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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. Excuse the shitty phone camera...
  2. Soon. Very soon.
  3. Hey, nice! Also the blue on the VF-1J is delicious!
  4. ^________^ Cheers Caslon! If you could see it in person - you may disagree. I also think it just looks like a rough concept or a prototype - not an actual final piece, so thats why it is important to me to make it smooth. So I've let the primer dry for a few hours and have now used a 320 grit tamiya sand paper to smooth out the surface. You can clearly see the places where the primer has filled in between the print layers/ridges - this next coat of primer will be just right I think. And a demo of the manipulators and thruster inserts;
  5. Here you go! Some parts/areas will definitely need some light sanding and at least 1 more coat of primer to get rid of the fine fuzz surface. I'm confident that with some more coats of colour and then a couple of clear coats - it'll be smooth. I was thinking about maybe mixing some small amounts of wood glue with water and coating the surface to give a smoother finish? Is this a dumb idea?
  6. All my yammie's sphincters tightened in anticipation.
  7. I've got it bad, but I have topical lotion for it.
  8. Yes you're right! I just made a hub attachment point for shits and giggles. Once I'm done with the VF-0c?D conversion parts, I'll make a cannon attachment piece closer to the Rhea's config. I'm going to make a slight mode to the cannon (remove the small spikes at the front, on the ventral side - an embellishment only by me) so u can at least get it in WSF-polished or another finer detail. And thanks for the kind words! Cheers dude! I can't wait to see it finished myself That reminds me - better check on the parts I have drying outside! And also a hearty LOL from your last comment :D Ahahaahaaa!
  9. The waist articulation worked ok, but only for a few mins - then it easily popped off the smaller version - the slightly bigger version was better, if not a little loose - but it was by now too high - looked like a corset. So that idea is scrapped. Yeah, I wasn't sure about the antennae I saw it in person - I just wanted something different - and was happy it turned out so well. I am currently cleaning parts and right now some parts have been primed and are now drying in the sun Some more dry fit pics: It's hard to photograph due to the white surface, but the next set of pics with primer should make it easier to see the pieces. I'm really happy and surprised at how bulked out the new pauldrons make it look.
  10. Got the parcel in the mail today - waiting for me when I got home Only got a few hours with it today for clean-up and test fit, so excuse the camera phone photos and crappy lighting; First thoughts; kick ass. Second thoughts; some minor tweakage in the models for mass release (nothing I can't do now with a bit of modelling skillz) - very happy. Some loose fnger ball joints and some other minor areas. Me go sleepy now - have more of a tinker tomorrow. Enjoy!
  11. Ooo, nice!
  12. Dude, if ur going to do an inner frame and components... May Enki have mercy on your soul. I did the Steelhaven cut away for the Transformers Animated Allspark Almanac 2 - the file got so big - it now no longer opens and was an exercise in dedication. But still, I'd love to see you do this!
  13. I have updated with the new HMMs a few days ago - these have pylons that are permanently attached. Gimmie a few more days and i will upload the ones that do detach - but they will need to be ordered in FUD or UD. I had a heap of orders go thru in the post to the second batch of customers and then orders after these batches were rejected only to be made into the non detachable ones. I've never handled a 1/48, so not much interest in them. Perhaps after all ly planned projects are done, and someone lends me one for measurements. I've had a couple of PMs about this scale, so I guess more than a few ppl here are interested in this. I always thought missiles on the wings would make the stealthyness void - but would look nice. Maybe some dedicated fast packs reminiscent of the sound force upgrades for the '22? Either way new wings and double wing joint would need to be carefully designed and made.
  14. They have MWCons in Bris let alone Aus? Whaaaaaaa?!?
  15. Yeah man, I work in Maya and export into obj. Some of my Rau parts near the million poly limit and far exceed the 64mb limit, so I zip them. I've gotten near 200mb files just under the limit and it just takes a little longer to do the live turn around preview in the item's page.
  16. Looking good Mechaninac! I must confess, I accidentally bought the Bandai kit off hlj after the advisement that it was available a few posts back. I'll file this under 'one day, maybe'. I actually thing the VF-2JA is more straightforward to attempt. If I win the lottery or get an inheritance from some secret royal family member, I'd like to quit my job and make all the valks.
  17. Did you zip the file?
  18. U can really see the faceting on the base dish of the head laser - us that the printing process or nit enough topology? But all the same - giggiddy goo.
  19. Simple, yet effective! Love the grey.
  20. Lol, sorry to miss your post. Yeah, I'm in Brissy. Not much of a drinker anymore, used to be many moons ago - not so say I won't have a beer or two. Let me know when your up here, sure we can meet up in the city somewhere Sweet, hope u'll dig what I have planned. Nothing too major but look forward to non collapsing rear landing gear as well as real feet and bell-bottom pants. Maybe new hard point ready wings too.
  21. Wow, that's a lot more transparent than I thought it'd be! So beautiful. Try warm water with a bit of dish washing detergent to cut thru the grease. I had planned at some point to make replacement fast packs for the V2 VF-1 as they're so rare now, but seeing ur level of skill, attention to detail - well I ain't going to even going try! Haha! Cannot wait to see this with a coat of primer, to really show off the detail. Colour me super impressed man, seriously. * I meant warm water, detergent and an old toothbrush.
  22. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude.... Duuuuuuuude... Schwing! How's the surface? No sanding at all before a coat of primer u reckon? What material did you select, UD or FUD?
  23. Sorry to disappoint fellas, wings don't overlap for the delta wings; http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrosszero/vf-0d/vf-0d-battroid-rear.gif
  24. Minor update, canard components. Keep in mind these are mostly roughed out - and will need fine tuning and refinement, but the idea is there; Gerwalk config; Battroid config;
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