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Everything posted by samuraid

  1. Crap...I tried to post this in newbee again...but did new post in that thread- so here I am again.. whoops.
  2. I was wondering if someone could help me by listing the Macross series/movies, etc in order timeline wise. Also, as a side question: Who are the Marduk?
  3. So, I'm guessing that if there wasn't an english translation of the macross series, that most of the interest in Macross comes from the 'Do you Remember Love' movie? How do people know about the differences between the Macross portion of Robotech and the Macross series in Japan? Also, if anyone could give me the order of the macross animes, I'd certainly appreciate it- I recently picked up Macross Plus and it blew my mind, so I'm wanting to continue but need direction as to how it all fits together. ...and you're right, I should have put this in the newbee section.
  4. I was wondering, how would I get a hold of the japanese Macross series? Is there an English dub? Not wanting to start anything, but I was watching an interview with Carl Macek and he spoke about the animation they did? Was the animation redone for Robotech, or did they just splice together stuff to come up with the Macross portion of Robotech?
  5. samuraid


    Sorry 'bout the title. But I recently picked up a Banpresto - yeesh...
  6. 1/72 = 1 1/60 = 2 only 3 Yamatos but I have other non-yammies...
  7. Hmm, I'm beginning to wonder if I don't have some weird version of this toy... After looking at the pics in the toy section on this site, I noticed that the removable shoulder pieces were on the YF-21 in fighter mode. I have to say that mine would never be able to keep these shoulder pieces in this configuration without breaking the wings; there is absolutely no space between the wings and arm slots.
  8. Thanx for the responses. I was wondering if anyone could post a pic of the YF in gerwalk mode... I can't even get the main body to "clip?" into place so that it doesn't fold in upon itself- like when it's in battroid mode... Is there even anything on the underside to keep it in Gerwalk mode? Without glue, I'm not sure how to have the toy look like the one on the box. Without the arms clipped in place near the thrusters, mine won't have a main body that can hold together at all.
  9. First Valk: Joons red, white and blue. Second: Taiwanese knockoff Super VF-1J I actually didn't know valkyrie toys existed until teaching overseas during the 90's. I remembered vaguely watching the Robotech series from childhood, and almost fell down when I entered a Tawanese toy store and saw the ARII models. I recall saying to my wife: "Oh my god, that's Lisa...I'm not really sure who she is....but I know she's Lisa!!" After that, I started my 'Quest for Valkyries'. Now I know Macross- and there's no going back.
  10. I was wondering...how many of you started with Robotech...and which story line do you enjoy most.
  11. Anyone have an English translation of the trnsformation instructions for the VF-21? Getting mine into a gerwalk mode that isn't just a "mass of floppiness" with no hope of standing up under its own power is tricky to say the least. I must be doing something wrong here...it doesn't seem that it should be this difficult to transform- the parts seeming like they're close to breaking with every dangerous twist and turn. Any help would surely be appreciated
  12. samuraid

    Thank the gods

    Thanx sidearmsalpha, good to be aboard. and if anyone can help me transform my super vf-21 without breaking the tabs near the fast packs- then yeehaw
  13. samuraid

    Thank the gods

    I am so glad i stumbled upon this site... I've had Valkyries on the brain for some time after being introduced to the Macross series through Robotech, and managed to find a Taiwanese knockoff of the VF-1S while teaching overseas around five years ago. Shortly thereafter I found a Joons... Then found Macross... then Macross Plus... Then came the Yamatos... And I happily cannot stop... Great site.
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