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Wicked Ace

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Everything posted by Wicked Ace

  1. This thread is out of control! No flying kicks here.
  2. A bar graph would be nice to see "who's in the lead." Of course making a graph of the results (which keeps track of updates) is probably a pain in the @ss, so perhaps someone can help out kensei -- might be nice for Graham to go into a meeting with Yamato people armed with such a graph, showing how much of a chunk Macrossworld consumes (and how much influence Macrossworld should have on Yamato's offerings).
  3. Speaking of missing anything, I left out a YF-19 on the survey.
  4. The 1/60 scale VF-1 or 1/72 scale Valkyries don't count?
  5. If anyone has pictures of the floppy wing fix, please post them in this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=21130
  6. Wicked Ace

    Please Read

    Who wants to bet money that the second release has at least one crooked skull on it?
  7. They are not as obviously out-of-proportion as the 1/72 scale VF-11.
  8. What fun with banning this member be? On a side note, I didn't know Agent One got banned.
  9. Your pictures remind me of how my apartment in college looked. I had toys all over the kitchen counter and dining table. BTW, nice pose on the 1/48 DYRL Roy, but the TF Mustang ("Wheeljack") is ugly.
  10. I am a poor man. Of couse the contour of the VF-0 fast pack is wrong for the YF-19, but those playing at home can let the magnets do their job and get some idea if they are going to spend the $ for the YF-19 fast pack/fold booster setup.
  11. Here's an idea of what (if anything) a couple of slabs of plastic do for the battroid:
  12. This is good news for those of us that have done the outward splayed mod.
  13. I keep telling my girlfriends the same thing.
  14. You ain't lying! I've been out of control lately. I need help. . . somebody have the number for Valkaholics Anonymous?
  15. Yes, the part to modify is plastic. Remember, it's best to take off material a small slice at a time. Also, I don't know if the "official" lineart shows the landing gear struts canting outwards or inwards; however, it's apparent Yamato was going for the outward cant.
  16. This picture of (master) wm cheng's Hasegawa YF-19 model is interesting -- inward canted landing gear struts.
  17. It's not Roy Focker traveling to the future -- the pilot is his grandson, Gaylord Focker. I've spent way too many hours playing with the YF-19. I'm in the "I wonder if this would work. . . " phase of new toy fever.
  18. One less thing to complain about is the 1/60 scale VF-0 pilot can pilot the YF-19.
  19. Now, the strut can lean out properly. I feel better about my YF-19 now -- check out the before-and-after pictures.
  20. This is the part that requires modification. To put it simply, Yamato did not make the rectangle big enough to allow the strut to lean out to the side. To fix this, make the rectangle bigger -- taking material off, using an exact-o knife, a little at a time. The second picutre shows one half of the part in question with material removed compared to the other half as it came from Yamato. Note, if you find that you took off too much (the landing gear leans too far over), don't worry, because the wheel axle will make contact with the landing gear door, preventing too much outward movement.
  21. After removing the landing gear bay from the lower leg, the two screws holding the bay together can now be accessed. The part requiring the modification is simply sandwiched around the landing gear strut and can be separated by an exact-o knife fairly easily, as there is no glue to fight with.
  22. Tear-down: three screws hold the lower leg together. Note: be careful when separating the lower leg halves as there is a peg just forward of the vertical stabilizer (or tail) that can be broken off if you try to rip the halves apart at an angle.
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