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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. IRL, I really pick up on the tone ppl use - I do the same on these boards, which is silly cause that's something that is impossible to tell. I apologize. I had just woken up and read your post with one eye. Next time I'll use both eyes and give it a minute or two before I post.
  2. Bootleg someone else's work? Would you say I bootlegged the VF-4 head unit? The VF-0D wings and parts? The Queadluun Rau TV parts? The impact cannon? Cause I worked damn hard on those with a high degree of precision and fit. I'd say the guy you know bootlegged Kawamori's concepts. As did I. Personally, I don't come along and rip someone else's sculpting/engineering work. I am faithful to the art and concept tho. I cant really add my own touches too much or alter the design, as fans - especially MWers don't respond well unless it's 99.9% anime accurate. Unfortunately the end result will by and large be the same, can't be helped there. Call it bootlegging then. Then again I can just frakk this right off and not bother. Realistically, I won't sell that many as people either think it'll cost too much to get a custom, made to order set or don't have the skills necessary to paint and finish it. If staying faithful to the art and concept makes me a bootlegger, then a bootlegger I am. And a special thank you to my supporters and everyone that has ever purchased my kits. Mommar and JVM... thanks fellas!
  3. I have been thinking about seriously. Looking at how they've done the hip connection looks... eh, well I don't like it. There must be a better way. Shoulder missile launchers - no worries there. Lots of high res photos would be appreciated. If anyone can help, email me addy kurisama@gmail.com Leave it with me, I guess
  4. I placed the chest armor, shoulder missiles & hip-intake covers from the super set onto the the tornado set - looks bad ass as well as giving it a more well-rounded look.
  5. Got one at HLJ... not sure why, as I already have one. Y'all got me jazzed up.
  6. ^ Hahaha!
  7. My TF and Macross parts, to a certain extent - yes. If I take too long, the intended price point doesn't make it worth the time and effort put in. Not to say that I do them quick and nasty - I do invest a lot of time, skill and craftsmanship into each of my creations. How do you know what a 3P maker's constraints are? Are you a full-figure 3P maker?
  8. I'd say that 'largely self-funded' = restricted budget. But anyways, I'll pass on these for my collection - but perhaps a set for my son - who keeps eye-balling my Not-Menasor
  9. Don't have to work to a restricted budget? Please.
  10. I honestly wonder who at HasTak approves these - my god. They're going to have to lift their game especially as they look like they're trying to cover 3rd party releases... Or maybe they're resigned to the prospect of appealing to only kid collectors or 'regular' people/customers. If I were at HasTak - I'd be saying 'we can do this better', especially with all their experience and moolah to back them. The 3rd party combiners are on another level in reagrds to posability and sculpt, in most cases.
  11. Well, I have just finished a 6 month project... I have some time before the next contract. So maybe
  12. I should get off my arse and make them.
  13. Woah - hold up there - how are they attached there? They're not on the wing glove.
  14. Aaaaaaaawwww crap son. But damn it, WF exclusive??!?! Damn it.
  15. D'aaaaaaw, I want one.
  16. I wonder if they ordered one of my shapeways add-ons and riffed off that? I will never know.
  17. Why are the official pics almost always slightly mistransformed... WHHHHHHHHHHHY?!?!!?
  18. Maybe ya'll should wait for the inevitable 3rd party 'up-sized' MP-Grimlock.
  19. Thanks dude! I have given the pieces another coat of grey after drying for a week - but before I sprayed, I noticed a dull foggy residue on the pieces - I wiped it off and it came back after a day or so, so i hesitantly wiped it off as best I could and resprayed and left in the sun all day - again, the residue is there - but no bubble as the grey is perfect when I wipe it away (minus all the small imperfections I missed when i sanded) - so will leave another week and spray with clear
  20. It's possible, but proportions would need to change and small parts would need to be metal. It wouldn't look the same at all. So short answer, no. Not from me at least!
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