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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. Eugimon - did u end up getting the Vajra missiles? I tried getting them, but they were rejected cause the escape holes where 2mm too small, did yours come out ok?
  2. Damn, man! DECULCHA!
  3. What? Releasing again next year? I paid inflated pieces for nothing?
  4. Haha, I too was working on one of these a while back! Looks great MJ.
  5. It's not for MP-12!!! Not until I get one later this year. The jetpack is for classics/henkei Sideswipe B-)
  6. I printed a medallion and earring for my wife a while back in alumide (polished)... seemed pretty strong - now, I've just grabbed one of the earrings about a mm thick on a partially rounded, concave sort-of shape (think High-Elf shield), pretty tough and took a bit of strong pressure to break it. Not as brittle as say, chalk. Like a tough slightly elastic chalk. Pretty strong for something that light weight. Even now, I could probably glue it back, not warping at all.
  7. Shapeways heads-up; 20% Off Alumide and White Strong & Flexible + Polished! Use code odj9a by Sept 20
  8. Shapeways heads-up; 20% Off Alumide and White Strong & Flexible + Polished! Use code odj9a by Sept 20
  9. Shapeways heads-up; 20% Off Alumide and White Strong & Flexible + Polished! Use code odj9a by Sept 20
  10. I'm sure you could take a few measurements of the bomb bay doors and count how many HMMs it has, and gauge it from there. But I agree with the above statement - it'd be a larger version (prototype) of the frontier-era (production) ghosts.
  11. While watching the 25th year Predator reunion on youtube... One of the designers on the original movie While designing the armour;
  12. Great idea! They way I've planned out out is to have the main components interchangeable between the TV, DYRL Ger and the Renegade - so you can potentially make your own Zentran poorest armour . I won't sacrifice accuracy or functionality for that tho. At the very leastmake the DYRL Ger new able to sport the TV and renegade had unit and one of the impact cannons from the TV, DYRL or Frontier.
  13. Yes, that little project should be very interesting! I have a number of large projects on my list, VF-11 armour, Renegade Power armour and DYRL Nousjaduel among them. I made the 1/60 Impact cannon, as a test to gauge scale and if I could make a bona fide 'new' stand alone piece. Trust me, I want a 1/60 power armour to go with my VF-11Bs and DYRL VFs as much as u guys you just need to be patience.
  14. At a glance the original DYRL Rau and Plan's Rhea look quite similar. But you'll find - apart from the obvious difference of impact cannon, duel canisters, face and forearm cannons - most of the main body parts and backpack are different. Lots of little greebles like cameras, thruster nozzles & vents. Trust me, I've studied the design a lot... I should add its designed for a more aggressive stance and silhouette as well as far more articulation & flexibility.
  15. I should really get around to finishing my TV Rau custom.
  16. Dat custom '22....
  17. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/5livesstudios/satellite-reign So they reached their funding about 3 weeks ago - couldn't be happier and proud of my mates. I met one of them today while out for lunch and he told me they're looking a few final places for office space, sorted out hardware and some logistics - seeing some lawyers and all that jazz - so they'll be starting soon! I can't wait to see the progress myself - It's pretty impressive what they've done so far with no money, so will be interesting to see what they will do with some cash.
  18. Oh, sorry! No - haven't done anything on that - hmmm....
  19. Cannon mount is still good dude - https://www.shapeways.com/model/616774/hembra-xeno-mech-shoulder-missiles-cannon-hub.html?li=productBox-search
  20. Mine needs a few coats of clear and then its done, been like that for at least 7 months. There is a 10% discount on WSF at Shapeways at the moment, I will eventually get to slimming down the arms and feet at some point - but working and looking for work IRL has taken priority. They way I went about making the Rau back then doesn't allow for easy adjustments, so it's a lot of work to either amend or start from scratch...
  21. With the shitty Aussie dollar, with the cheapest shipping + tracking, this ended up costing me a few dollars more than my VF-4... Will it be worth it? I hope so!
  22. Kurisama

    YF-21 WIP

    Would be a pleasure! Shoot me a msg anytime. Back on topic - Brainx, are you planning on making panels removable for internal greebles? That'd be macanudo
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