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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. Veef - did you keep it as one piece or several pieces for the articulation? Also, does it bother anyone else that A) it doesn't need a gunpod and B) when mounted in fighter mode - the ventral nose fin would be shot off? Wouldn't it make more sense to have it off-centre slightly?
  2. Cheers! WSF polished or polished alumide are your best bet. You'll need to get some fine grit modeling sand paper. I'm going to try a new technique soon, so I'll keep you all posted. Hey thank you man! I really appreciate it, it takes a lot of time and effort - glad you are able to join me in the delight that is this new era of custom, after-market parts making! Your bird is super sweet! Awesome custom :-D
  3. Sorry for the late reply, just got back from interstate. Unfortunately orientation is decided by the technician - I have no control over it, sorry. I did read a while ago that they're thinking of making it a possibility, at a fee. I'm sorry some of you have received sub par parts. I do find, however - that with every delivery I get, the quality, build and tolerances get better.
  4. Got sick of waiting for the VF-0 and VF-11 armours - so I'm going to make them this year and make them available. But I'd love a Ghost X-9 and the frontier Ghosts, including the V-9.
  5. Got my shipment from Shapeways yesterday - things turned out pretty well, I think. Keep in mind that these pieces are fresh out of the box, no surface cleaning or cutting. Parts are very loosely plugged in to the hinges too;
  6. Finally got my shipment yesterday; VF-1 Hadoken; With camera flash; VF-1 Poses; VF-1 Hand close-ups; VF-11 - Isamu day dreamin'; VF-11 Poses;
  7. I have to have the bird in hand before I commit to anything! But thats also a good idea - although, it seems to me that not too many ppl are into customizing or painting their 1/60 valks tho.
  8. Don't forget I'll be making the alternate head unit I also plan on making new 'removable thigh cover flaps' that will have a hard point attachment and main wings that incorporate hard points too - cause I don't wanna glue on the hardpoints ( http://www.shapeways.com/model/625101/set-of-12-6l-amp-6r-hard-points-for-1-60-wings.html?li=productBox-search ) I made onto a new VF-4.
  9. Kurisama

    What is this?

    Not one of mine (you can find that here; http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=37127 ) - it's the 1/72 kit - but goddamn, that is one pretty bird - me likes the scheme... like A LOT. ^____^
  10. Interested...
  11. I've primed with tamiya, sanded, sprayed again and sanded again - ready for a coat or two of the main color (then decals & panel lines) then a coat or two of clear. This time I'm going to experiment with a light coat of watered down wood glue, lite sand then 1 coat of primer. See how it goes... I read something on the Shapeways blog about mixing super glue and acetone or something and brushing it on, not sure I'm man enough to try that.
  12. I used the black
  13. ^ This. I used Veef's set to fix my VF- 0A. Good as gold.
  14. Nice! Personally, I'm going with a two tone grey and light grey or white stripe/accent scheme. Can't wait to see what other ppl are going to do!
  15. Looks like its an even split with the armours... Thing is I have the 1/72 VF-0 Armour kit, so that's super handy... But I love me my VF-11 and I'd dearly love me some armour...
  16. Chrono - looking at my shapeways invoices, looks like the very first set sold and posted here was the unpolished wsf - every set sold since is the polished wsf. Its weird, regular wsf was available for like a minute when I first set it up. But back on topic, hot damn that looks sweet! I'm getting excited for mine to arrive... So guys,VF-11 or VF-0 armour next?
  17. Momma - try getting a drill bit from a local hardware the is the same diameter as the hole, and gentle turn the bit by hand to clear the hole. When I get back from overseas I'll post step by step instructions on how to put it all together. I'm sorry to hear you broke your pieces, can you please post pics so I can see? I'll make the intakes separately available. Like I said previously, these were untested and to be ordered at your own risk. My waifu actually ordered me a set and they'll be waiting for me when I get back to Australia in the new year - I'll be able to sus it out and tweak itbthennif need be. I suspect some parts may need nail polish to thicken the friction joints. The missile attachments are better too big than too small - as u can always work in the shape/groove to make it fit rather than trying to thicken it up. The problem with this tech and printing process is that it isn't 1000% accurate and there are variables you have no control over. I'll walk you through the priming and painting process when I get to it, I am trying some new things since painting my custom Rau. I'm overseas at the moment and have limited internet access - but I'll try and answer any questions posted. Looking forward to the photos!
  19. Hey exo, was it you that was making ground crew? Let's team up dude! I wouldn't mind making some missile carts or ground crew buggies - sorry I don't know the correct terms. Unless someone has made these already - u can make the crew and I make the buggies? I'm sure I've seen line art for them.
  20. Eh, I have no idea - just thought he may know something or nothing.
  21. Thats not bad, but I can already see limitations and problems with articulation/range of movement - mainly in the arms and torso. But then again, that could be a plot device or artistic direction. Like I said, wait and see - wait and see
  22. Looking at those mech pics again - it's obvious they'e showing the un-sub-d'd, low-poly versions of the mechs. I'm confident, that at the very least - as a GDT movie, it'll be at the very least a visual feast.
  23. Maiden Japan - calling Maiden Japan... Are you reading me?! Over.
  24. The only thing that could use some tweaking are the arm's length - but other than that, the design is fine. Has nods to old school mecha. We haven't seen it in action yet. That's a pretty lazy insult about the design and inaccurate response about the 'random comic con'. It is my experience that the general populace at large and by association - random people at a convention can't draw, let alone design to save their lives - so relax.
  25. I'm super careful and gentle when transforming all my valks, but with this one I've badly scraped the collar plate behind the fold quartz as when it closes up, the 2 plates scissor across each other. Also managed to scrape the black section behind the nose too,
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