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Wicked Ace

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Everything posted by Wicked Ace

  1. Step-by-step? Um, this is going to be a really interesting thread.
  2. I often frequent the Toys section of MacrossWorld, and I've noticed lots of new Toy offerings based on the original Macross TV series, the DYRL movie, and subsequent OVAs. It seems Macross is still profitable (merchandise wise), so why isn't there a continuation of the series? If there were a continuation that takes up around the 2012 time period, then there would be an already loyal Macross fanbase and the potential for a whole new generation of consumers, I mean fans, to appeal to. I admit that I don't know how profitable (or unprofitable) the Macross Zero OVA endeavor was, but I'd like to think there's enough original story ideas left, not to mention some awesome animation techniques, to make a really great new series, or movie, or OVA. Of course from the perspective of anime fans (and consumers), I'm not sure if Macross can, for lack of a better phrasing, stand up to the current animated series offerings. I wonder if the time is right for an all-out revival of Macross.
  3. I hope you're right, and I hope Yamato goes with the DYRL correct (aqua-green) Kakizaki color scheme. Oh, I also agree with member recon this next Max release should be the VF-1S.
  4. All of them appear to be the -1A version.
  5. How are you going to do the animation error head? I'll try to rephrase my question in Robotech speak; how have you (or will you) get the two additional lasers on the Battloid's head? 417607[/snapback] say wha? roblowtech can take its whack YF-1R and head laser crap an' shove'em where the sun don't shine i was just using that as an example since Toynami painted it wrong (game version had red markings/"eye" where the toy went white), i won't even buy anything (figure wise, since the gameing market is slim for Macross) marked roblowtech mind you, Yamato all the way! (i'm still on a boycott agianst Harmony gold... sry, but i just can't stand money grubbers that won't even work a better deal than redesigns of the 80's versions, i'm also agians Fu*&imation (DBZ/ FMA) for stuff they cast upon the fans when Budokai was getting released, so i'll import my stuff for these from Japanese companies and pay that extra to them willingly) i intend to do the 1A you start out with in beginning of the game. so it was an animation error? i was wondering where the hell they got that screenshot they show on their website and honestly, looking at that pic there i didn't even realize how close it even came to the 1A's head... lol, a 1A mixed with a 1J.. interesting... 417610[/snapback] I believe I was confused as to the nature of your project. I didn't realize the "Jack Archer" had a "Veritech" besides the "YF-1R" (based on an animation error in the original Macross TV series). So, if this "Archer" character starts off in the video game with a VF-1A, how is it different from Yamato's 1/60 CF? I actually own "Robotech Battlecry" but somehow can't remember much about it.
  6. I never thought of this. I'm not sure how camoflage would look in the different lighting environments encountered off the planet Earth. Such a paint scheme might be visually confusing to the enemy in certain off-Earth environments. This visual confusion idea was behind the Ferris schemes tested on conventional fighter planes (I'll let Macrossworld's own fighter plane expert, David Hingtgen, elaborate on this point). Also, in the Macross reality, I'm sure Valkyries (and pilots) were spread pretty thin, so available equipment and people were probably deployed pretty quickly where needed -- no time to do an unnecessary repaint for space combat, especially since this is a "cannon fodder" VF-1A that probably won't make it back.
  7. It's sort of like the TV Hikaru trainer -- nice. Now, paint those legs to match!
  8. How are you going to do the animation error head? I'll try to rephrase my question in Robotech speak; how have you (or will you) get the two additional lasers on the Battloid's head?
  9. I wonder which Moderator will grab this first as their title (under the avatar). If none of the powers that be want it, I'd like it -- thank you.
  10. I'll make jokes; can I be your friend? If so, I'd like a "1/48 fast packed valk."
  11. The cockpit control panel on my 1/48 CF was glued in crooked. Can I get batty? 416238[/snapback] Yes, or you could just snap it off and re-glue. Had to do that on my CF so the friggin canopy (which is too wide and too foggy... boo hoo) would close all the way. 416241[/snapback] I just repositioned the pilot so he sits with a gansta lean; the crooked panel is a necessary compromise to make room to fit the jin and juice jug. Also the later issue Valkyries with the curved headrests are desirable so Snoop's braids fit. Foggy canopy? If Snoop is flying, well come on.
  12. Wicked Ace


    This is what regular people invest in. If you're redneck you invest elsewhere -- NASCAR commemorative plates!
  13. A weathering technique I am fond of.
  14. I like the "weathering" on the Koenig Monster.
  15. The Yamato 1/60 scale VF-1S head is an accurate DYRL rendition.
  16. I'll take a pic when I can get the -1A, -1J, -1S, and -0S together.
  17. Since you already have a CF, you could put some custom touches on it (like ghostryder did). I've attached a couple of pics of one of mine.
  18. I thought I was the only one who posts in these forums using my real name.
  19. I'll chime in with my tired old wish for a two-seater, low visibility color scheme.
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