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Wicked Ace

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Everything posted by Wicked Ace

  1. That's just great -- no upside down Matrix-like kick poses. Yamato has been going downhill ever since the company quit giving us the chewy gummy candy pilots that came with the 1/48 scale Hikaru -1S. However, I did get sick after eating a few.
  2. Careful! Someone may take your statement seriously.
  3. Well then, I suppose I'll revise my complaints to address the UN-OFFICIAL-NESS of my straight skull Valkyries! Doesn't look like Yamato is going to win -- does it?
  4. I disagree. The paint chips from the different schemes taste very different from one another.
  5. I was considering buying the re-issue -1A Max, but the crooked skull thing was in the back of my mind. Sure, I can (and have) fixed crooked skulls, but the point is I shouldn't have to. My original issue Max and low-visibility have straight skulls -- why can't the new releases have them, too?
  6. Fold booster and/or display stand has to go somewhere.
  7. Arsehole? Yet another never-before-offered feature! First news of the fold booster and now this!
  8. Wicked Ace

    1/48 GBP

    Ah. I don't know about you, but I'm still trying to decide if I'm: 1.) trying to prove a point; 2.) draw attention to myself; or 3.) trying to pad my post count.
  9. Wicked Ace

    1/48 GBP

    Since we're both quoted (sort of) are you referring just to A7 or both of us?
  10. Since I've liked all the speculation in this thread so far, this is definitely good news.
  11. Wicked Ace

    1/48 GBP

    Damn that's a cool paint scheme!
  12. Great. . . a Ghost for $200 (U.S.) with free VF-0.
  13. Wicked Ace

    Graham's Sig

    It would be interesting to rehash some of those threads to see who those of little faith were. This message from the 20th Anniverary DVD always gave me hope:
  14. Devin, best of luck with the PhD and your other endeavors. Having just gone through the ordeal of taking the Bar Exam, I know a little about having to sacrifice Macross time for real life. Thanks again for the great VF-0 Sundowners decals.
  15. I had the Max version of one of these as a kid. If anyone has one of these still in the box (or knows where I can get one), with gunpod, please PM me.
  16. There's just something wrong about "sobering" used to describe anything associated with Roy. Anyway, nice work, Kurt -- makes me want pineapple juice and Vodka.
  17. I feel like such a geek being excited about this!
  18. Yeah, you're getting your money's worth size wise. Attached is a pic of a 1/48 scale VF-1 next to the 1/60 scale VF-0.
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