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Everything posted by marx
Yeah I'm taking a risk with such a topic. Hopefully the admins will forgive the broadness. But there are a lot of different toy lines that I would like exposure to. I got exposed to vf-19a yamato by meer chance of landing at macrossworld by searching for TF jetfire stuff. I was very happy to discover a review of the vf-19a and learn that it was still available and cheap at the time. I'm just interested in exposure. Seeing new things. I could do a search on google but people are much better refference than a search engine. Hopefully this won't get out of hand, if it does I understand the admin's need to close it. Anyways, Keywords Cool Cheap Available. Cool meaning for me. Paint doesn't flake off and toy doesn't fall apart when outside of the package. And please no super deformation stuff. Maybe real world practicaility. But I'm flexible. Available online or localy. Cheap.. Under $25... most of us have a budget otherwise I would've bought a 10 koenig monsters and bunch of 1/48 valks. Exceptions can be made or the above. The overall point of this thread is exposure. Edit: I changed the requirements to be more open minded... Maybe it is possible to have cool loooking mechs that are crazy rainbows... But I think real world practicality is good.
Are the idw beast wars comics any good?
Got the reissue waspinator and tarantulus (a..s u..s whatever..) I like the paintjobs on both. Looks show accuarte. Don't have an original to comare it to... Transmutate paint job is pretty lousy in some places on the parts... almost pathetic.. Oh well, I guess the only way you can like these toys is by liking the show..
Those starwars tfs look gross...
The new face sculpt is supposed to be more show accurate. Primes face shield is rarelly down in bw. Most of the time Prime has the metal beard look. Megatron's head is gritting his teeth like in the old mold. I heard they are going to release a magnaboss resculpt with a golden disc. That sounds pretty weird considering it wasn't in the cg show. maybe it was in the hand drawn cartoon?
Someone might've posted this already.. But.. I guess this is the resculpted bwr- Megatron Optimus primal giftset. BWR-01? Whats with the golden disc? Does it have data or just a prop?
I was looking at some of my japanese beast wars boxes. They got points on the back. 2 for the deluxe. I still have a fortress maximus from when I was kid. 16 points on the box. I wonder where this point system started? Candy, baseball card points? I guess they found better gimmicks. Like the metal gear toys have a piece of metal gear. Marvel legends a piece of some larger figure like galactus or sentinel robot. The beast war annivesary toys have pieces of transmutate. That feels like the combiner gimmick that g1 trans had.
I remember transformers gi joe having toy points on the cards and boxes.. What were they good for? Could you buy some exlcusive item? How many points did it take to get stuff?
Thanks everyone, I do appreciate your suggestions. I'm gonna look into all of them.
I am a 3d animator working on large personal projects in the realm of sci fi and fantasy. I am looking for great concept art books. I like variety but specific subjects are cool. I liked the Macross design works and Alan Lee's LOTR sketchbook. I also enjoyed FF9 and Xenogears although I felt it to be lacking some. Since many people here share similar interests I was wondering if anyone could recommend some good concept art books. Approved or unanproved concepts, designs, sketches, even unfinished pieces.
Well, I don't read the novels, sorry. So Pappy had a master? What happend to Pappy's master? Who trained Pappy's master? Who made the Jedi? Who made the Sith? (dodges fruit)
Darth Siddious has force powers, right? Was he born with them or did he acquire them? A lightsaber is not considered a Jedi weapon? "Take your Jedi weapon, strike me down with all your hatred" "I saw your Laser sword, only Jedi carry that kind of weapon" Could Pappy once have been a Jedi? We see Siddious wielding Red Lightsaber. Siddious equals Palpatine right? Then you'll say, but Maul is not a Jedi and he had a lightsabre. That is true, but Maul is an apprentice. If his master was a Jedi, the apprentice would be trained in similar forms of combat. Anyways, to better explain one of my theories. What if Palpatine was a person lacking the force? What if he acquired the force from stolen midiclorians. Regular people can kill Jedi. Jango did it with ease. Why can't Pappy without force powers kill someone. It is a leap. But so is some of these other ideas. Don't get so offended jeez.
So Syfo Dias coud still possibly be Siddious. Siddious needed to have a companion go darkside with him. Only way to get that to happen is by faking his death. Other possible thing. Palpatine could be a person without force powers. He killed Syfo Dias and cloned Dias's midiclorians. Then transplanted the midiclorians into himself. Those politicians can't be trusted. Always wanting power.
So, Syfo Dyas is Darth Siddious? Siddious got his extreme force powers by cloning Midiclorians and transplanting them into himself. Which then lead to an imbalance in the force. Thus Anakin was conceived by Midiclorians to bring balance to the force. As Syfo Dyas, he has to fake his death and of course disguise himself from the other jedi.
Not really, because too much is lost in just one thread. Why do you care anyways? Sometimes I wonder the motivations of people who try to close threads. While we are on the topic of dumbing down an entire series into just one thread we might as well apply the same logic to Macross. One thread for all valkyrie toys. That would be a bad idea. There are too many different brands of valkyries. Just as there are too many transformers series. It is a bit of a disservice to the transformers fans when a particular line is dumbed down into just one thread. Then you would probably say, this is not a transformers forum it is a macross forum. Then I would point to the fact that this is called an Other Anime or Science fiction forum. What seperates macrossworld from other forums is the people. I would say that the collectors and toy enthusiasts that make up Macrossworld have a broader knowledge than the people of other fansites. MWers place all things under careful scrutiny before making the commitment of a purchase. Because of the higher caliber of macrossworld I would say it is a disservice to all mwers when trying to dumb a topic down into just one thread. The trans fans who are mild Macross enthusiasts will get frustrated and leave. A piece of the good community that makes up macrossworld is then lost. Ideas and oppinions are lost through these actions. A quote from John Donne to place things in perspective. "No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind...." I do not intend to highjack this thread. The discussion was on the trailer. Thank you. I will probably buy the trailer because it is better than cardboard and takara probably won't make a trailer now.
Is the current trailer die cast, plastic or what? For some odd reason, I am holding back purchasing the trailer because it isn't made by takara or hasbro... I wonder how the dimensions of this trailer compare to the cardboard trailer? Stupid of takara not to make a trailer, cause money can obviously be made. But now I am wondering, is takara going to make a proper trailer as well include accesories for inside the trailer?
Sometimes the right lighting can make a toy look like crap. Paint job looks sloppy. Supposed to be 5 inches tall from the rock base. That means yoda is like 2 inches tall, that really sucks. I don't think I want this now. It doesn't even look worthy of being included in a happy meal.
The cartoon show was pretty good. Consisting of 25 chapters that take place between episodes 2 and episodes 3. Each show builds on the last show, the last 6 chapters of the Clone Wars cartoon were exceptionally good. Yoda fighting an entire droid army and smashing spaceships together was fun to watch. Grievious's lightsabre abilities are just crazy, hands to feet with four arms, nuff said. The pacing of the show is pretty good you won't get bored easily. The animation is stylized which makes it a bit more exciting to watch than if it were super realistic. You can check out the DVD for chapters 1-20. There should be another DVD with the last 5 chapters soon. The last 5 chapters were about 15 minutes long whereas the earlier chapters were much shorter in length. Hopefully they'll make some more Clone Wars maquettes, I really do enjoy the style.
Yes, this is a stylized version of Yoda made for the clone wars. I will admit I didn't like the way they drew him, but it grew on me. Much the same way that the Simpsons style grew on me. Even though most people hated the Simpsons style with the yellow skin and overbite, it has generally been accepted by most audiences.
I was hoping some macrossworlders had the clone wars Yoda Maquette from gentle giant studios and would be willing to share thoughts on the statue or any other clone wars cartoon maquette. I like the cartoon version of yoda more than the live action version. My only concern is that it looks extremely small and is only 5 inches tall. It costs about $50 and most of the yoda maquette consists of a black rock that yoda is standing. Which would make the actuall size of yoda much smaller than 5 inches. I like statues to be reasonably big and for $50 this does not seem worth it. Could anyone post pics of the yoda maquette standing next to a 1/60 1/48 yamato or a 1/55 bandai for proporitional comparison? Any quality issues? Is it heavy plastic or light?
I was interested in the limited edition storm trooper gun and some other star wars items. I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on the quality of the items being sold by master replica? Weight, detail, do they have gimmicks like flashing lights?
The song that is playing during Kid's escape. I've looked a bunch of places and it is not on the animatrix cd. The song that starts playing when kid is jumping over a bunch of desks and flips out the window. What is that song and who is it by? Whatabout the piano that plays during the second renaisance part 1 at the beginning? Does this even exist as a seperate piece of music? Thanks..
Thanks a bunch all. I'm going to get a vf-1j for sure in the very near future. (probably in a few months) As my two favorite valks are the vf-1j and vf-1s. Unfortunatelly it'll have to take a backseat for a short period of time since avid dropped a bombshell on the cg community with the xsi price drop. Anyways thanks a lot for the helpful insight, a vf-1j will soon be within reach shortly. But some thinks take precedence over other things as I'm sure all will understand.
Really? I honestly did not notice. Well, I guess you managed to prove your first point, gee I feel stupid now.
I was considering buying a 1J but I've heard unspecific negative things about the 1/48 1J line and now I have to ask before I buy. What is wrong with the 1J line versus the other 1/48 lines? I got my 1S Hikaru and to my supprise the air brake on top of the valk fell off and I never heard of anyone complain about the airbreak. Now I have concerns, even though the air break was quite a shocker. I still like the 1/48 line enough to buy another 1/48 though there is the looming possiblity of having a valk with a loose air brake. I would like to have some idea of what to expect if I buy 1J. So I don't post a thread complaining about some common issue with the 1J. Also, so I don't post another thread asking about the packs, any information I should know about fast pack kits for the 1/48 would be nice as well. Thanks