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Wicked Ace

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Everything posted by Wicked Ace

  1. Depending on the cost, I'd be interested in at least one set. Can you give us a rough estimate as to how much money this will cost?
  2. That looks really nice!
  3. The fact that there's so much Macross stuff available for fans like me makes me angry.
  4. This thread has what you want.Pics here
  5. I was asking the same thing in another thread wondering if the fastpack weapons can load directly to the GBP booster packs. I guess that photo confirms it. 359538[/snapback] Actually, the fast pack weapons cannot load to the GBP booster pack. There's a considerable size difference between the GBP booster and fast pack booster. Sorry, I didn't mean to cause confusion; I originally thought there was a clearance issue with the large fast pack booster and the GBP shoulder-mounted hardware.
  6. I was wondering if this would work. I'll let somebody else post a double strike cannon pic.
  7. I hope Devin will offer some choices; picking the right girl is important. Right now, there's one who comes to mind.
  8. I think I prefer this one to the weathered one you did.
  9. Looks pretty good; I may need to do this to one of mine.
  10. Despite my lack of picture taking and Photoshop skills, these didn't come out too bad.
  11. Dude, each of those has its own thread, chock full-o-pics. It's really too bad, because I could have snapped a few shots of these with the pile of dishes in my sink.
  12. I need to find 1/48 scale brooms so that I can get some help cleaning up.
  13. It would save me lots of time/hassle to have you do my projects.
  14. that is what i am looking forward to 356125[/snapback] Me too.
  15. I'll buy that for a dollar! Looks sweet.
  16. Others have said it too -- I really dig the Ferris scheme. Nice job!
  17. I don't have the GBP yet, so strike parts will have to do for now.
  18. Back in 1997, I'd have been grateful to find that Four Star deal just for the VF-1S head (and unbroken lasers).
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