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Wicked Ace

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Everything posted by Wicked Ace

  1. Hopefully anyone who has issues with their YF-19 finds their way to this thread. My issue is with the landing gear. MW member Hayao Kakizaki posted a couple of pics of the problem and fix (see page 11 of Graham's review thread), but here's a step-by-step for those who are put off by tearing into their new, expensive toy. The good news is that fixiing this annoyance is not difficult. The problem:
  2. Especially since the Toynami 1/100 scale Valkyrie thread is on PAGE ONE of the Toys forum -- not much search function type investigation needed.
  3. The rear landing gear is supposed to be canted outward, like the VF-0's. See Page 11 of this thread (Hayao Kakizaki's fix).
  4. Ditto. The landing gear is the most bothersome thing for me, too. I will say that if anyone is concerned about this thing being fragile -- don't be. My YF-19 has survived no less than three NASTY falls, and nothing broke. Also, Graham's video transformation guide was worth alot.
  5. Wicked Ace

    Graham's Sig

    Not if you knew ninjas hired by Yamato would kill you and your family for your actions. Apologies to Graham if this hits too close to home.
  6. Future can be brushed on, as it is self-correcting. It's pretty hard to screw up with Future; however, for those that don't know, sealing your panel lines with Future will give you project a glossy finish.
  7. Looks good. Raised skull and crossbones could use some sanding down for the Blue Roses sake. Are the fast pack pieces detachable?
  8. I'd love to read an in-depth review of these. If the write-up starts to take too much time due to writer's block, I humbly offer the phrases "glorified Banpresto," "crap-tastic wonder," "looks almost as good as 10 lbs. of dog crap in a 5 lb. bag," as well as "display stand works as well as Paris Hilton holding Rosanne Barr up with one hand."
  9. I told myself that I was not going to watch any of the transformation videos, yet. Before my morning coffee, I made the mistake of clicking on the Fighter-to-Battroid link. First of all, I didn't know Graham spoke with a British accent, and second, I didn't know the sound "quality" was so good -- other people in my office wondered what the hell I was watching. Anyway, after hearing the creaking of the plastic I am really wanting my pre-orderd -19 to come. Of course hearing the details of the -19 described with a British accent reminded me of the TV show "Top Gear" where exotic cars sound much more exotic when described with such an accent to people, like me, who live in the U.S. Anyway, Ferrari and things with "al_lu_min_i_um (phoenetic) "shas-ees" be damned -- I want my YF-19.
  10. The TV Hikaru -1J gets pretty close.
  11. Actually, one could argue the camo would be effective in space battles taking place in close proximity to Zentraedi war ships. "Bodolza Buster Camo" is kind of catchy. edit: please do post some pictures with a neutral background, so we can drool over the details.
  12. Maybe this should be a dedicated "what's wrong with my VF-0" thread. The big "what's wrong with my _____" thread is a little overwhelming.
  13. That Valkyrie is stunning. I really dig the camo scheme which runs over onto the fast pack armor -- though this type of camo is of little use in space (the only place where the fast packs are used). This is one to be proud of -- congrats.
  14. Hey! You people who are the first on your block to have the 1/60 scale YF-19 -- come on.
  15. I like the fast pack color choice with the snow white scheme.
  16. Are these stickers or water slide decals?
  17. Some of us have been lazy (and/or overworked).
  18. Do you have pictures to share of the final result?
  19. If the Valkyrie is modified to look different from how it left the Yamato factory, then it's a custom. My humble suggestion is to take a series of pictures, detailing what you've done along the way. Close-up pictures would be nice, if you'd care to share.
  20. Plastic Surgery made by Surehold is what I'd recommend. It is sold at Autozone. Was the shoulder binding before it broke, or did it snap without warning?
  21. Would you please post pictures of where the breakage occurred on the VF-0A? Maybe a few of us can brainstorm on a fix.
  22. Wicked Ace

    Graham's Sig

    Perhaps we can narrow down the choices to roughly eight options? Graham's is the ninth post. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=20893
  23. It's the only way to prove one has the official limited edition.
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