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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. Just posted a thread in the wanted section - but the short version is that my RVF-25 has (on one leg) 2 small thruster rings instead of a large and small (they overlap) - so someone out there must have 2 large thruster rings on theirs? Anyone else have this on the RVF or other 25s?
  2. Got my scratch and dent from HLJ today - 4 days from japan to me in Aus - super awesome fig, nothing wrong with it except loose ankles :-/
  3. Well well well - look at those indents on the thighs....
  4. Possibly - but I have not got an old '19 to measure and whatnot - also in the process of moving interstate. Perhaps in a month or two?
  5. Yep - and it's even been shipped as of this morning.
  6. I just bit the bullet and ordered one right arm version in FUD (had some in store credit I forgot about) so we'll know in a few weeks
  7. Yeah that's crazy expensive. Make no mistake, it is a gorgeous and slick valk - but it has some flaws, or short comings when compared to current gen valks. I had to part with one of mine recently but sold for less than $200 cause I honestly think it's not worth that much. Still try and get one tho - it's a fantastic display piece and my fave valk off all time.
  8. Still very early stages yet, but we are working on making it delicious. I can't reveal what weapons will or won't be in there, but I can say that there has been careful consideration as well as concepts up to the wazoo, and now I'm carefully making them and tweaking them further so that each class of weapon has a distinct look and feel and also a clear design motif and lineage from the pistols all the way up to the larger weapons. I'll update here with more as I get approval.
  9. Hey everyone, there's a early wip of the game up: I've luckily been asked to do some freelance work on the game for the next couple of months, working on weapons and vehicles, you can see (only) one of the dozen or so weapons I've made so far halfway through the video, the heavy plasma. Stay tuned for a lot more content and polish over the next few months!
  10. Kurisama

    YF-21 WIP

    Are you using nDo and dDo?
  11. Hrrrrng, delicious
  12. Looks all brand new to me. Definitely new backpack, legs and feet - ankles look to be a revised design.
  13. Kurisama

    YF-21 WIP

    My god that's gorgeous.
  14. they're not due until july/august - so preorder now and if u can't pay 2 weeks before the due date - then cancel. easy. nothingt o worry about.
  15. Dat colour scheme...
  16. Boom, roughly $110 AUD for each one with EMS for me - weeeeeeeeeeeeee! http://www.nippon-yasan.com/macross/6703-macross-f-tornado-parts-set-for-dx-chogokin-vf-25f-messiah-valkyrie-saotome-alto-custom-renewal-ver-limited-edition.html http://www.nippon-yasan.com/macross/6702-macross-f-tornado-parts-set-for-dx-chogokin-vf-25g-messiah-valkyrie-michel-blanc-custom-renewal-ver-limited-edition.html
  17. Yum yum. Come get some.
  18. OH-HOOOOO, yuss. Excellent!
  19. I just lost my crap for a moment - thank you.
  20. I really dig the 19 with 25-boosters. I've flirted with a custom 19. ANYWAYS perhaps the way the wing now articulates it can accommodate the 25's thrusters?
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