0 PWS-0X Reactive Armour. And upgrade parts for the VF-22. And upgrades parts to make a Queadluun Nona. And upgrade parts to make a cannon mount for the 1/60 Rau to closer resemble the Rhea. And plans to make a Zentran Renegade power armour. And a hybrid TV/DYRL Noujadeul Ger power armour. N-Ger & Renegade will have interchangable parts to make custom hybrid power armour. There I said it.
  19. You know, ever since I got my 1/60 V.2 VF-1's - I always thought a more refined (clearly hard to do at 1/60 scale) version of the die-cast swing bar is perfect for the legs to attach to the hips/nose. I imagine the legs would swing forward on the hip bars (far better structurally than the 2 little struts as seen in the anime - M.Zero for example) and that once the hip/nose clamp secures on the swing bar, it either A) detaches and the rest of the swing bar retracts or B) is segemented like a mechanical spine that has a certain degree of flexibility that act as further spinal/core support. CALL ME CRAZY! See my crappy phone camera + dodgy potatoshop sketch; But just my 2 cents - I don't wanna steer you away from your adherence to the source material!
  20. Parts or a complete bird? I'd need everything BUT the intakes, wings, head/neck/head-flaps & possibly shins - honestly I'd need an almost complete valk! Colour me interested any ways - what can you help with?
  21. It may still yet be rejected, I'm sorry to say - I've been burned twice by this and a few more times by other customers buying my wares - so frustrating as the turn around is SUCH a long time... I hope it's all smoother sailing for you tho. Once u get this sample back - it'll open your eyes as to what detail is seen or produced and what isn't = how much detailing you'll do next time.
  22. All of my releases are going to be kitbashes! Reason I made the intake covers is that I haven't been able to 100.00% match the interior of the intakes to allow that particular piece to sit perfectly - so I'll be making my own that I know will fit properly - I am also going to make them attached I think, as I hate it when they pop out and all my valks have them in anyways. Material cost wise, it'd change the price by a few cents at the most. Finished the wing end pivots for the delta wing done - I'm a little concerned at the seemingly fragile piece - but worst case scenario I will remove the smaller pin and just get some 2mm x 10mm metal rods to put in there. Will work on the canard pivots next.
  23. I wouldn't consider spraying a primer and then a flat grey modelling skills tho, if I can do it - anyone can! But, each to their own.
  24. Ahem.. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=37127&pid=984621&st=0entry984621 Shameless self promotion here.
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