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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. My P's right bicep slidey-cover is installed wrong, it's back to front, or rather in the same orientation as the left side - checked my F, it's got both in the right orientation...
  2. You're right! Refreshed a few times then it came up - got one
  3. And gone.
  4. I have a Skull Focker YF-29 to swappsies for a RVF-25 if I don't bag one - and if I do get a RVF-25, I'll be selling the '29 for what I paid for it, not greedy and ridiculous $300+.
  5. I used Mr.Primer Surfacer 1000, a light sand then another coat.
  6. A WIP shot of my custom;
  7. I used Mr.Hobby - Mr.Primer Surfacer 1000, It's closer than the tamiya gray primer at least - check out the photos below. Thank you! Mind you, it'll still need some light sanding and cleaning. Cheers dude I'm glad you can appreciate the tricky modelling! Awesome! Good luck to you So here is a small update - sanded the FD as best I could, hard to see as it's clearish. Painted a very watered down citadel 'deadly nightshade' I had lying around onto it to see better. Once I sprayed the Mr.Surfacer, it came out better than expected. Lightly sanded some more, then did a final (too thick maybe?) coat - scratched the sides cause I was impatient and fiddled too much with it - lesson learned. Keep in mind, the photos show the WSF laser and not the WSF laser I am currently sanding the primer on. Sneak peak at my custom; Snug fit;
  8. Thanks man :-) Yeah, me too - I really hope it's not the end of the line... I had a look at my VF- 4's legs, both screw hole covers are strongly glued on, no give at all... I'll try again later, but my work for the year has started up again, so these things are going to have to ease up a bit... Don't worry tho, I still have every intention to make the reactive armour after the 11's armour.
  9. Figured out how you'll do the attachments yet? :-P
  10. ...aaaaand, what do you think?
  11. Hey hey! Yes, I have a new D-type head in the works - it's head laser is very similar but not the same. If you can wait a while, I can makeyou one, its just I'm busy at the moment. Or EXO could make you one, I'm sure!
  12. This is nice! Great work
  13. Any pics for those of us that have not seen it in-game?
  14. Not yet, waiting for A) the weather to clear up and B) a friend with a very decent camera. Also C) I'm starting to panel line and decal my bird up :3
  15. While that is cool for you dude, nice bit of luck there - I don't endorse it, it seems Shapeways takes a substantial cut from my mark up. So, that's a bummer. But - thank you in any case! Enjoy it and post pics
  16. Will do I'm re-scribing the lines on mine as we speak - and then a good sand, then a spray of primer. THEN THE PAINTENING - and decaling i guess :3
  17. Dude, was that you that just did a big order from my shop?! If not, thank you to whoever you are - you champ Now I can feed my family and make more things !!!
  18. Not quite conversion kit - and also, think classics scale.
  19. The rockets themselves would be an easy and straight-forward build, the tricky part would be the pylons on the top - and getting the two rockets parallel and level. Could look into it later. How many would you need for your collection, i wonder :-) Awesome! I have 4 VF- 11's myself - my fave valk by far. My set of armour (maybe 2?) will be for my Skull Squadron custom 11 :3 But I'm also toying with an idea; Not sure how this will pan out. I'll just say that I was always dissapointed that classics starscream was too small and kinda lame. Plus they never make enough Cybertronian designs. But this all just farts in the wind until I have a physical product in-hand.
  20. I'm seriously considering it, trying to figure out a pricing scheme that is fair for labour and materials + postage. Will people still want one if it's the slightly different shade of grey? In addition, would people want it there or further detailed with silver accents and panel lines + a light clear coat? Shall we call if a type VF-4S? VF-4C? VF-4GS??? I'm pretty keen to tell you guys more about my upcoming projects - but work is too patchy and these customs take a back seat when my job does pick up in the mid year. Too many factors can lead to a halt or end to projects like these - and I also have to pick and choose what and when I start a new project - see whats most economical for me. I can never be sure how many things will sell, if at all.
  21. Oh I dunno, with some minor modifications - you can turn an ugly duckling in to a beautiful swan. A beautiful, aggressive, blistering-with-missiles -swan
  22. Gwfalcon - only got the FD version so I can'y say, having said that tho - the FD in fighter mode is near PERFECTLY flush :3 :3 :3 Have a look;
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