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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. Ok, all fixed - not sure why that happened, but they had turned the option for those materials off.
  2. Yeah - and you can take them off the current zeros. Also, the VF-1s have them, although substantially smaller.
  3. Is that so? Shapeways recently did a number of changes, not at least of which was cropping the crap out of my pics on each page - wouldn't surprise me if they tweaked their tolerance ranges or randomly switched off materials. Let me look into it. Although the difference between UD and FUD would be minimal.
  4. Well A) No one has tried this head sculpt yet and B) Was your 1J head blue?
  5. Awesome - thank you! Did you consider getting the head lasers in the stronger material? https://www.shapeways.com/model/2897327/vf-1j-k-custom-head-lasers-only.html
  6. I think it'd work on a TV Max 1A. Now to track one of those down...
  7. Just for sh#ts and giggles (plus I needed a new avatar) while I wait for shapeways and look at making a 1/72 version; BTW - if anyone can help, I need the diameter and length of the pegs for both the head laser pegs and neck to torso plug for the 1/72 Hasegawa Battroid kit. Anyone?
  8. Oh crap! That's right! Hahaha Hope you're looking after the 'ol girl
  9. Not really MickyG - I had thought about it and studied my 171 - then weighed against thing I wanna make and potential tolerances that particular piece wouldn't meet - just didn't seem worth it, then I sold my 171s :- / If someone were to attempt it, they'd be better off trying something closer to the 17's design.
  10. It's certainly moving up on my list of things to do!!! Now, to find my Dou's... Gave them to my son you see, and that'21 will somewhere inside or outside the house...
  11. Dude - thats awesome!
  12. I might just have to - not tooooooooo keen on the Bandai VF-19 Advance's take on it, and i'll never get my hands on the T-Rex parts..
  13. I use Maya - and yes, waiting patiently here for them to arrive! Also. just a reminder - there is currently only a few hours left to take advantage of 20% off your Shapeways order, right now! Get on it!
  14. Just a reminder - there is currently only a few hours left to take advantage of 20% off your Shapeways order, right now! Get on it!
  15. I've ordered a set - so I won't be making any adjustments until I get them in hand, but the jowls will certainly be something that I'll revisit or make an alternative available like the lasers. Possibly? I'd have to find and dig out my hasegawa kits - that are in storage across town somewhere... So not in the immediate future - unless there is a massive want for it? A lot of the smaller details may have to go as well as fusing some parts together. I don't own any 1/48 valks, sorry! Or maybe I'd have to get you to measure some pieces for me/take photos. Not sure the art does - and to be honest, I only ever thought the 1S did the angle/turret thing you mention. I measured my 1J; the distance between the lasers facing forward and facing up - there is a difference of a few mm, I never noticed it before on the 1J, I only noticed it wasn't as splayed as the anime. I'd say there is maybe a 1 to 2 degree (or less) angle at the base to allow this - it is possible to do this on my version - but i'll see how this printed one goes first. But that may have been a better way to go initially. Oh well, I'm only human.
  16. Finished the head sculpt - uploading to Shapeways very soon, testing tolerences etc. Head can arc up and down with a range of 65 degrees and the laser has an arc of 175 degrees.
  17. Coolio, no worries
  18. Yep, 20% of your own designs too - so that's why I'm edging with this! I may just have to revisit the cheeks today - stay tuned! PS. Should I panel line the red stripe/make the stripe slightly raised?
  19. How do peeps feel about a red strip/panel modeled in/raised? ...Hello, is this thing on? *taps mic*
  20. DECULTURE! I'm dusting off the old project. Was on a roll making the MtF VF-1J head-unit, decided to get back onto this; It's an amalgamation of a few different versions of the head sculpt images I've collected, the upcoming Arcadia release got me all tingly for valks again Also fixing all the moveable little wings on the main wings and canards to use a 2mm metal rod. Stay tuned!
  21. Now up for sale; https://www.shapeways.com/model/2897190/vf-1j-k-custom-head-unit.html?materialId=60 And I have made the head lasers available separately in WSF+Polished as I think the FUD lasers may be too fragile; https://www.shapeways.com/model/2897327/vf-1j-k-custom-head-lasers-only.html?materialId=62 I will be ordering these over the next few days myself - as I want to revisit my VF-0D conversion kit and make it utilize 2mm/1mm brass rods and other tweaks here and there + finish the head unit I had for it.
  22. Hey everyone - thank for all your inputs! It's clear everyone has a slightly different take and/or point of view! I'm uploading it to shapeways to get an idea of price and if it'll actually pass the tolerance tests - lot of small details I think might just make it through. Studying all the art i have available for this - it's also clear each pic differs slightly, so I made my own choices and added my own flavour. Head can look up and down in a range of 70 degrees. Will be including both laser options. Visor is separate for ease of paint. Decided to keep the size of the cheek intakes the same so I can keep the holes. Had to add some extra bits and detail for the head swivel.
  23. Most appropriate response gif ever.
  24. Renato - what do you mean? Of course the '86 movie is on bluray! It is my most guiltiest of my nerd pleasures - that movie man - I love it. Love the gravitas, the music, the designs - urgh, SO good. The bluray just makes that extra delicious - so crisp, so vivid. And now my 4.5yo spits out quotes from it all the time Never forget the first time he booted me in the guts as we were play-fighting, and he coldy says; How do you feel mighty Megatron? *boot again*
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