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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. I'm really not feeling it. I feel however, if I had grown up with this or owned the original - then perhaps a nostalgia buy. So from an engineering and sculpt point of view it is very impressive - but there are too many design and sculpt/detail cues that just do nothing for me - unlike how the 1/60 VF-1 or MP Optimus' bold design strokes and strong silhouettes make my peepee tingle.
  2. Kelsain.... Dude, are you serious? The animation accurate swing bars are incredibly flimsy (pretty sure they're not connected to anything iirc - just free floating) and compared to the rest of the over-tech stuff going on - take a massive liberty in realism. I always hated that part, not strong enough looking. The VF-1 style swing arm makes the most sense, looks plausible and tough. Plus in my mind fiction, it could easily incorporate a segmented spine like modularity to allow for hip twist - in unison with the nose swiveling to allow hip movement. tldr: swing arm is better and makes more sense that the tandem twigs in the anime, in my most humble opinion.
  3. Star Sabre does nothing for me, at all. Never saw the cartoon with him in it - which I think plays a big part. From face value, the colour placement and weighting just are bleh. Transformation looks too simple and not very imaginative, I know it's an update, but just seems really boring and too Gundam for me. Ultra Magnus on the other hand looks pretty sweet - more as an updated to the G1 toy and as a heavy hitter bot on my shelf. A little bummed out apparent articulation, but can't wait for reviews - still pining for a white-optimus
  4. I think the regulars here know where I stand on this.
  5. Very interesting move by Takara, delving into Diaclone territory.
  6. Sorry muchachos, I'm out of this one. Sold off my VF-171s already. I had doubts about the tolerances and material strength.
  7. Fans - by and large don't react well to 're-imagining' of certain IPs. Personally, if a 3rd party want to take a stab at something like Macross or Transformers and are unable to do it officially (hence 3rd party), why not put their own flavour on it. Personally - I'd love to see a VF-2JA over a VF-2SS, but still like to have both one day. But more than this - a Nousjadeul Ger, Rhea or Renegade Power Armour in 1/60 - all the HRRRNGS. Hell, raise enough cash for injection molds, and I'll design, engineer and sculpt that bad boy for free.
  8. I should really get around to doing the plain un-swiveling type. Like on the VF-171's etc.
  9. Murphy, how do the booster/wing root connections work?
  10. I know I said I was in for a few.... but I am in financial ruin right now. Hopefully back on top of things by the time you are doing round 2 of these They look great dude!
  11. I'm surprised no one has really mentioned Omnigonix' V-01 Spinout - looks pretty swish to me :3 http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers-3rd-party-discussion/990117-omnigonix-v-01-spinout-mp-scaled-sunstreaker.html Sideswipe needs his bro, brah!
  12. I pointed out when the first prototype pics came out, that there were new indentations on the thigh that seemed to indicate that they are planning on releasing the reactive armour. REACTIVE ARMOUR!!! [/ivanov voice]
  13. Goddamn that is a gorgeous valk. I regret not getting a pre-order in. Also that I can't afford it right now!
  14. Oh god yes.
  15. The piece would be too small and fragile or compromises would need to be done to the head to accommodate. Better off having a separate dedicated head unit.
  16. Jeez, relax Gakken - you think the staff know every single item in the warehouse? No, I'm pretty sure they don't. Whenever I've had any issues (very rarely over the last 15+ years) I state the order number or product number and there is no issue sorting it out, at all. They're human beings with a butt-tonne of logistical crap to wade through - give them a break.
  17. Better make that 3 votes for 'Straya Looking impressive dude.
  18. Kanedas Bike, can I buy or trade one of your ankle thruster rings? I got one with two smaller thruster rings on one foot :-(
  19. Anyone else order the Masterpiece Book? Just paid for it at HLJ.
  20. The most difficult part would be color matching the parts to the valkyrie. Unless it's just the connector bit - but that'd mean gluing directly onto the wings, which I'd rather avoid. But then I look back to that image of the custom 1/72 VF-25S with the extra gunpods and missile/bomb payload and I go hrrrrrrng.
  21. Indeed. Such is the life of a freelancer.
  22. Awesome! Thank you! Here's hoping I can get on this before my wife makes me get a real job.
  23. Yeah, bring it on! I have an armor set already, which I partially painted to be more subdued, repainted the red parts on the arms and chest to grey. Might continue and add yellow and black for a Focker scheme. Definitely want another so I can have a 'normal' one.
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