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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. Kurisama

    YF-21 WIP

    Mr March - I took some screen caps from a M+ movie rip I got ages ago. I think I took a bunch of screen caps from the same source for you, showing the 19 sitting its hip lasers.
  2. Kurisama

    YF-21 WIP

    Bloody gorgeous - great job dude. There is some ref pics available for the elbow/bicep area (mostly internals) - when he's wrestling with the '19 and his arm breaks; And a couple of hand/fist screen caps;
  3. Dude, the 19 is a tad stumpy - look at the line art! This battroid is perfect! I'm in love...
  4. Thats what they look like - but what are those 2 squarish parts to the left of the FPs and above the green missiles?
  5. Well, if the new VF-0D turns out to be too expensive - ppl with a bit of modelling know-how can still buy my kit to upgrade their old VF-0, and if there is never an official D variant, ppl can still get me kit - ha.
  6. Sweet baby Jesus.
  7. Reïvaj posted the screen shot already. If people start in on a thread, least they could do is get up to speed on the thread. Getting tired of all the same questions. Should add that the above is said as just a statement, no bitterness or anger intended. Also yes, it was in the final episode, blink and you miss type of affair.
  8. No one thinks that the way they'll implement this that you'll UN-hook the wing glove, move the wing into position then clip the wing glove back in?
  9. Mmmm... Delicious. I was of 2 minds when I sold my 30th anniversary, but this one puts my soul at ease.
  10. Way too early to tell, but not way to early to panic & have a cry and scream to the heavens that you will boycott Acadia...
  11. I hope we get repaints of this! Is love a grey version like in the master file book.
  12. $160 AUD before shipping at NY, I'll wait.
  13. How many people here were fans of Bullfrog's Syndicate or Syndicate Wars? For me, it was one of the first games I ever played on the Amiga 500 that just sucked me into a world of cyberpunk and espionage - loved the atmosphere, music and feel of the game. So - long story short, my friends have put together a Kickstarter (went live yesterday) to fund the spiritual successor to Syndicate and Syndicate Wars - they're all going to be made redundant by August (game dev studio closing down, I worked with them at a previous game dev - when that also closed down several years ago), and they've even got one of the original creators on the team as well as the original sound designer and composer of they reach a certain goal - check out the link below and see what you think - hey even pledge a bit of change if u wanna see it become a reality! Even if they weren't my buddies - I'd still get this game :3 http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/5livesstudios/satellite-reign
  14. Honestly Gakken, can you not even flick back one page?!
  15. ERMAGERD - YUSSSSS!!! Cannot wait. I lurve me some cannon fodder schemes! Every time I think "I'm done with valks", boom - another must buy...
  16. Dude - - - AWESOME! I love it
  17. AAAAHHAAAHAAAHAAAHAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAHAA!!!!!!! <-- Maniacal laughter as I fantasize about displaying it next to it's Yammie 1/60 VF-19 brethren on my shelf.
  18. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, good one Benson.
  19. 1/48 TV Q rau...
  20. ^ agreed, no valk (any hobby) is worth losing a partner. I'd melt down all my valks if it meant keeping the one I love - and the one who loves me. Maybe not my customs, I'd hide them somewhere.
  21. Same here!
  22. Very nice proportions, great work! It is tricky thing to make. The only nit pick I see is the tip of the knee pad looks to pointy, round it or a little more.
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