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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. Sexcellenté.
  2. Which translates to?
  3. Made a beefier blaster for my MP-10, if anyone is interested; https://www.shapeways.com/model/1420287/mp-10-blaster.html?li=shop-results&materialId=61
  4. Anyone interested in a more anime-accurate-ish blaster for MP-10? I like that it comes with a collapsible one, but it looks a little small... I can post a screen cap if anyone is interested.
  5. VF-191... Now there's a thought...
  6. THE PRESSURE - THE PRESSURE! The semester is almost over for me (3 weeks) at uni, then I'll get on to it - no doubt about it, it is going to be a TRICKY piece to get right...
  7. Same here
  8. Managed to shave a few dollars off of each type, hope this makes it look a bit tastier. Deleted some parts that wouldn't be missed that much if at all. Hope this helps!
  9. I think the contrast of a matte coat would work well, IMHO.
  10. The base 'jacket' that covers the arm is 2mm thick, strength enough for FD and WSF... but realistically, I could only every shave $2-4 off maybe if I went and re-did all the hollowed out parts to their absolute limits - but then I run the risk of print rejection... Eh, I'll sleep on it and look at it tomorrow, or just start on the 171 pieces. I'll order at least a L&R set myself at some point tho, to pimp out my 19P
  11. They're up; Left and Right sides; https://www.shapeways.com/model/1386725/1-60-19-style-arm-cannon-l-r.html?li=shop-results&materialId=62 Left side; https://www.shapeways.com/model/1386765/1-60-19-style-arm-cannon-left.html?li=shop-results&materialId=62 Right side; https://www.shapeways.com/model/1386714/1-60-19-style-arm-cannon-right.html?li=shop-results&materialId=62 MacrossJunkie - Normally I'd go with WSF+Polish, due to robustness and price (but sometimes lack of detail) - but I think Frosted Detail would work best with this for the fine details plus it doesn't need to be tough as it should slide onto the arm no problem - it isn't load bearing or supporting anything.. Only thing is, is that it is quite pricey with this model - still looking at shaving a bit off here and there - but I can't seem to find any parts to fix up.
  12. Well, just uploaded the right-arm version of the weapon... more expensive than I thought... So will look into stripping parts or making them thinner. Anyways, some screen caps for your amusement;
  13. I'll answer all these questions and give my take on it - just want to tweak/add some details to the arm cannon - but I have to A) Eat some lunch and B) Stop admiring my new MP-10 that arrived an hour ago. This is why I'm poor.
  14. Well, there's only so many ways you can design the wheel
  15. Still umming and aaring about the VF-171 parts... But inspired by forum member - MaidenJapan's work, I dusted off an old file and have finished this today; Wasn't sure if I should post it here or in the Workshop! forum, but since I haven't got it in hand, thought I'd place it here. Going to upload it tonight and make it available at a discount for a limited amount of time, so peeps can get it and have a play around - I simply can't afford to pay $20 shipping plus I'm terribly poor at the moment... Let me know if ya'll want a left-arm version too - or both left and right in the same order. OH YES - I should mention this is designed to fit the NEW 1/60 VF-19 series, so the S, F, P and Kai - and assuming the new YF-19 from Arcadia uses the same mould for the forearm, this should fit that too. Still a few details to tweak before the upload. Stay tuned.
  16. Jeeeeeesus - I've never such a cacophony of sound-offs for breakages - most fragile valk ever?? BTW, looking into Shapeways-ing replacement parts for the nuns-folding shoulder part and the underside triangle part.
  17. Damn, doing a study of the parts... I see now why no one has stepped forward to tackle this - tricky, tricky. The part with 'NUNS' printed on it seems the most straight-forward to craft. Fiddly, but do-able. The lower, thin 2-part is going to be skirting the tolerances (read; possibility) of the material type with the strongest properties... Going to fiddle with it and see if it absolutely needs to be able to swing to transform. I have some thinking to do...
  18. Excellent guys - I'll report back when there is something to report
  19. Can someone take a clear photo of the breakage? I've heard so much about it - but I dont think I've seen it.
  20. Pretty awesome website - I can potentially upload all my Macross/TF shapeways stuff, so you guys can 'inspect' before you buy! Pretty cool - BUT it does show the way I make things and what not...
  21. Hey guys! Sorry - I didn't get a notification for the last 2 posts - let me look into it Have a few days free this week. In the meantime - let me see if this works; VF-4G/K Head Unit (click to view in 3D) Thoughts?
  22. Eurgh - those designs are terrible. Snarf and Yaga are the only passable ones. Bit of a stretch to call it 'Awesome' fanart. The artist needs to learn some basic anatomy and perspective, but hey thats just my opinion.
  23. HRRRNG, frakking-ay.
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