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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. I'd say if it is showing signs of stress, or any looseness at all - offer $100. My honest option is that even for a mint, faultless VF-0, never pay more than $150/160. They look cool, yes - but severely lack in quality, sturdyness and posability - compared with even a v2 VF-1.
  2. Damn - got mine this morning - took near 40 mins to attach the armour and trans into fighter and get everything to line up and be flush. This thing is HUGE. And heavy.
  3. All the 1/60 VF-0 are exactly the same except for plastic colour and head units - so yes, it'll fit which ever 1/60 u end up getting.
  4. Ooh, nice - I've always liked this design - look forward to your progress!
  5. As a Maya user since Maya 4 or so, I'll tell you 8.5 was the most bug free, best iteration of Maya... The newer versions are good, a few new nifty things and a GUI colour change - however the few bugs are crap and useful features changed or removed- but yeah, gotten used to 2012. What's ur eta on the rest of the chest/back section? Are you going to attempt the J-type head soon? On a side note, what are I'd thoughts on the new J-type head - from Macross the First? I dig it, but not the new D-type.
  6. Hey never be ashamed of your roots (Mayan here too). Doesn't matter anyways, its just a tool and a means to the final product. I have my students always try that argument - max vs Maya, and I tell them what a waste of effort it is - I always say, does a carpenter ever argue what brand of hammer or chisel is best? No, cause in the end its how familiar you are with it, how u use it and what end result u get. Rant off. Btw Dan - have my (digital) babies - this print out is boss.
  7. Now that, I'd love to see - any thoughts what areas would be lit up? Cheers dude - no need to learn - I can be hired out This means good, yes? Lol! Some more quick snaps, just fitting parts together - don't mind the gloss green, it'll come good once it all gets a clear coat.
  8. I'll post up a how-to for that, don't worry!
  9. Ha! Eerily similar to what I wanted to do if I ever got my hands on a bird of prey 19; I don't know how if eerily is the right word, but hey - its what u get when u wanna Fokkerize your bird.
  10. Thats what I was thinking
  11. I love the head sculpt - looks like a giant Isamu helmet.
  12. Yeah, head lasers will be an easy fix. Can't wait to custom this one - but i have a sneaking suspicion that once in-hand, I may dig it enough to leave alone.
  13. HUZZAH!
  14. These are print-outs from shapeways! Although casting may be on the cards... Me too man - I'm getting impatient! No idea! I'm using tamiya sprays - had a glance at the can - where do i see which one it is? Tamiya primer sticks ok, much better after a sand and a second coat. In the photos below, u can see that I have to sand and paint several times to get a decent surface, and so far it's still not 100% smooth. Hahahaaa - thanks dude! I will hurry!
  15. Cause - why not? That's the way it was designed.
  16. ^___^ You forgot the Renegade and N.Ger Hybrid power armour... Please enjoy the WIP so far; The feet are finished - but as yet have not taken a pic of them. Time for beddy-byes now. Toodle-oo!
  17. Thats... good, right?
  18. Sorry muchachos!!! Been busy with work and what not - also been sanding and spray paintin' the Rau parts - I'll get back to this soon!
  19. Pardon my ignorance - where is the Thunder Hammer from? Just a non-canon custom? I've seen it pop up here and there, so it can't be a one off, right?
  20. Boom, preordered at amiami!
  21. I'M IN. Heeeeeeeeellooooo Skull Squadron custom...
  22. Guess you'll have enough for my Q.Nona parts and any other upgrade parts I eventually make...
  23. Holy crap... O_____0 The figure that comes with the Rau - the face sculpt/features are shitty compared to the cm figure. In other news, the boots have been sanded, primed, sanded again and then had two and a bit coats of grey applied - they're looking GOOD. Pics soon.
  24. WSF Polished - but its going to need many coats and a lot of sanding - order and coats so far; primer - sand - primer - green coat twice. One more coat of green then a few coats of clear should have it smooth enough.
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