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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. So the 3rd-party "Renegade" (Not-Cybertronian-Starscream) has only 12 days left. I'd like to hear people's thoughts on these, seeing as I know the guy who designed the figure. Support a fellow Macrossworld-er! https://maastoys.com/projects/air-soldiers/ Remember if you pledge, you pay after the target and date have both been met. I'd dearly love to have one on my shelf. PS. It does a decent gerwalk. No official pics yet.
  2. Hey everyone - just thought I might post this as it may be of interest to some of you - especially if you can like Cybertronian-type designs and can handle a new/modern take on the Tetrajet: https://maastoys.com/projects/air-soldiers/ MAAS Toys is doing a crowdfund for their line of not-cybertronian-seekers. They're not official MP scale but they do go toe-to-toe with MP Starscream, only off by 1 to 2mm to the top of the head. Wingspan in alt mode is the same as MP-SS's alt mode wingspan. There is also more articulation than the MP-11 mold. If you have a question, feel free to post on that page for answers regarding the project.
  3. Gruppo Bertone being the design house yes, but Marcello Gandini was the individual responsible for the countach design. Of which the prototype is much, much nicer than the production model. Bonus trivia - Gandini also designed the Lancia Stratos, Wheeljack for those playing at home.
  4. O_______O Be still, my beating heart!!!! That is gorgeous
  5. HA! You just showed your age
  6. For the holes - a kawamori-vernier at a 45 degree angle should do the trick - or study some of the concept art available online for the carrier arm or hangar bays for inspiration.
  7. It is different with every company/product - sometimes they find you (even then they may have a design that needs tweaking or open to see what you have) and other times you introduce yourself. Sometimes you have a working, physical prototype, other times you have only renders or 2d concepts. They'd have their engineers to look at it and process it for it to begin the mold making process.
  8. I say awesome for 3P and KO Macross. The business model Arcadia have going (especially for the VF-1s - but thats been discussed enough) isn't sustainable, for them or us. It leads to resentment. It should make them take notice and change how they do things - competition is good. Plus if they're not total crap (which will have consumers look for alternatives again - either real or other KO), they're great for customizing. I have a few VFs I'd love to customize but the perceived rarity and initial price i got them for make me NOT want to touch them at all.
  9. Only one way to find out! I think the conformal tanks would help, might need to fudge the proportions/placement of them tho - keen to see how it turns out
  10. OOH! Now that I did NOT know... Thanks for the info Xigfrid. So is it replacing WSF or is a new material all together? Can you point me to the pics of the new smoothing finish?
  11. Oh I thought u meant new tools or shop or options something - yes, i was aware they made some materials cheaper
  12. What new features? I'm out of the loop to be honest!
  13. Nope, not at all - so yes, I can post both
  14. Hey Jasonc, can u clear that up for me? Do you mean just the missile with a slot for the harness? Also, just made available the neck plate & seats (single and tandem) option parts; https://www.shapeways.com/product/Q4PHCQLNH/vf-1-option-part-battroid-access-1-seater https://www.shapeways.com/product/SPCVGQ5UA/vf-1-option-part-battroid-access-2-seater https://www.shapeways.com/product/6QM6Z5RWQ/vf-1-option-part-battroid-ingress-egress-hatch-x2 https://www.shapeways.com/product/XY5DJFFEB/vf-1-option-part-battroid-ingress-egress-hatch As I can't purchase them to test them, I'm releasing them at cost price, once I get feedback on if they fit well (I am confident they do) or if any adjustments need to be made - I'll add my fee on the amended product. I am also planning the the side covers soon. I have 2 variants, not sure which type people would prefer; But also planning on doing an optional version like the one seen in the Pineapple Salad ep;
  15. They're up; https://www.shapeways.com/product/Q4PHCQLNH/vf-1-option-part-battroid-access-1-seater https://www.shapeways.com/product/SPCVGQ5UA/vf-1-option-part-battroid-access-2-seater https://www.shapeways.com/product/6QM6Z5RWQ/vf-1-option-part-battroid-ingress-egress-hatch-x2 https://www.shapeways.com/product/XY5DJFFEB/vf-1-option-part-battroid-ingress-egress-hatch I'll start the side covers soon - I have 2 variants; Which do ppl prefer? I always wanted to do another version, the one we see when Max first battles Milia in the TV series;
  16. Looking good! Another Aussie, nice
  17. Side covers are coming, and for the baby pod - I'd have to eye ball it as I don't have one in-hand.
  18. Finally got around to working on this today. 1/60 scale. Just gotta mock up the 2-seater spline thingy and i'll upload. Would people prefer all this in one kit or the closed neck cover available separately? Maybe just everything for a set in 1 pack, i.e. closed neck cover, open neck cover, 2 seats, 2 seat trays and 2 back splines (long + short)?
  19. As far as David goes, in running with all the biblical overtones - the old proverb "idle hands are the devil's workshop" comes to mind.
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