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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. Yeah, they were more streamlined with the details (not sure about general shape - looked pretty close there) and of course a smaller version of Brera's gun tracked on the top.
  2. About time! Been looking forward to owning a CF 27!
  3. Yep, they are - but in order to have the openings like how I have them now, that's what the dimensions needs to be. If I were to make the general shape the exactly the same as the concept art, I'd lose the cheek intake holes. As they are now, to anyone that has the VF-4 custom; the intake lips are almost the same thickness, and they're super thin in person.
  4. Some minor tweaks but I think the chin and intakes look a lot better. Second pic shows variant head lasers.
  5. It's from Macross the First!
  6. Just a heads up to those that don't frequent the Workshop threads - I'm putting together a 1/60 MtF VF-1J head unit that I'll be making available on Shapeways. Thread located at http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41922
  7. Hey all - this one's been itching (in my head) to be made for ages - so this morning I put aside my 'real' work and started to make this kick-ass head sculpt by Tenjin-sama. Still needs some angles to be tweaked and the back portion and internals to be made, but it will be done soon - but we'll have to wait for a while for a print to get to me to make sure it's all good. Unless people trust me enough to just make it available. I will include a few laser options - as the concept art has them splayed at about 15 degree each side where as the current 1/60 are nearly parallel - they're also 2mm wide at the tip, just like the current one - but may be too fragile. Seeing if I can make the visor removable for separate painting too. Anyways, progress as it happens, enjoy. Feedback welcome.
  8. Yes it can - just use the valk's original plug holes and don't use the armour fists/wrist plates - also this; https://www.shapeways.com/model/782086/vf-1-valkyrie-hands-a-set.html There are some example of these fists (can use any of the originals too) used on the armour.
  9. No, you!
  10. You want to play? Ok, lets play. When someone requests something from me - yes, I charge them for it - why? It takes time, skill and a lot of effort to make it. It's simple. Usually what ppl ask for aren't simple things. I'm sure you can grasp that concept. A replacement part is usually something relatively complex with many things to consider no the least of which are compound forms and tolerances. Somebody asking for help is a different matter - if I can, I help, for free - usually if it is something that is no issue for me, again a simple concept you can grasp. I can't see where you're getting the notion i'm "flipping out", care to elaborate? I'm not bummed at all about my 0D conversion kit - that kit has made many people happy, and funded myself to do the next project and so on. Besides, all the ppl with a spare 0A or 0S in the future may want to get my kit if they are so inclined when the new Zeros hit. I have no issues with it either way - you're just projecting your feelings and perspective view on the matter - you have no idea how I actually feel about it. But let me reiterate, and be blunt - as you can't take the hint sometimes; Buy it, don't buy it - it's up to you, doesn't bother me - I'm onto bigger and better things. And for the record telling someone "Or maybe I don't give a frakk what you think? haha", isn't being civil. Maybe it is in you part of the world. But then again all your nastiness may stem from all your butt-hurts that you can't create awesome things like me, or a select few others in the community can. Aaaaaaanyway, I'm excited for this VF-0D to drop - can't wait!
  11. I'm sorry? You're saying I pressure people into buying parts they request to be made? Yes, yes I do. I don't give out my time, skills and efforts for free. Lol, you make me chuckle.
  12. I remember a time on the boards before Gakken, when people were civil.
  13. Damn son, this is really crap... Yeah, it's now a lot more complicated - unless of course you scan the piece? Or hope to hell some one trashes theirs and sells it for parts, sorry buddy.
  14. Well, don't be all mysterious man - which piece is it?
  15. Dude - I posted that one on pg.8, among others!!!
  16. It's within Arcadia's abilities to churn out a 'simple' redeco paint job + different coloured plastic to bring back some customers quicker than say trying a new mould (wings, head unit, etc) to bring out (rather risky) other 19 variants. Bandai sure as hell will. Arcadia could try and counter this by trying relatively safe repaint like a VF-1S Roy homage or Ozma (schwing!) or low-viz (hrrrng) scheme to boost profit quickly and help float the VF-0D they're pouring everything into atm. If I can afford a new 19DX (and I love all the other modes - and I have to because Arcadia's 19, with all it's faults - is just a work of art imho), I shall. I would prefer a 3rd Arcadia YF-19 for gerwalk purposes, in my collection - and an Arcadian Low-Viz VF-19A would do nicely. Or a CF VF-19A. Buuuut, if the scale is right and it all checks out, Jimbo - a DX YF-19 to lead the pack with all the super parts would be ace. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v474/vf1a/YF19Fokker00.jpg http://hairenfleur.web.fc2.com/vf19a01.JPG http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/038/9/e/vf_19a_in_flight_by_zinjo-d391pjj.jpg http://www.ebasenet.com/images/erix93/Macross_VF-19A/Macross_VF-19A.jpg http://userdisk.webry.biglobe.ne.jp/011/514/43/N000/000/003/136137605753613112079_IMG_0029.jpg http://i.imgur.com/nRNxKF5.jpg I just want repaints now!!!
  17. At least it'll look good beside the YF-29 Isamu Special.
  18. Revoltech VS GN-U Dou's people!!! I liked the posability of the revoltechs but got the Dou's instead due to the finish and proportions. I have 2 Arcadian '19s, would like a third one day - i hope to get at least one DX 19, but would prefer a grey or ravens scheme... Plus I like the should missiles more than what Bandai have done here - but hey, still looks cool - although I prefer the proportions and certain details of the Arcadian one. The shield is way too think on the DX tho.
  19. Ooooooooh shaith... Very, VERY interesting...
  20. I can confirm that the 0D at 1/60 is a big girl.
  21. They'd better include a fully articulated birdman head too. And the little boat with Mao in it.
  22. Wow - retarded. I'm going to tweak my VF-0D conversion kit (make it use metal pins) and finish off the head unit I had started - cause goddamn, that's a dumb price for a valk. My VF-27 renewal and YF-19 renewal were both pushing nearly $300 AUD, and that was almost too much for me, personally. I love Macross. But not that much.
  23. Got WJ yesterday - nice and elegant design, not as good articulation as say, Prowl - but dat ALT mode...
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