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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apophenia aaaand; http://facesinplaces.blogspot.com.au/
  2. I need a SUPER hi-rez pic of Tenjin's box art - I have his firt 2 books - are there any more planned books?
  3. VD-0D... What are you doing? VF-0D... STAHP!
  4. VF-4 don't need no fast packs... it ain't got time FO DAT.
  5. Dry build of the 1/72 VF-0D kit.
  6. Gentlemen... I have dusted off the ol' maya file and have commenced work on this project again. Edit; Just a quick photo for morale;
  7. Where do u live? I'm thinking about just ordering a dozen or more, then just post them to ppl who want them at a decent price - like less than $10AUD once I spread the cost of shipping and postage. Just gotta wait for the storm to blow over and shapeways to come back online. I'm just concerned at the fragility of these small pieces and what not. Back to the topic at hand - I'm loving this valk more as the hours roll by - pretty swish. I wish the large kibble-back-pack could compress more or fold up a tad - sooooo back heavy.
  8. Well, any takers? Trying to upload to shapeways but the site was timing out and now not accessible at all. Although now I've put my bendy turrets in hot water and straightened them out - not sure if this is needed?
  9. Thanks MacrossJunkie! That comes as an honour from someone with your amazing skillz. It was my first time customizing a Valk.
  10. Just got mine this morning (as well as the art of Journey :3) - all good, except ONLY soft rubber head turrets? C'MON! Guess I'll make some in shapeways, except, I'll print a few dozen - otherwise not worth the postage... Also my shield barely stays put with the lame clip? First world problems - looks sexy in my Fokker-shrine;
  11. Nippon yassan is rock solid. They even hand write thank you notes inside your order!
  12. Really? That's a massive stretch - cause I see no similarity other than the vague connection that is a transforming aeroplanes. If that's it - might as well post transformers pics.
  13. Sweet jesus that armoured 25S is amazing... so amazing it makes me... I never get tired of that gif.
  14. I kept telling myself I didn't like or want Lucas VF... I was lying to myself.
  15. Semester... almost... over... Last batch of student assignments for assessment coming in a week or so... THEN SMEAGOL IS FRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee............................... to get back to this
  16. Merry Christmas?
  17. If any one is interested, in a few weeks I'll be starting up my projects again - after I finish my VF-0 upgrades, I will be doing a fix for my 22 which will include a fix for the rear landing gear, wing fix and new sculpts for the shins and feet to be anime accurate and detachable for fighter mode.
  18. Oh hello Anime-Export shipping request e-mail... Chose 'Economy Shipment' as I can wait, also I chose registered SAL with Nippon Yasan for the 25G and that got here WAY quicker (2 weeks exactly) than I thought it would. Looking forward to it!
  19. I'm with Eugimon - it's all there. Renegadeleader1 - why don't you list the ones that you don't get instead of Eugi or I listing everything? I'd be happy to give my interpretations
  20. A bit too Jetfire for me
  21. Eh, I dunno - could potentially look like; Edit; forgot to paint head.
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