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Everything posted by samuraid

  1. samuraid


    Thanx- appreciate help, but the arm on this particular figure points downward... And I can't seem to find a pic anywhere...
  2. samuraid


    Yep, krazy glue shall do the trick, but need the exact pose of the original figure to get the arm right... ...can't remember the exact pose of the arm, as it connects tightly and flush no matter how connected, ie. wrist backwards, etc.
  3. samuraid


  4. samuraid


    Please o' please- Minmay broke her arm today, and I need a pic to see how to glue it back on (to get the correct pose) So for Minmay's sake, let's band together to solve this problem .
  5. and pilot removed...
  6. pilot
  7. Fighter
  8. Battloid
  9. samuraid

    custom 1/48 CF + FP

    Would you ever consider selling that wonderful piece of artwork?
  10. Yeah, I'm thinking the Macross Armored Valk is certainly a knockoff- the resin is more an off white colour (but the detail is frigging amazing) VF-1S Alpha, the company ZERO - did they only do recasts? The VF-11 box is suspicious- but the resin inside seems to be really high quality- if it's a knockoff it's pretty amazing as well. The prices were pretty high which probably reflects the really good casts. Not sure if would sell, but may consider at some point. I actually have some other interesting Macross stuff that I'll finally be able to display now that I have a web cam- I have a wonderfest Valk with two head choices-Hikaru and Roy (knockoff?) that I'll put up soon.
  11. Both are made of resin as far as I can tell.
  12. Nope- the floppiness is mostly gone in the main body, although the legs are often still all over the place at times. (I'll eventually get up the nerve to try the nail polish) I tried to keep the rest of the toy in Fighter mode while first getting the legs down- that way the canopy/nose section stayed locked to the main body- after the first few scary creaks, this worked well. I think myk put it best: "Gotta' have faith and patience with the '21" I found this to be very true, I really needed to put the instructions away completely, and play around with the toy to learn its 'ins and outs' for a while. IMHO, I feel that the YF-21 is certainly worth getting, and is actually the favorite in my collection now.
  13. and again...
  14. Oops- should of put this under models... Here's the other one I picked up in a Japanese owned department store...
  15. close up
  16. I picked it up in when teaching in Taiwan a 4 years ago. Sorry 'bout the poor quality pics...
  17. I'm so happy, I think I'll sit back and have a cold one...
  18. Victory!! After weeks of practice, advice from these forums, and finally, invoking the power of dark gods... ...I've gotten the dam thing to stand in Gerwalk mode!
  19. Sorry guys- loved the macross segment of robotech....so got interested in the anime that started it all... Then liked very much: Macross Do You Remember Love... And then thought that Macross Plus was freaking phenomonal.... Yeehaw! But then, alas... encountered the Meltran/ Macross II stuff- yeesh...
  20. samuraid

    Custom 1/48 CF

    Jung...I have to post. The pics of this 1/48 are very pleasing to the eye. Congrats- this is definately a piece of art! Simply beautiful
  21. Crap- no help for panel lines...
  22. How do you do panel lines? (marker, brush, etc.) Should I mix with a little thinner? I've tried with a brush and wiped off the access, but I ended up with a stains around the lines. Any tips would be great - I'm just starting my ARII Hikaru Gerwalk. Jeeze the hands are big on this thing... Thanx.
  23. Awesome EXO! Thanx- info from Macross 7?
  24. This is a Macross Plus question, and I'll admit before hand that it's probably pretty stupid: Did they go with the YF-21, YF-19, the ghost, revert to the 11B or come up with something new afterwards when the smoke from Sharon's fun had cleared?
  25. Thanx azrael - will check it out.
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