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Wicked Ace

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Everything posted by Wicked Ace

  1. Neglected to contribute to my own thread. I still need to apply decals.
  2. I've seen a few members make mention of little personalized touches they've made to their CFs, in more than one thread. I figured one thread to see what everyone has done, whether it be as little as personalized numbers or as big as battle damage, would be interesting. Let's see those pics.
  3. A quick fix might be to take a Scotch-Brite pad and and gently buff the sheild just enough to take the shine off.
  4. Instead of breaking out the oil wash, I used a pen from the local art supply store -- the Pigma Micron 005. This thing bleeds, so using it is kind of a localized oil wash. I'm not sure if it will fade, like the gray Gundam markers do.
  5. Not quite Godzilla's collection of CFs, but it's the best I can do.
  6. I'd like to see the Roy, with the yellow "heat sheild," outfitted with strike armor, with hands raised.
  7. Now that my (first) CF has arrived, I can trully see how crap-tastic the box art is. Good thing is that I'm used to going out with unattractive women, so I'm used to saying, "It's what's on the inside that counts." Luckily, my CF did come equipped with a "heat sheild," and hey, no crooked skulls to worry about. Although, I do think the "mass produciton type" label on the box is indicative of the level of quality control put forth by Yamato on this one.
  8. Funny, but I think some boxes in the design of the Macross "Gold Book" would look awesome (especially for those that don't take their toys out of the boxes). Just to be clear, I'm not saying I'd pay an extra $100. . . well, maybe if Yamato gave the 1/48s the light up eye (or head as the case may be). Just kidding about the light, BTW.
  9. From watching both the Macross TV series and DYRL, I got the impression that Max was a "genius", because he was a quick learner. That being said, I didn't get the impression that Max was a better pilot than Hikaru or Roy. Being a prodigy or a "genius" simply means learning more quickly than others, but the ability to learn quickly doesn't usually win out over experience. However, there's something to be said for rookie sensations. Max's skill tempered by his humility makes him one of my favorite characters. I hope this makes sense.
  10. Well, at least you have sold a couple of kits to others on here. . . who still have them in the original wrapped box. However, I am working on a model kit -- really I am.
  11. Simply awesome. I really like the painting technique. I will be builing my own Regult, soon hopefully, and I hope I can do half as good a job as you.
  12. If you haven't already ordered, you might want to get some opinions from other members who own "Masterpiece" pieces.
  13. Actually, you don't have to remove the gunpod.
  14. Yeah, Haterist, that is cool. You know you're losing a war when your putting pilots like Kakizaki in a -1S to lead -- Skull squadron would have to be renamed F Troop.
  15. I need to make a trip to IKEA. Those display cases are cool -- that, and I'm tired of company spilling coffee on my valkyries. And, yes, that is an IKEA coffee table ($19.99 ).
  16. I hope this is not all a big tease. I've placed bids on a couple of -1As, because I was going to break down and make my own CF -- I've waited patiently for Yamato to do so long enough. Now, I'm glad I lost the auctions (I think).
  17. In addition, I'd like to thank Hayao Kaikzaki (or the four squares, on my screen) and everyone else that's done a CF custom. I hope Yamato really does this one, because I have the wallet ready.
  18. Hey, no problem. BTW, using the Southern Cross and Mospeada names for the pieces will be a lot more tolerable to other members (and Harmony Gold's lawyers).
  19. Welcome to Macrossworld. Just to stick my nose in, I believe some of the cautioning against the Robotech (besides the usual Macrossworld loathing of it)stuff is that no one will "make" a kit with anything that Harmony Gold has a license to, because they will get sued. As far as Macross stuff, well there's much debate on how much of a hold Harmony Gold has on things that are MACROSS. Hope this helps.
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